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Posts posted by katie0482

  1. Hi,

    My name is Katie and I just had plication surgery 08/16/2012. I am feeling a little discouraged, I have gained 3 pounds since the surgery! I am hoping that it is because I am bloated from the surgery, any thoughts on that would be good! I was also wondering how long people were in pain after the surgery. I am still pretty uncomfortable and very sore. I realize I just had a major surgery but for some reason I was not expecting this much pain! I notice today too that my ankles are a little swollen, has anyone else had this problem?

    I would love to hear how everyone was doing a week after surgery so I can try and figure out if what I am dealing with is normal. Like I said I am feeling a little discouraged and I hope by speaking with others who have had this surgery it may make me feel a little better!


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