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Posts posted by BigD

  1. Hi guys I have been obese most of my life (31 now) I have been looking into getting the vsg surgery but I am wondering if I will get approved. I'm 5'5 and about 315 so my BMI is in the 50's now usually to qualify you need to have him over 30, hypertension, or diabetes, or heart disease or problems. Here's the thing I'm over weigh but have no medical problems. There's history of hypertension and diabetes in my family but I have never had any of those problems except for bad back knees and plantar probs. even though I have no major health problems except for being big will I be allowed to get the vsg surgery ?

  2. Hi guys I have been obese most of my life (31 now) I have been looking into getting the vsg surgery but I am wondering if I will get approved. I'm 5'5 and about 315 so my BMI is in the 50's now usually to qualify you need to have him over 30, hypertension, or diabetes, or heart disease or problems. Here's the thing I'm over weigh but have no medical problems. There's history of hypertension and diabetes in my family but I have never had any of those pr

  3. Thank you for the info. Do you have the link to that site so I can check them out? I week away! how do you feel ready for a new begining? I wish you the best on your journey.

    I tried the medical financing options and was turned down quite rapidly. I financed everything through One Main Financial. Didn't need anything down. No collateral. Totally unsecured. My name only. No cosigner. I dont have great credit either. And no penalty for paying off early. Drawback is probably highest interest rate allowable by law. I applied online and I got approval within a couple of hours. I then went in, took copies of my pay stub, signed the necessary paperwork, and walked out with a check in hand...Just like that!...Just a little tidbit, lenders approval requirements sometimes change month to month...Evidently the requirements were slack when i got mine, thank goodness!

  4. Hello Im new here and I am considering VSG or Plication. I have never heard of the Plication until I started researching the Lap Band (which I almost decided on) but I was concerned with having the band and port inside me and haveing to get fills, possible slipping. I contacted OCC for information on plication and after speaking with Carolyn she mentioned that I may want to do VSG instead of Plication. Now after almost making my mind up for Plication I am stuck between the 2. VSG or Plication. I have always had a bigger build from playing sports but my bmi is high due to my weight to height ratio. Im 5'5 and weigh 314 lb. What are some of your reasons for choosing one over the other and have any of you went the financing route? How did it all work out and which lender did you use? Im just trying to weigh the options before making my final decision, mixture of nerves, confusion, just ready to make a change.

    Thanks for any info

  5. for me it was like ripping a band aid off. I didn't know what I was feeling was my drain. I was a little uncomfortable but I thought it was just from surgery and gas pains...etc all that went with surgery. They removed the drain on exhale you just take a few deep breaths in and out...while they remove it. I didn't feel a thing at all I asked so they showed it to me. (that is just me) And at that point in time the nurse knew I wasn't going to pass out but everything else I watched and was fine. For me it felt SOOOO GOOD once it came out. Sorta like after you remove the band aid feeling. They use a JP drain. You can google it if you would like to learn more about it. I wish I had a safety pin to help attach the drain bulb thing to my clothes. When I went it was cold so I just wore my sweatshirt and put it in my pocket. (everyone I was with laughed at me and then said they wish they thought of that)

    Hi am am new here and trying to decide between plication and vsg. I am have a question about the drian. How much longer did you need to stay in mexico in order for them to remove the drain ?

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