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Posts posted by Bandiva

  1. Good for you! I had a consult with Dr. Mendez and really liked his manner. I am hoping to have this done for Februaryish...lol. That's a word right? I am wanting to lose about 15 pounds first. Glad you had a great experience. I too was really hesitant with the other guy I saw at the other clinic. I am looking forward to getting more info. Have a fantastic holiday season!

  2. I had a similar problem. I went on liquids for about 3 weeks and drank the maalox. Everything healed, swelling went down and I was fine. For me, I had been overeating and drinking pop and then my pouch stretched and had a muffin top effect that made things come back up. All is good now. Just do whatever he says and you should be fine...and chew...lol. Best Wishes.

  3. Hotel is great. No different than american or canadian Marriot's. Staff very helpful. Food very reasonable priced. Will stay there again. My husband and I have both been banded. I have done hours and hours of research and I wouldn't go anywhere but OCC. Good luck with your decision, I just wanted you to know that I have no regrets and would highly recommend OCC. Excellent care, excellent after care.

  4. Ya, it is amazing how being accountable to our cyber friends can motivate us. I weighed myself today and had a loss...glad to see that! It was very motivating. Hubby is on full fluids now and the hunger has set in. He is very restless. I have noticed how self indulgent I have become when it comes to eating things that have no nutritional value. I am smarter than that so I don't understand why I continue to make the same mistakes day after day. I am really analyzing what I am eating now, that seems to help in building back up my confidence. I have never been a person who could write down everything I eat...it just makes my want more! lol.

  5. This is all very encouraging. Thank you. The funnel effect is when they are watching on the screen and you drink the 'milkshake' and it form a funnel shape and then goes down through the band slowly and does not gurgle back up at all.

    I did really good day before yesterday but not so good yesterday. I think I have to give up sugar completely. Check that I KNOW I have to give up sugar. It is my trigger to graze. Dr Ortiz says as long as I go back to 3 meals a day and a couple healthy snacks if I need them I will be ok.

    I am off to the gymm now! Have a great day everyone!

  6. I have gained about 18 pounds over the last year. I have had some trouble with my band but most of it has been emotional eating and lack of disipline. I am back on track, day two. I am posting this here because I find when I need help this is the place to come to. Went to OCC last week and they looked at my band and said everything was perfect. I have .6 in my 4 cc band but do have the 'funnel' effect, so all is well, I just need to do my part. In the past I have had my band up to 2.5 or so, but found 2.2 was really great for losing, but I did have some symptoms. This way I have minimal restriction and have to depend on my habits and lifestyle more. My husband was banded on Oct 15. I think that will help as well as there will be better food choices in the house and less eating out. Here goes!!

  7. To follow up on what i said earlier, I had fat from my stomach put in my face and was not happy with the results. Very uneven and did not do the area I was most concerned about. Didnt find the patient area in the back clean...at all...bugs in lights etc. Had botox to forehead, worked great but only lasted 1 and 1/2 months. I contacted Joyce and told her about it and about a problem I had at the border. She had me send a letter about the border but I never heard back about the other issues. I was really disappointed. Oh well, I guess.

  8. Honestly the last week has been horrible. First 7 or 8 days wasnt hungry. Then started on Yogurt and full liquids and had 3 days of very upset tummy and a few days of moderate hunger. last week has been horrible. i hear ya when it comes to protein shakes and creamy soup not cutting it. I work an oilfield joba nd have been out of town the last week to boot and have had a hard time. Ive been trying fruit smoothies and milkshakes and they havent helped either. Tomorrow is day 21 post op for me and i am looking forward to smaller portions of real food

    You are doing great Dwayne! Keep on going, it is worth it! Congrats!

  9. Hi. Sounds like you are really scared of giving up the food you love but also that you are scared of the changes that will come with getting more restriction. I guess maybe you are at your comfort level and don't want to push yourself to the next stage. I don't know if that makes sense. My only advice is to consider your health. That is what is important long term. If you are still needing to loose about 70 pounds that is hard on your body. You owe it to yourself to be the best you can be physically and mentally. If you get a fill and you are too tight, you get a little taken out. No huge deal there. You can do this, let the band do its job. We will be here for you cheering you on!

  10. If you go to a running store they carry something called ezglide or something like that. I believe it is silicone base. I use it for my skin that comes out of the side of my bra and rubs on my arms. I carry a hyration belt (also at running store) around my waist. You can get ones that hold 4 little bottles. I like it for the hydration but even more I like it for helping to support the exess skin.

    Runners World and Running Room have good online tips but for hydration I would suggest be really really hydrated the day before a run. Sometimes swooshing sugar free gatorade and spitting it out helps me when I am thirsty but full. Hope that helps. I have done a ultra marathon (about 40 miles) and a half marathon. I am training for another race right now. I alternate power walking with running...about 14 minute miles. It feels great, but remember when you step up the training the hunger steps up to so it is smart to have a plan. Sounds like you do! Yay!

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