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Posts posted by Kecia

  1. Hi, before I had my surgery and went on liquids, I decided to take the word DIET out of my vocabulary. I have made a lifestyle change. It may sound silly to some, but it works for me. Try to keep a positive attitude, and try not to worry about the surgery. It really is a breeze. Good luck. bbuck

    Sorry old habits die hard, I do feel like I am making a lifestly change it's just that you get used to the word "diet" and it just pops out. :) Trust me I have been on my fair share over the years.

    I can't wait, but I do feel like I'm getting more nervous as it gets closer to my appointment. Did you have any problems with pain after? I have never had any type of surgery except pulling all 4 wisdom teeth when I was 18! I guess the next would be having my 3 children, but that was not surgery and was many years ago. I feel like I'm a whimp, even thogh I have been told I have a higher tollerance for pain. I also have not traveled by air since I was 18, I hope my fat but can fit in the seat!

  2. Keica,

    It sure seems they wouldn't allow anyone but the best to proctor. I need to get a copy of those to two letters to show my Mother and best friend. I wonder if I could contact Dr. Ortiz's office to get them. :-? I am strong enough to do this even if my close family or friends don't support my decision, but it would be nice to have their support. Will your husband be going with you for your surgery? What are your plans for post op care/fills? Man, you only have 10 days to wait! I bet you are excited. May everything go perfectly! Let us know how it goes.


    I would contact Carolyn at the office and ask her to send them to you or whomever your patient care coordinator is. If you do not get the info, send me your email and I will send them to you.

    My husband is going to go with me for the surgery, we have not discussed the fills yet. My mom would have liked to go with for her peace of mind, but maybe on the first fill. I wanted to have someone there who was going to support me 100% and felt that was the most important thing. She has a habit of saying the wrong things even though she means well, all of her ill comments come from her being concerned about me I know. I don't want to be stressed about it is just when I speak to her I feel like I have to be on the defensive at times, so I know where you are comming from.

    I do plan to go for at least the first fill or two to the OCC, but I was told there were places around the US called "Fill Centers USA." There is one close to me in Albuquerque, but we may be moving (again) soon because of my husbands work. They charge I believe $300 for the first fill and $155 for those there after, they also do the barrium with the fill. Taking into consideration the airfare and transportation to the center I believe it will equal out in the long run. If I do not feel comfortable with the fill center in Albuquerque I will go back to the OCC, I won't want to mess up a good thing! I was also told that Dr. Ortiz was associated with the Fill Centers USA, if I'm wrong someone please let me know.

    I am excited and a bit stressed, only because my monthly seems to make me gain each month, I eventually loose it but that has held up my weight loss. I have 7 more pounds to go before the surgery and hope I can get that off in 11 days! I guess I just need to do the total liquid thing and omit the one Lean cuisine a day. The Cappuccino Delight Optima Slim Fasts are not half bad, like them better than the chocolate and feel like I'm not missing my morning coffee (as much).

    I guess I also need to be worried about the weather here and hopes it clears up, the airport has been shut down. I'm sure it will clear, I just hope we do not have another storm move through.

    I guess I'm more nervous than I thought, mostly because tomorrow I have to leave to go back to Kansas for a Dr. appt for my son. I'll just have to pack my slimfast in an ice chest and take it with us, it's just a 12 hour drive one way (in good weather) and we will be gone for 4-5 days with three children in the vehicle...Yea! I wish I had the option of putting his appointment off until after the surgery but packing clear liquids would be even harder than Slim Fast & we have already moved his appointment back once because of the weather. Hope all goes well for you and let me know if you get that documentation. Sorry, I'm just rambeling now. Take care.

  3. I know what you mean, my mom has her RN,BSN and has given me some flack and wanting me to have the proceedure in the US. Even if I could afford to have it done in the United States (as I am self pay), I would still choose to have Dr. Ortiz do the proceedure.

    Carolyn from the office sent me a letter from the manufacturer of the lap band explaining just how qualified they believe Dr. Ortiz is and they only choose the highest in the field to be a proctor. She also had a testimonial from a gal whose job it is to rate medical facilities here in the US and she felt they had top notch facilities (this was from her own experience). I agree, I have done research myself the past year and a half... I have heard nothing but the highest praises for him.

    I can not tell you about my own personal experience with him as I will not be banded until the 11th of January, but I can hardly wait!

    The Mexico thing seems to be everyone's major concern in my family too, with the exception of my husband. Good luck with your banding, I feel I have made the right choice for myself. My mom wants me to ask them the infection rate, but I have not heard one thing negative on this forum or the Obesityhelp.com forum either about him. I believe Inamed would not have someone on their teaching/proctoring staff if they did not believe him to be the best. God Bless.

  4. I will just miss you there @ the OCC, I'm flying in the 9th and being banded the 11th. Good luck on yours, I'm really excited! When I talked with Miranda she stated the same diet that was outlined on the paper work we had to fax back. She told me either 3 Slim Fast shakes (or something similar) a day or 2 shakes and a Lean Cuisine in the eve. I had been doing the Adkins thing and tomorrow I will start the pre op diet, just to make sure I loose my suggested weight before I am banded. Again good luck and God Bless!

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