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Posts posted by cyndyc

  1. Theresa,

    Congrats on your surgery:)

    As for the pain you are feeling...yes it's normal. It's worse for some than others. As I understand it, it's from the air or "whatever" they put in our abdomen to expand it during surgery. There is a nerve that is connected to the shoulder/upper

    chest area and that is why it hurts. It should only last a couple of days and it does get better. Call your family doctor, if you

    told them you were having this surgery, I'm sure they will prescribe a couple more days worth of pills. Also, a heating pad

    really helped me. (or a warm bath). You may have to take a couple of days off, if you're like me and the pills make you sleepy.

    It doesn't last long. Hang in there:)


    uote name='momyto2' date='Apr 25 2007, 08:01 PM' post='11211']


    Just got back this afternoon. Got banded on Monday. It was a great experience. Everything went like clockwork. My incision sites are a bit sore, but this pain in my upper body (assuming it's gas pain) is killing me. I've taken Gas X strips, I've walked and walked and walked, I tried the heat pad this afternoon, my hubby even tried massaging it. The only thing that helps are the little disolvable pain pills they gave on discharge. The problem is I only have one of those little pills left and I'm going back to work tomorrow. Please tell me this pain will go away soon. It is a sharp stabbing pain up in my shoulders. It feels like a knife is just sitting in there. Also... is there anything else I can take that will help?? I was thinking of trying to find some liquid tylenol, but thought I would seek your advise first.

    I'm completely happy with my surgery!!! I just need a little help with this post op pain. I didn't get any sleep last night at the Lucerna and am hoping to try and get some rest tonight since I'm home.

    Thanks for any thoughts or insight!! I really appreciate it.....

    ps. How long does this pain last?? What is "normal"???

    Theresa :-)

  2. Hi Nanny,

    I thought I was only one "naive" enough to do this....How are you doing??? I asked Lori a bit more about this....I started eating some foods too at day 15 and now I'm scared because I wasn't having any pain and now I am. I hope we'll be ok....lets "stop it" together and get back on track!! Take care,



    Help ... I was faithful to liquids for the first week.. second week started to pick at solid food items... I did PB 2 times... I feel lilke everything is ok with my band.. Because I have no pain and it only happened when I was cheating and eating tooo fast.. If I chew real slow and not alot it pretty much goes down ok... I have cheated the last 5 days... I do really well in the morning with liquids then by mid evening I can't stop from putting something solid in my mouth.. I am started my 3rd week and am trying to stay on creamy liquids.. Has anyone cheated like this..?? I have lost 10 pounds since surgery ... But I am HUNGRY.. I am not able to have my first fill till May 12th and just a little nervous if I did any damage to my band since I did PB 2 times..

    Kinda Nervous...


  3. Hi Lori,

    ]I was just looking for someone to ask about this same issue. I made it to day 15 and tried some "real" food. I had no troubles and before I knew it I was eating foods everyday. How can you tell if your band has slipped? If you feel pain from it, where would it be? I am going to "stop it" today, although, I'm on day 20 now. I'm worried because I bent over the other day to pick something up and felt pain in my port area. It kind of felt like it rubbed inside and now it hurts like a bruised feeling. Is it possilbe this is connected to my eating before I was suppose to?? Is the first 3 week liquid phase to let the stitches heal that hold the band in place? No one real explained this to me and I wish they did, I think the fear of knowledge would have kept me in check. All I was given/told was to follow this diet. No explantion about why or what could happen.

    I am really worried. Thanks for your response.


    :unsure: [/color]

    STOP IT!

    follow the post-op diet guidelines or you risk slipping your band!!

    again... STOP IT!!! its not worth the risk! ok... I guess you guys can call me MOM now :) just do it because I said so!

  4. I am scheduled for surgery on March 8th... I will be arrivin on March 7th, early morning... I can't wait to have this done... I'm sure I will be meeting Hopeful there, perhaps we can go out shopping or just walking together...

    Hey Kristy,

    Thanks for the ticker web address...I have it done,,Now how do I apply it here??

    Under my controls somehow?? I'm going crazy trying to figure it out...Thanks


  5. As the day approaches, is anyone else getting that feeling that you need to eat things that you will never be able to again? It's kind of silly but the feeling is still there

    Hi, this is Cyndy. I am getting mine done at the end of March on the 26th!!!

    Can't wait...a little anxious, but mostly excited.

    And YES, I have been eating things I know I will want to avoid after the band. Mostly eating "out".

    I am starting my preop diet early, this coming Monday. I want to make sure and lose that 5% body weight

    they recommend, and I think it will go more smoothly transitioning by being able to eat something with substance

    if I want it, in the next couple of weeks, rather then just being right into the liquid diet from food one day to the all

    liquids the next.

    Nice to meet you all, I hope to check in now and then and keep in touch. I am a nursing student and always busy busy with

    school, but I'm online a lot too, so I plan to check in with you guys,

    Take care and the best to everyone with your surgery and new lifestyle changes,

    Cyndy in Oregon

  6. Oh, I'm sorry for you:( How long have you been on it? Are you doing any "extra" activites to help

    burn some calories? I guess I better get ready to start the big liquid diet. I don't go til 26th. but they

    said I could start anytime. They recommend losing 5% of your weight....that's 12lbs for me. I usually

    lose 5-6lbs in the first week of any change in my diet, especially if I walk at all. Since I'm usually sedentary

    all the time :blink:

    So....you are probably on your way. Let us know how it went and the best of everything to you.

    Hope you get some shopping in too:)


    I am scheduled March 5 :)

    So far I've been just MISERABLE on the liquid diet and haven't lost a pound, lol. I think it's the Irish in me that kicks in and saves me from starving ;)

    Good luck!!

  7. Hi Cydyc,

    Not sure where you live in OR, but for after care there is a great fill place in Olympia, Wa. I suggest going to TJ for your first fill. Just wanted to let you know if that is ever an issue.

    Good luck on the diet. Remember...it's only temporary.

    A bander friend in WA....Michele

    What kind of things did you drink post op? Can you have "anything" clear? I was looking at some new green tea out by SOBE

    I have never tried it, but I figure variety is probably good when you can only have clear liquids:) Any others have a list of things

    to try for the post op that worked good for them? I'm more worried about not having any energy to get through my day. Not so

    much the taste of things. I can always just drink it down and not worry about how it tastes, if I have to. It's only a couple of weeks right? Thanks for any input, Cyndy

  8. Hi,

    My name is Cyndy, I live in Oregon and I'm going to be banded March 26th with Dr. Otiz.

    Just wondering if there's anyone else out there who might want to keep in touch through "our

    journey" :rolleyes: I have gained a couple of pounds this month, with the surgery on my mind,

    (eating all the things I might not be able to tolerate any more:) and when I mentioned it to

    Dr. Miranda, she told be to start my diet asap....I have set March 3rd as my day to start. I have

    been on so many diets, as I'm sure we all have, so I know I can lose the 5% body weight they

    recommend in 2 weeks "no problem", and a little more for a good start. I would love a "pen pal or

    two" through this experience...I plan to try and post here in the forum, but I'm more of an email

    type person.

    Take care all and keep up the good work:)

    Remember,,,,When things go slow....losing a pound is always better than gaining a pound:)

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