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Posts posted by Heather228

  1. Judy,

    I am with you on that...congrats on not making another bill though. =D>

    This is what I did...I went online to my bank account and added up ALL the money I spent using my debit card eating out from Jan-Dec 2006. Do you know how much it was??? I'm embarrassed to say :unsure: $5500.00!!! Is that UNREAL or what??????? :blink:

    And that only included MY card...not groceries, or even every time my fiance or someone else paid...YIKES! That was the last time I questioned the value of the $8000.

    But if you still struggle...think about how much weight-related problems could cost you if you didn't have health insurance in the long run...it's a drop in the bucket!

    E ><'


    That is a VERY good idea. I'm sure I spend at least as much, since I eat out for lunch at work almost every single day, and where I work, it's very expensive just for a sandwich!

    Question for you...what do you think you spend now?

  2. Heather,

    Yes I felt as you do. Your family I am sure puts a higher value on your health and happiness than $8500, 20,000 or even 100,000. This journey is however not about their needs. It is about yours. Accept that you deserve this and embrace the feeling of well being that is to come. Don't fight it with guilt. It isn't worth it. I've been there and I'm not about to go back and niether should you. Even if you don't feel like it you have already stepped away from the old you by setting a surgery date. Embrace what is to come and savour the anticipation like you would the purchase of a new car or a trip to a holiday spot of your dreams. That is simplistic because those things won't change your life to the degree this will. Enjoy every moment of the process and learn from it. Don't look back. I do know how you feel. A small part of me is still there but it grows smaller by the day. By making yourself a stronger human being your family will automatically reap the benefits. Focus on accepting change and the truly good things to come!

    Best wishes and congratulations on your decision to make "You" a priority! Kevin

    Thank you, Kevin. You actually brought tears to my eyes with your eloquence. I also feel like I HAVE to make this work. I'm afraid of failing for my family's sake for a number of reasons. I know I can do it, but also sort of feel like Lucy Ricardo here with another hair-brained scheme...

  3. Hi all,

    I am getting close to having the chunk of money for this surgery and recently I have been thinking with all my debts and bad credit all around me, that having that big of an amount of money at one time in my hands and wondering, is this the right thing to do with that much money. I tell myself over and over again, that I need to do this and can only do this for myself, so I can continue to work to pay off my debts and won't have another bill due to having this surgery by being financed or borrowing from someone.

    Yet, that thought goes through my mind alot. I have really started to believe that because I don't have hardly any support to having this surgery, then I am being rebellious and going for it just to prove something. Nobody is going to be able to fathom that I can eat sooooo little and still be full. I hope and pray I never PB or vomit at any time, but we shall see. I work in an office and don't want to have to run to the restroom often to either throw up or get control of any problems.

    Just sharing my thoughts here.



    I'm with you Judy. I posted on a different thread on how I feel guilty spending this much money. I know it's something I need to do and want to do for myself, and while DH supports me, I know he'd rather I not do this. He would never say so, but I see his face when we talk about it.

    So damn it, this better work! and I don't want to have to explain PBing to anyone, either. I have prepared DH for it, but I'm not telling anyone else but him, my niece about this and two of my friends.

  4. I'm two weeks away from my surgery (2 weeks tomorrow!) and I'm having second thoughts because I feel like I'm being so selfish for doing this, and taking $8500 from my family. I tell myself all the reasons why I'm actually doing it for them too (better health, more energy, etc...) but I still feel guilty. Then comes the shame part of not having ever been able to keep the weight off on my own. If I only I were___________. Fill in the blank...stronger, more disciplined, blessed with a better metabolism. The fat person's mantra that always ends in with thoughts that if I were any of those fill-in-the-blanks, I'd be a better person, more lovable, more worthy, blah blah blah.

    Anyone else feel this way before surgery? After?

  5. I smoked almost up to the surgery because I was so stressed, but I was the first one up and around and felt great!


    OMG--Stacy! Didn't you just have surgery yesterday? I'm glad you came through well! I was just on the other board, and noticed yesterday was your day and wondering how you did! Congratulations!!!

  6. Just an FYI. When I was banded with Dr. Ortiz, there were 5 of us. All did great except for the only one of us and she smoked. I don't know if it had anything to do with that but just something to think about. Good luck, I quit 17 years ago and I know how hard it is.


    Today sucked with the non-smoking! But, I have persevered so far. I hate it, I hate it, but I want the surgery more. So, I hope y'all don't mind me bitching about not smoking until I'm banded! I don't plan on starting again, but for now I'm telling myself it's just 3 weeks...

  7. I am on my second smoke free day. I'm not doing too badly, but chewing a lot of gum. I had an episode last night where I thought I would lose my resolve, but my husband helped me through it by reminding me the urge would pass. (He gave up smoking a year ago, so he's a big inspiration and a lot of support for me.) It's not so bad since I'm not also putting any restrictions on my food this week. But next week when I start the pre-op, it may get more difficult. I sure hope not, though!

  8. Oh I'm stressing over this surgery. It's the only thing I can think about. My surgery is a week away and I haven't tried too hard to quit. I have a paper and a mid term for school due on tuesday. More stress!

    Wow, that does sound stressful. Well, I can tell you what happened to me in October. I had to have a lymph node in my neck removed, and no one mentioned to me that I should quit smoking. The surgery went fine, but I did wake up hearing them say...she's a smoker--I guess I was coughing or gasping or something. Anyway, when I fully came to, I had an oxygen mask on my face. They took it off, but the nurse told me that I wasn't breathing well enough and that I had to take very deep breaths and concentrate on it. The more I came to, the better I was obviously, but my lungs did hurt. So, while I don't know your medical history or not, or how much you smoke, but it does affect your ability to breathe while you are out. I am not a heavy smoker, about half a pack a day unless I'm stressed. Nevertheless, the experience I had is enough to give it a real good try this time around.

    If your stress is really bad, maybe you could talk to your doctor about a short course of anti-anxiety meds? I had to take them for my MRI and the night before surgery and that really helped me.

    If I had more time, I would try that new Chantix anti-smoking medication. I hear it's really good. I may still try my treating doc this week to see if I can get some.

    Also, maybe some of the respiratory exercises will help? I know that Dr. Ortiz recommends an incentive spirometer, but I've also read that blowing up 30 of those small party balloons daily is good exercise too.

  9. Hello are there any smokers out there? It says to quit smoking 2 weeks prior to surgery. I'm having a hard time. Anyone else?

    I haven't quit yet since I'm about 3 weeks away, but since I just opened the last pack in a carton, I figure that I will stop when the pack is gone. I decided to do it early because the idea of quitting AND going on the pre-op diet sounds like pure hell. What are you finding the most difficult? I've always relied on the nicotine in times of stress... Here's hoping that the next three weeks are not too bad stress wise.

    Any support I can give you, I'm here for you!

  10. Hello everyone!

    I'm scheduled for surgery April 5th. I am very, very excited. I've decided to fly out there alone since my fiance is unable to take time off. Any others scheduled for this date?

    Hi there, Only Me. I am scheduled for the 6th, but would like to have a bandbuddy, especially since I am coming alone too. I can call to see if I can move up a day so we can go together. I will be taking the Amtrak down since I'm only a few hours away. What time are you coming in on Wednesday?

  11. It was a breeze! I told my brother that 3 leg surgeries, a c-section and trip through a windshield probably prepared me for worse pain than I had with 5 little incisions, lol.

    The staff is just incredible - not a bad apple in the bunch. Momma Ortiz is a joy. I could have stayed there a week just driving around with her and been quite entertained.

    I'm gassy, but that's to be expected. Nothing's any more sore than if I scratched myself. When I first came to I felt like I'd been hit by a big bully, but since that was Dr. Ortiz, it was OK ;) Walk, walk, walk the day of surgery. It really does help get the gas out. Hunger is there and today I had my first 1/2 cup of pourable yoghurt. I'll probably have another one before the night is over.

    I AM disappointed to find out the popsicicles I bought have Maldextrin (sp) in it as those give me gas (lesson to me: read labels first) and Dr. Miranda said "NO JELLO!" for 3 weeks and I bought a ton of it.

    My house is being painted so a lot of stuff I bought when I came back is hidden somewhere in piles of stackings. When they are finished, I'm looking forward to some different broths and such, lol.

    =D> Excellent! I'm really excited to have mine done, but I have my moments where I scared to death. I'll have to remember about the jello!

  12. Over and done with :) A total breeze. Dr. Ortiz is perfection, the clinic superb, and his mother - wow, just wow! =D>

    The plane ride back was interesting. I was passing gas like crazy (and no dog to blame it on). I went to the restroom MANY times but goodness knows what those poor people suffered through when I was asleep...... :rolleyes:

    Hey FurEllie!

    I have been waiting for your post!--Not that you have any clue who I am! I've just been following yours since you were so close to having surgery when I signed up here.

    So, give us all the details!

    I'm glad everything went well!


  13. I got my surgery date for April 27th. I am flying down early on the 26th, and flying back on the 29th. Good Luck to everybody!

    BTW, I am Jennifer, lol, I live in Maryland, and I can't wait to have my surgery. My birthday is April 25th, so I figure I am giving myself a whole new outlook on life for my birthday.

    =D> Happy Birthday, Jen!

  14. Hi, Heather!

    I have been on Metformin for my PCOS, but my liver was not reacting well. Now I am on Actos. The Metformin is usually for Type 2 Diabetes and my reproductive endo had me on 2000 mg a day. I usually helps with weight loss, but not for me!

    Thank you for saying "hi"!


    Bummer! Well, we'll have to find each other when we're in TJ, if only to say hi! Are you bringing a buddy, or are you going it alone?

  15. Hi!

    I am new to this group. I just set my surgery date with Lori yesterday. It is for April 6th. I talked to Dr. Miranda and she wanted me to lose 16 -17 pounds in 15 days, but I told her that I have PCOS and hypothyroid, so she told me to start the diet 30 days out (which is today). 1 shake and 2 Lean Cuisines.

    Has anyone been banded and had PCOS? Have you lost weight? Was it quickly or slowly?

    Any advice is greatly appreciated.


    Hi Michelle,

    I have not been banded yet, but I thought I'd write since April 6 is my surgery date too. What sort of meds do they have you on for PCOS? Just curious, since I was diagnosed in 1989, and there were no meds at that time other than fertility drugs for those who wanted to conceive at that precise time. (Which incidentally, I took without success.--10 years later, I had a spontaneous pregnancy, and my body sort of figured out what to do from that point on, and most--not all--of my problems resolved.) Just curious, and I hope I'm not prying.

    At any rate, I just thought say Hi since we will probably cross paths on banding day!

  16. Thanks, Capt B for the info. It really helps. I have actually been over the border quite a bit, so I am accustomed, although always amazed, at the crappy drivers in TJ. Taking a cab is always a prayerful endeavor...

    Pammie--thanks for sharing your pics. I'd actually seen them before in my research through these boards and cracked up at how happy you both look during the process. It was a comfort to see how relaxed it can be. Although I have to wonder to took the picture of the woman (you?) on the table... I'm hoping it was a nurse or doctor... :)

  17. I would agree, whole heartly with mommyrkr. The whole staff, cleanliness, nurses, Dr.'rs., procedure, comfort, etc. was outstanding. I had high expectations too from all the reading. I was so scared, I honestly thought I was going to give myself a heart attack from nerves from making this decision............and double the worry for me, because my 15 year old was being banded too. It's hard to tell someone not to worry, because with all the horror stories they hear about surgerys in MX, its hard not to worry. Then you hear good things, and it's hard to believe.


    Thanks, Teri. This morning I have definitely made my decision, for sure, and believe I can convince my husband. I went to the Website for the American College of Surgeons and printed out the verification of his status as a fellow, and then printed out all the requirements for Fellowship. Hey--this is as good as it gets for surgeons in the U.S, right? And since the College actually investigates the surgical practices of the applicant's, what more can one expect, right? I guess what I'm trying to say is that I have often wondered how I can be reassured that the cleanliness, etc. is comparable to US standards, and here it is right in my face. He has been inspected by a U.S. entity that is the epitome of safety and quality--or am I reaching here? :lol:

  18. This whole thing was a worry of mine. I have heard some not so great things about Mexico and medical procedures. That was really a deciding factor for me, I didn't want to have surgery in a Mexican hospital. I wanted great practices and a clean place. I also wanted to to be understood if I needed help.

    Dr. Ortiz clinic was far cleaner and more sanitary than anything I have seen in the US. You have to wear booties just so that they can draw blood! It was far cleaner and more sanitary than my local hospital where I spend some time a few months later. I wished I could have gone back to Dr. Ortiz for my kidney stones!


    Wow--booties to draw blood? That actually turned my head. I will definitely have to share that one with my husband. Truth be told, I think I have already made my decision. Now, I just have to keep my husband from having a nervous breakdown until it's over--lol. He will be coming with me when I do this, so hopefully meeting everyone will help him with his fears.

    I actually speak Spanish, so the language barrier is not an issue for me. But short of bring a microscope with me to examine the floors and the surgical tools...I'm not sure how to reassure my husband!

    Thank you everyone for responding--please keep them coming so I can show DH! The more the better.

  19. Hi everyone,

    I'm new here as you probably can tell. I have been researching lap band surgery, of late I have been researching having the procedure down out of the USA as I am a "light-weight" with a BMI of 35.7. I'm looking at MX, Germany and France. I am concerned about going to Europe because of the flight home. I don't imagine flying so far a few days after surgery to be a good idea.

    I live in Los Angeles, so getting to Mexico for the surgery and for fills would not be a huge or expensive ordeal for me.

    I have discussed this with my husband, and explained that Dr. Ortiz is my first choice and why (mainly his experience...followed by all the good feedback I've read about him online.)

    Our primary concern is the sterilization techniques used in any foreign country, but especially with MX. It's sad that when you say "I plan to have surgery in TJ", everyone imagines a back alley abortion with a rusty butterknife...but such is the stigma.

    How can I find objective documentation regarding the sterilization practices Dr. Ortiz and his staff use, and how does it compare to U.S. standards? Any help would be appreciated!

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