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Posts posted by childrensgarden2

  1. Well, I thought I would update. It has been almost 15 months since I was banded. 3 weeks ago I had a extended tummy tuck and arm lift. I lost another 16 pounds from it for a total so far of 123 pounds. I would like to lose another 10 or 15 pounds and eventually have a thigh lift but that is a while away. I will share pictures as soon as I get some taken. My arms are still swollen but it made a huge difference. I went down two sizes in pants because I had so much extra skin. It feels great to wear short sleeves without three arms hanging out...lol.

    Just thought I would share.


  2. Okay the official number lost is 97 pounds!

    fatcat: I have had a total of 6. On what would of been my 4th fill is when they discovered I had a leak. So, as the Dr. played around trying to figure out what was going on I lost fill number 3 and 4. Number 5 and 6 have been done with omnipaque. When I lost my fills I had to start all over and they did small fills so I am finally back up to where I lost my original fill. Hope you followed that.....Its early....lol.

    Yes, I follow the golden rule to a degree. My Dr in the states says you can drink up to the minute before you eat but no liquid for and hour to 1.5 hours after you eat. Normally I follow the golden rule on the hour before and after but if I break anything its the hour before. I find I have a hard time if I try to drink early.

    Thanks for all the congrats.


  3. Oh my goodness redhead and doinfi I almost peed my pants reading your post! They actaully say it just leaks into your body and you pee it out .......human bodies are crazy. lol.

    Thanks for all the support. I know a year ago I was so nervous and thought it might ease some worries. I love to hear updates on people and how they are doing.

    I started at 328 and would like to get to 170ish.....and know that day will come. I have actually seen two plastic surgeons and I am waiting to see if my insurance will pay for the removal of my intertube....lol...my hanging skin around my hip and tummy area. Both surgeons said even if I lost another 100 pounds nothing would change in that area...there is no more fat just skin there. So, we will see. If they wont I plan to wait one more year and pay for it myself. My arms are the same way and I am hoping ot have them done this summer.

    Good luck to you all and I will try and keep you update.

    Feel free to email me anytime with questions or just to chat.



  4. I just thought I would do a short post of my last year. I thought it might be encouraging to those who have just begun or are thinking of going through the journey of getting the lap band.

    I am of one of those people who does everything for everyone else and nothing for me. It was a huge decision to spend the money on the band when our family could of used it for something else. It is the BEST money I have ever spend. I would do it again in a heart beat.

    In a year I have lost 95 pounds. I am proud of myself and know that without the band I would of been heavier then when I began this journey. I have had no real issues or complications. I had smooth sailing until Jan. I went for a fill apt and I had no fill. My Dr. was puzzled. He refilled me and I went back 3 weeks later and had no fill again. At some point he must of somehow made a hole while trying to do a fill. I have always had my fills done under floro. He is now filling me with a thicker solution and I have maintained that fill two months now. Problem solved. I wish I lived closer so that it would be easier for me to go back to Dr. Ortiz's office for the fills but its impossible. Even with the slight set back I would still do it all over.

    At the begining I lost very fast and now I average about a pound a week. I am okay with this. This is how the band is suppose to work. I am going to the gym 5 times a week and it feels great although I still hate to work out.

    Feel free to email me if you would like to ask any questions...... childrensgarden2@bellsouth.net


  5. If I had to do it all over again I would do my fills at OCC. I am in Tn so it would be a huge thing to get there as often as I needed to. Remember OCC does it under floro (same as my Dr) and I have never been to tight. The thing with floro is that they can see how much restriction you have so the chances are less for you to be to tight but not impossible. Dr. Ortiz has also told me several times that on average you have less fills at OCC then here in the states. EIther way you decided I would recommend you do it under floro.



    1. HOW BIG IS THE SCAR?You will have a few the biggest one is about 1 inch long....the others the tip of your fingernail.

    2. HOW LONG DO I HAVE TO WAIT TO HAVE CHILDREN? I am not sure....I already had mine. I know a few who have gotten pg within a year of being banded...on accident though :)

    3. IS THE PORT INSIDE OF YOUR BODY OR OUTSIDE LIKE A G-TUBE? inside your body. I know people who can feel theres but I can rarley feel mine. I have to really feel for it.

    4. HOW ARE FILLS PERFORMED? I have mine done under floro (x-ray machine). They numb you with a shot. Then they take a needle filled with saline and put it inside the port (near your largest scar) and then they will tilt you up on the bed. You will drink some barium and they watch it on the machine as it goes down. This lets them get a good look at how fast it flows and if you need more saline to make you tighter or take some out. My dr leaves the needle in the entire time so he doesnt have to restick you. I also drink some water to see how that moves through. Once they feel you are adjusted well you are done.

    I am a big baby and hate needles.....this does not bother me at all. The first shot stings for a second and that is it.

    Fills done without floro (very popular in the states) but I dont recommend it. .....

    They feel around for your port and just place saline in . They have no idea how tight they are getting. If you do it under floro your guarantee of being to tight is much better.


    I was banded 11 months ago by Dr. Ortiz. My experience was great. I have lost 90 pounds so far. I would do this over in a heartbeat. It is the best thing I have ever done for myself.


  7. Hi Candace,

    Everyone is different but the 1st week your stomach is swollen and I do not feel hungry. I hear after the swelling goes down starting in week 2-3 you do get hungry but have to stay on liquids (creamy soup, protien shakes...) until week 4. :rolleyes: I am taking children's chewable with iron now. Good Luck!

    I have a quick question. I am trying to schedule a fill and have not been back to Mexico since my surgery. Do I need a passport or birth certificate. Need this info ASAP.


  8. Yes your mom will go with you to the clinic for pre-op and surgery day. There is a restraunt to the right when you come into the hotel. If she goes outside there is an italian ( I think) restraunt. She will be fine. I was worried about my sister also. I also forgot to add walk, walk and walk some more while you are there. I didnt have any problems with Gas but some people do. YOu will also get to meet people who had surgery the same day as you. When you leave going across the border is easy. I only needed my Drivers Lic. They will park outside a door. You walk in and get in line. THey will ask you what your citizenship is and then you show your D.L. YOu will take all bags with you and you will place it on a belt and they will screen it (Just like at the airport) and then Francisco (the driver) will set up a meeting place and you walk across the border to meet him. Very easy.


    I also meant to tell you your mom will be with you until about 5:30 ish that night of your surgery and they will take her back. They also have room service to order from and all the food is reasonable. YOu can also make free calls from your room at the clinic if you need to call anyone.

  9. Wow! What a wonderful experience you seemed to have had. Thanks so much for explaining alot to me about what to expect. So, when I go in on Monday morning, will my mom be going with me and then will they take her back to the hotel later when I am in surgery? I am hoping that someone will be with her so she doesn't have to go hungry by not knowing where or what to eat.

    Good luck and congrats on your continued weight loss!


    Yes your mom will go with you to the clinic for pre-op and surgery day. There is a restraunt to the right when you come into the hotel. If she goes outside there is an italian ( I think) restraunt. She will be fine. I was worried about my sister also. I also forgot to add walk, walk and walk some more while you are there. I didnt have any problems with Gas but some people do. YOu will also get to meet people who had surgery the same day as you. When you leave going across the border is easy. I only needed my Drivers Lic. They will park outside a door. You walk in and get in line. THey will ask you what your citizenship is and then you show your D.L. YOu will take all bags with you and you will place it on a belt and they will screen it (Just like at the airport) and then Francisco (the driver) will set up a meeting place and you walk across the border to meet him. Very easy.


  10. Congrats Connie! That's great about your pleasant experience being banded and the care you received. Could you possibly detail your experience a bit further about the hotel and your guest and so on. You arrived on Sunday, right, since your surgery was scheduled for a Monday? Mine is the same. I arrive with my mom on Sunday May 20th, and pre-op tests and surgery on the 21st. What time did you arrive on Sunday and how did things go from there? Sorry about all the questions, but I want my experience to be as wonderful as everyone elses, and I know it will be, but I want to know of some things to expect. I also want to make sure my mom isn't alone much.

    Hope you have an easy and speedy recovery!


    I thought I would jump in and share my experience. I was just banded on April 26th by the same Dr as Connie. My sister and I arrived at the airport on Thursday at 11 am. There were 4 other girls that arrived around the same time. I would try to pack as light as possible. The driver was there with a sign with my name on it. We walked to the van. They drive a little crazy but I am use to that from growing up in CA :). We were taken straight to the clinic were we started pre-op. You will fill out a few forms in the waiting room. There is nicy comfy places to sit but this can take a while so I would suggest bringing something to do while you wait. You will have your blood taken and you will have your ekg done, dental exam and then you will talk to Dr. Miranda. YOu will have your blood takesn ( I Had my IV put in at this time) She will weigh you and go over your diet for the next 3 weeks. After all this was done for me they had an opening and I decided to do the surgery the same day. Everyone else went back to the hotel. I will tell you about my surgery and then the hotel. They took me back to my private room which had a flat screen tv and two chairs. Most rooms had a comfy couch in them. I changed into the hospital gown and some wonderful (LOL) paper underware which was like wearing a thong! The nurse will them put your white stockings on to help your blood circulate during surgery. Everyone is very nice. Everyone came into my room to introduce themselves. You will walk into the surgery room and be taken back to your room where your mom will have waited for you. My sister was on the phone with my mom and the Dr. got on the phone with her and put her to ease. I slept a lot and had something to drink and the nurses came to check on me. The only complaint I had was when I woke up in the middle of the night my IV bag was empty and blood was going up the tube. I called the nurse who came and took my iv out. I was released at aprox 10 am the next morning and they took me to the hotel and I went to my room where my sister was. The restraunts were nice and so was the room. My sister and I took a taxi (the front desk got us on) and we went to shop! make sure you bargain for your prices. We were gone for about 3 hours and came back. I ordered chicken broth for lunch and then we went back to our room. The grounds are really beautiful. We walked around for a bit and I was bushed so we came back and i went to bed.

    Everything was really nice and I felt really safe. Your mom will only be alone when she leaves you in the clinic overnight until you get to the hotel the next morning.

    If you have any more questions please email me at childrensgarden2@aol.com.

    I lost 22 pounds pre-op and am down 10 pounds since surgery........a total of 32 pounds

  11. Shannon,

    There is one other person that is getting banded that same day as you and that is Jennifer. Look on April Surgeries.


    Thanks Kelly. I am doing my pre-op on your surgery date so I will try to drop by and see you. My sister is coming with me and I know from your post you are going to be by yourself. I know she will help you if you need it or just want some company.


  12. Wow that is great! 14 pounds. I know what you mean about the weekends they are super hard. Good luck! I will let you know how it is going by yourself. I sure it will be fine. Everyone I talk to says its no problem.

    I am right there with you. My surgery date is on the 27th and my sister is going with me. I have lost almost 18 pounds. I also find the weekend are the hardest...but cooking for my family and not eating it hasnt been easy.

    Good luck!

  13. Hi!

    My surgery was scheduled for April 23 but panicked and was afraid I wouldn't lose the 13 pounds I needed to by then, so we changed it to the 30th of April.

    I it hard to lose this weight, if it wasn't, we'd all be thin already and wouldn't have to get the lapband! What diet are you on? I bought a bunch of Slimfast

    and after 2 days, I'm sick of it. Any suggestions?


    BOY OH BOY Do I wish I had a solution for you! I am doing a slim fast in the morning and a lean cuisine for lunch and dinner. I am having a really hard week although I have not cheated. I am almost down 15 pounds (a few ounces shy). I am doing really hard work outs with a trainer and 3 days of it is strength training so I am hoping that wont hold me up with gaining muscle.


  14. Hi Shannon,=D> Congrats on losing as much as you have so far. That's alot of weight to lose in 3 weeks time. Why so much? I have never heard of someone having to lose that much before surgery.

    I don't have a date soon since I am waiting for money from my 401k to get to me. I hope I don't have to lose that much before surgery. I was told you usually have to lose about 5% of your weight before, but that would be less than 20 I think.

    Good luck with you weight loss and surgery. You can do it!



    From what I understand they want my BMI to be under 50 (?) and it is over that and will take me to lose that much. I am considering doing a phone consultation with the Dr to see what will happen if I dont lose it all. A couple of my friends used the same Dr and havent had to do what I am doing either but they weren't as heavy as me. I was wondering if anyone else was doing what I am?

    Hope your money comes in soon.


  15. I thought maybe we could have a support group for those of us who have to lose weight before surgery. I have to lose 30-32 pounds and am really nervous about it. I have followed my diet to a T for the last 11 days and have lost 13 pounds. I have stalled the last week. Looking for support!!!


    Surgery date 4/27/07

  16. I got my surgery date for April 27th. I am flying down early on the 26th, and flying back on the 29th. Good Luck to everybody!

    BTW, I am Jennifer, lol, I live in Maryland, and I can't wait to have my surgery. My birthday is April 25th, so I figure I am giving myself a whole new outlook on life for my birthday.

    Hi Jennifer. I am having my surgery done on the 27th. We are flying and returning on the same day. It is exciting to meet someone else who will be there at the same time. I would love to hear more from you.


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