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Posts posted by JamieK

  1. Hi Colin,

    So how are you doing. Still losing like crazy?? Well I have that female thing working for me. Don't get me wrong I have lost weight just not as much as you have...and I'm jealous <_< . Well I actually gained weight right after the surgery. Bummer right? Since then I have lost 10 lbs. I can't complain that is a heck of a lot for me. How are you doing with pain? Anything? I'm still having some pain at the post site. I just think I over did a few days ago. Cause I was doing really well until then. Hopefully It will improve. I'm really taking it easy now. Today was my first day back to work. I did well not too bad. Hope your well. :-h


  2. HI!

    I was banded on the 25th as well. I am feeling those same spasms. Not to the extent that you are but they are painful. My pain is all at the port site, not the incision but the port itself. I was off from work for a few days and I thaink I over did...Cleaning. It still hurts when I move bend over and especially if I roll over in bed. Does anyone else have this...is it normal and will it go away?


  3. hey all just bumpin this thread for april bandsters

    I'm writing from my hotel room in tj I got banded 2days ago I flew in on wed the 25th once I arived at dr.ortiz office they gave me my blood test ekg and breath test then I hit the OR my total time I was there was about 10min before i had the surgery (they moved me up a day because somebody had a emergency so I switched days which was better for me no waiting around thinking about it) anyway I guess i'm a bit different from most as I have had no real pain after my surgery the only time i took one of the pain pills is after I had the zoom teeth whitening that dr.ortiz has at his office.

    I can sleep on my side or tummy with no problem and I have had no trouble sitting down or getting up just a little bloating/gas pain maybe being 30 helps a little.

    If anybody is nervous about going to mexico to get the surgery don't be it was so easy they picked me up at the airport drove me right to the clinic and took great care of me the hotel room is also very nice

    also while you are there try the zoom teeth whitening just because the girls who do it are beautiful (well that probably is not a selling point for women hehe)and they sang led zeppelin songs while they worked on my teeth it was pretty sweet it does hurt like hell if you have sensetive teeth tho but the next day I feel fine and my teeth look great it cost $299

    and one other thing dr.ortiz told me about is a UFC fighter he did the surgery on the guy lost 54pounds in 30days and fought a match 30 days after his surgery.

    my name is colin by the way I was the guy from british columbia in the camo ball cap

    Hey Colin,

    I was with you on the 25th-Jamie from California. How has everything been since the big day? Glad to hear the Zoom thing went well. I think I may do that when I get my first fill. I have been doing good...sick of the liquid diet. Can't wait to start the protein drinks. The incisions are healing well, very little pain. I do suggest holding your stomach when you sneeze--ouch. :blink: You take care of yourself.


  4. :unsure:

    Hi all!

    The doctor that does the surgery requires his patients to be on Opti-fast 800 for 2 weeks prior to surgery. You can have some veggies, sugar free Jello and broth as well as any sugar free drinks you would like. The point is to shrink your liver to make the surgery easier.

    My Question:

    How much do you think it would matter if I slipped up here and there over the course of two weeks?

    One day I had a few pieces of turkey pepperoni, tonight I had 5 cheese pizza rolls. I'm worried that my liver isn't going to be as small or pliable as it should be. The thing is, I can't imagine that you liver would blow up over a few moments of weakness. What if I'm wrong? I've tried finding information on this on-line and it's not happening. Anybody out there have any thoughts?

    My surgery is Monday (April 30), and I'm so sick of eating 800 calories a day it's driving me to cheat!



    Fargo, ND


    I had my banding on April 25th and used the Optifast 2 weeks prior to the surgery. I did lose 16 lbs during that time. I must confess I cheated on several occasions. Just small things as you have stated. This did not cause any problem with my surgery. They were happy with my weight loss. There were a few of the patients that didn't even attempt a diet prior to the surgery and they also did well. So keep it up and do your best, your almost there. Everyone at the center was great, very caring.

    Good luck,



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