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Posts posted by Mischievous1

  1. I completely understand as I have been banded since May '07 and have only lost 30 lbs! I eat fairly well since I had a small unfill, the majority of my weight loss was during the time I was too tight and could only do liquids. Now I'm REALLY enjoying my salads, but still no weight loss. I'm very discouraged as I have not lost an ounce since September! I wonder if I will ever see the scale move....argh, what is wrong with me? So not fair!

  2. Hello. I am scheduled for May 9th. I will be traveling alone so I would like to have a buddy while I'm there. Is anyone else here for the 9th?


    Aww man. I'll miss you by one day. I'm arriving May 10th for my pre op then surgery is May 11th.


    I had mine on the 9th-maybe I saw you there?....weeah...(lol-just having fun sorry if I scared you)thx, Trina

  3. The documentation provided by Dr. Rutledge, who performs the Mini-Gastric Bypass in Nevada, states: "Recently a sample of 358 patients from the series of 2,725 (13%) gastric bypass patients completed their follow up forms for analysis.... 17% percent of patients had diabetes at the time of surgery and 83% of diabetics resolved their diabetes following surgery." This seems to directly contradict the information quoted from Anne Harding and Reuters Health.

    I'm really mystified here. Normally if I wait 5+ hours to eat, I am ready to "kill" until I get food into me, I get lightheaded etc...I am 6 days post op and have not had that feeling....why not? I'm eating a significant less amount of food, calories etc (not feeling much hunger) so was actual physical hunger releasing a "kill" hormone in me that since having a band placed and not feeling physical hunger that hormone is no longer being released? This can't be all in my head? Or am I just in a honeymoon phase with my band and this will pass and I will be ready to "kill" again??? Someone please explain this phenomenon to me?



    ps. My husband is okay with this...LOL

  4. Thanks for the information. I just got back from TJ. I stayed at the Lucerna. I will probably just stay there every time. I know its nice and its safe. I'm so glad I cancelled my reservatins at the best value. I just had a bad feeling about it.

    LOL, this makes me giggle as I rmember Dr. Ortiz making a joke about how the cockroaches in TJ are just as clean as the cockroaches in San Diego...LOL sorry i'm no help...

  5. I'm less concerned about the surgery - it's pretty much out of my hands, and I'm confident that I've chosen an excellent surgeon - but rather worried about the post-op diet. Nothing but liquids for 4 weeks sounds VERY difficult. How are you coping? I'm very pleased to see that you've lost another 10 lbs since your surgery. Has it been tough on the diet? What about pain and discomfort?


    Hi Sanjay,

    I'm less than a week post op so don't have ALOT to add, I can see your frustration. I am still on liquids and other than mental hunger I have not had any real hunger. My mental hunger has been hard though as on Mother's day my family prepared Lasagna and bread and salad and wow, I really wanted some....the night before they had chinese food, again it sure looked good. I drank my liquids watched them eat and this morning I was down another 2 lbs (instead of up 2lbs which is normally what I gain on those weekends) so all I have to say is hang in there, if I CAN do it, ANYONE can do it...Keep something you enjoy doing on hand (reading, playing video games-whatever you can to keep your hands and mind busy) and the head hunger will pass!



  6. I quit several years ago with Wellbutrin...it was amazing. I would think "hmm do I want to go outside and smoke or wait?" and I would choose to wait, and then I would try to keep 'waiting' until I just quit going!!! I did replace the hand to mouth with popsicles (lots of them) but it was actually quite amazing how easy it was...whatever you choose good luck...also (that was 3 years ago and I still take the Wellbutrin-I like the way I feel happy and positive about life on it)

    Oh I forgot to add that I told myself that If I quit smoking it was only because I was choosing not the smoke right now, but that I can still have them whenever I WANT them...I know that sounds stupid, but the hardest part for me was the thought Of NEVER having another cigarette...I have puffed a few times while in Vegas, at parties etc....just to remind myself that I can if I WANT and really it isn't that good anymore....the mind is a powerful thing and yeah sometimes we have to appease it and trick it-oh well whatever works right? :) LOL

  7. :blink: Well, I am supposed to stop smoking by now. Surgery May 21st. Can't seem to get my act together. Oh yes! I know it is necessary to help with lung function and breathing before, during, and after surgery. I am going to quit, but with my weight loss so far, and stopping smoking...kind of a super tough situation. I don't smoke that much. I have cut way back actually. But probably doesn't matter because it isn't quitting. :-?

    Any suggestions or advice or whatever support here would be much appreciated. :)



    I quit several years ago with Wellbutrin...it was amazing. I would think "hmm do I want to go outside and smoke or wait?" and I would choose to wait, and then I would try to keep 'waiting' until I just quit going!!! I did replace the hand to mouth with popsicles (lots of them) but it was actually quite amazing how easy it was...whatever you choose good luck...also (that was 3 years ago and I still take the Wellbutrin-I like the way I feel happy and positive about life on it)

  8. Jeri -

    Also email Lori, who moderates this board - she is wonderful ! She was so impresssed by Dr. Ortiz that she now works for him - she is one of two patient coordinators -- people who dealt with Carolyn say the same thing - that she's wonderful. As far as cost, its $8,500.00. And the others on

    this thread are exactly right -- Dr. Ortiz taught many of the US doctors how to do the surgery. It was the best experience I could have imagined -- check out the newbie page and read the stories -- if you want the best, at the best price - its Dr Ortiz. This is the only thing in my life that was too good to be true and WAS. Best of luck to you!


    I just got back from TJ and my husband was the same way before we got there and he did alot of his own research - we are from Oregon and my BIL is doing a term in a local bariatric clinic while in Medical School so he did alot of research on his end - know what? All the local Dr.'s knew Dr. Ortiz and had nothing but good things to say. You have an advantage in that you are so close and can do physical research by taking a trip over the border and touring the facility and meeting with Dr. Ortiz (you could probably make all the arrangements through Lori or Carolyn) I felt like I was in Beverly Hills when I was there, the clinic is so nice, they have alot of staff per each patient served (more than any place i've been before) and really cater to your needs. I am 6 days post-op and typing this from work. I was up the next day and went shopping at a place called the revoluccion ?? anyway I have had no complications and because I was a self pay I am very happy with the results and the PRICE!!!



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