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Posts posted by sweetyetbratty

  1. Wow Cassie I am so proud for you. That is great. I have not been banded yet, but I have been saving my money and it won't be long until I get to meet Dr. Ortiz and the crew! I have been wanting it for the past couple of years. I am now 17, 6 ft 1 in, and 300 lbs. I have actually wrote in to Oprah and Ellen before trying to help me get the funds to get the surgery. I will definetly be watching Oprah on Monday. It would be great if you could tell me about some of your experiences. I hope you are blessed and have a great remainder of the week!!! -LEAH

  2. I am 19 years old, and I am getting the lapbnand surgery this summer. I am absolutely ecstatic, and can completely relate to the being over weight deal. I weigh around 300, and I am short, at only 5'4". I will be a sophomore in college, and although I've always been popular and have always been happy, it's not fun being overweight.

    Are you getting the lap band surgery, too? Have a good day!

    First, i would like to say thank you for replying and i am sorry it took so long for me to write back! I have tried diet after diet and think this could be my answer. I wish i could get banded this summer, but do to finances it doesnt look to promising. I get so happy just thinking there will be a chance in the future and to know there are others that can relate to my situation.

    God Bless,


  3. HI. I am 15 years old and am wanting to have a lapband put on. My whole life i have been overweight and diets alwayz fail. Being at 6 foot tall and weighing 290 lbs isnt very easy. I am very athletic, but do partially to my weight i have big issues with my knees. Is there anyone out there that can relate that is in the process of getting a band or has already received one??? Please reply!!!

    God Bless,


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