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Posts posted by oklahoma_gal

  1. Hi, I was banded 2 1/2 weeks ago. I have too much pain, I cough a lot at night, i can't have anything even water without pain and everything gets stuck, the pain is unbelievable. The doctor seems not to take it seriously and other people do not respect the way I feel, did you feel like this at any moment?


    When I had my surgery 2 yrs ago thats how it was at first but I promise it gets better with time. You will need to adapt to change meaning chew very thoroughly and smaller bites. It will take time you will just have to adjust to the new way of eating. The results are so worth it!!

  2. Yep, I see a dermatologist now. Ask him about the prescription face gel called "Duac".

    Ok I thought it was just me until I saw a couple of lady's at work that had the surgery and there face is broke out now. This is a bad side effect of the surgery . My skin was clear and now i have breakouts several times a month.

    Thank you for the heads up on the medicine. I will mention that to my dermatologist.

    First of all, let me say congratulations on your weight loss. 73lbs is wonderful in two months. I have not had the surgery yet however, I do know that a common issue with people that are over weight is a hormone imbalance. Sometimes menstral cycles are even affected. It could be, that your hormones are now working and maybe that is contributing to your acne. Have you consulted your primary care physician or a dematologist?

    Thanks for responding. Yes I have seen a dermatologist and shes gives me medicine but its not working. Thats why I think it may be something I'm missing in my diet. I never had this problem before, pre surgery.

    But your right it could be hormonal.

  3. :) Hello all ..

    I had the surgery about almost 2 years ago and I'm so glad I did. I've lost 73 lbs. I recommend it for anyone who struggles with being overweight. I was never obese I just struggled to maintain a consistant weight. Now that I've had the surgery I keep a steady weight and dont yo-yo up and down. Over all I've been happy with the results.

    There are a couple of side effects I've noticed and I'm wondering if any other lap banders have experienced this.. and if so can give me some direction on what to do.

    I have acne after I had the surgery. I never had it before. Now I have bad break outs and I'm thinking its something that I'm missing in my diet. I take vitamins (not regularly like i should) but this has become a huge problem. Am I the only one with this problem? Can someone recommend a vitamin to take or something??

    Please help!?

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