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Your best MENTAL Hunger Busters

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Hi All,

I will be banded in a week and am so thankful to all of you for being honest. Being real with weight loss issues can only help! So I would love to know what works for you when you are fighting the mental hunger. Have any of you beaten the battle now that you have lost the weight? Does it ever raise its ugly head when you are down to or close to your goal?- Thanks in advance!

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Hi All,

I will be banded in a week and am so thankful to all of you for being honest. Being real with weight loss issues can only help! So I would love to know what works for you when you are fighting the mental hunger. Have any of you beaten the battle now that you have lost the weight? Does it ever raise its ugly head when you are down to or close to your goal?- Thanks in advance!

i am 10lbs from my goal weight and the only hunger i usually feel is mental hunger. i spent the last two days binging. and none of it was because i was physically hungry. today i am back on moderate quantities. and it is the band that has allowed me to stop the binging before a day turned into a week or a month of non-stop eating. i no longer hafta fight physical hunger. but, not giving into cravings is an ongoing battle. with the band in my corner it is a more even fight. i actually do win the fight against cravings more often then not. but, sadly, i don't think i will ever be completely free from them.

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You really need to just fight it and get into good habits right off if possible. I always have water or tea around, a lot of what we think is hunger is thirst and I combat it by staying on top of it. Lemon water is my saving grace, it’s a hard habit to get into but once you get it - it’s easy. Remember most habits take at least 3 months to form, so stay on top of it and you can make positive changes!

A lot of our plateaus are caused by water weight, the best way to get ride of water weight is to drink more water.

Also the more good quality food you feed your body, the less it will crave. Sometimes we are just filling it up with bad choices and wonder why we are hungry all the time. You’ve got to give it good fuel to have optimum performance.

Good luck!


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