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Newly banded and ate too much...

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i've only been eating solids for a few days now, so i'm just getting used band eating. i think i ate too much. i had about a bowl of food and then all of a sudden all this saliva started building up and i feel like i have to burp but i can't. i'm guessing that this is sliming and PBing, right?

so i've been walking around my apartment and even took some antacids hoping it would help... when will this go away??!!

a couple things i've learned:

1) eat slower and put the fork down between bites

2) measure out a serving (obviously it's less than a bowl-ful)

3) i don't like how it feels when i eat too much, so i will avoid it all costs!!!

4) it's going to take a bit longer than i thought to get used to bandster eating

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i've only been eating solids for a few days now, so i'm just getting used band eating. i think i ate too much. i had about a bowl of food and then all of a sudden all this saliva started building up and i feel like i have to burp but i can't. i'm guessing that this is sliming and PBing, right?

so i've been walking around my apartment and even took some antacids hoping it would help... when will this go away??!!

a couple things i've learned:

1) eat slower and put the fork down between bites

2) measure out a serving (obviously it's less than a bowl-ful)

3) i don't like how it feels when i eat too much, so i will avoid it all costs!!!

4) it's going to take a bit longer than i thought to get used to bandster eating

Hey Newbee - Here is my take. Eat all you want and your band will dictate what you can do. If it's too much, your body will tell you. Also, don't plan on your band be effective for 6 months. Like most of us, you will lose initially, and then put it back on and yoyo from there. After a time of frustration, the Doc will tighten the hell out of that thing and you will start getting wonderful results. Others may color-code it, but this is what I see and read most often. Remember, don't panic and be patient.

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Hey Newbee - Here is my take. Eat all you want and your band will dictate what you can do. If it's too much, your body will tell you. Also, don't plan on your band be effective for 6 months. Like most of us, you will lose initially, and then put it back on and yoyo from there. After a time of frustration, the Doc will tighten the hell out of that thing and you will start getting wonderful results. Others may color-code it, but this is what I see and read most often. Remember, don't panic and be patient.

I got several emails from forum members thinking "SoCalKid" was a little too blunt. What he wrote was from his perspective and most of it is true. The only parts I think I could disagree on, is he writes that the band won't be effective the first 6 months. A lot of patients will have good restriction from the beginning or right after their first fills. I admit, at the beginning there is a eating learning curve, many will experience what "Babe" went through. Also, the part of eating all you want and the band will dictate what you can do. Eating till you PB is a dangerous game, this is where patients will get into trouble with slippage and other complications. The band is only a tool, you need to learn to come to a soft stop when eating, not the hard stops with PBing. I have also noticed from this forum is that the patients that have success from the beginning, we hardly ever hear from. The quote that's posted the most is" Remember, everyone is different". The "SoCalKid" has a good quote in his post, "Remember, don't panic and be patient"

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Sorry hit submit to soon, I measure all my food, I sometime still take to much but I try to eat the right portion amount for what ever it is I'm eating. If it says a serving is 1/3 cup then that's what i eat. Most of the time I cant finish and I save it for the next meal. I stop when I think I'm full, I always remind myself what Dr. Ortiz told me "see how much little amount of food you can actually eat and not be hungry" it seems to work for me. Full to me is not being hungry and not needing to eat for about 2-3 hours after eating. Sometimes I don't eat enough and I know this cause I'm hungry about 1-2 hours after eating. Then I know what my portion is for a meal to stay in the 2-3 hour range. Its a huge learning curve!!! Remember that! I can eat about a cup to a cup and a half of food at meal time.


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