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Ups and downs... that's what it's all about!

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Hi All,

Just trying to put together my plan for the next 2 months... my bandiversary is coming up on May 31 and I fly out to Hawaii for a family vacation on that day.

So far, down 62 pounds. Nothing to shake a stick at! My original personal goal was 85 pounds in 1 year.

FRUSTRATIONS: Last several months have been painfully slow. A little plateau action, too much ice cream, enjoyed the holidays, stopped exercising after successfully running a 5K in January (lost motivation because my goal was accomplished and I didn't set a new one). Don't have anything to wear (which is also a win) and no clothes budget right now. Can't foresee affording any lifts or tucks in the next 18 months. Seems like my fills are super tight for 2 weeks and then immediately open up like a black hole. I have injured my back and can't exercise right now... heck, I can barely walk.


Don't have anything to wear! (I have to remind myself that this is a good thing!)

Was a size 22/24 a year ago. I bought some size 18 jean shorts from OldNavy.com and had to return them for a 16. 16 arrived and they are really too loose! I think I could do a 14 but I didn't keep the receipt b/c I could never imagine being smaller than a 16. Haven't seen a 14 since high school.

I think my body shape is changing even though the scale has been slow to move lately. I don't fear putting clothes in the dryer and I'm often surprised by how loose my clothes, rings, shoes, etc. are.

I think I can shop in a regular store...maybe in the women's section, but I've always restricted myself to Lane Bryant & Avenue. I'm ready to try some Kohl's, Dillards, etc. (soon as we sell this house and I feel better about the clothes budget!)

I weigh LESS than the day I got married (12 years ago).

My husband is awesome and supportive. Puts up with my obsessing over the evil scale, loves me just the way I am, and compliments my efforts to be a better, slimmer me.

Imagine what a world of hurt I would be in if I threw my back out AND I still weighed 60 pounds more. How on earth would I pull myself up out of the bed?!?!?!

The band really works. When I say I can eat like a black-hole, it is all relative. I ate most of a slice of pizza the other day.. and was so full, I'm lucky I didn't slime. That felt like a ton of solid, unhealthy food. Gotta remember THREE slices of pizza used to be typical, plus wings AND ice cream!

I feel "normal." Yes, I'm still significantly over-weight. But I feel like I fit in with American society instead of drawing negative attention / looks.

I feel confident. I've joined a women's networking group and I've been attending luncheons and coffees to meet people (instead of avoiding people for fear that they will notice how fat I am!)

People who know me are blown away by how much I've lost and make positive comments often.


So -- here's my plan. More protein! More water! (Less ice cream!) Rest my back and don't get depressed about the lack of exercise. Take photos again to get a realistic visual of how far I've come and enjoy the success.

Any more tips on how to make the best of the next 2 months of my first year???

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congrats on your upcoming milestone! That is great! It sounds like you have a great attitude about it and are aware of what things you could be doing to improve your loss. You have done a great job - keep up the good work!

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Kohl's has their winter stuff on clearance right now. If you all noticed have of their clothes this winter were short sleeved and these are now on sale. I bought 6 clearanced tops this weekend for $58.

Goodwill stores are a great place to buy clothes while you are losing weight and know that you will not be in these clothes for long. Look things over and be picky, but most things are in the $3-$5 range. Some items still have the tags on them, but they will cost you more. It is kind of like a garage sale with a lot more options and no weather problems.

Take a shot a returning the shorts, they might be willing to do an even exhange. Do you still have the tags for them? Do you have your credit card statement or cancelled check to help prove you bought them there?

I would send you my 14's, but I am still wearing them - sorry!

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Hi All,

Just trying to put together my plan for the next 2 months... my bandiversary is coming up on May 31 and I fly out to Hawaii for a family vacation on that day.

So far, down 62 pounds. Nothing to shake a stick at! My original personal goal was 85 pounds in 1 year.

FRUSTRATIONS: Last several months have been painfully slow. A little plateau action, too much ice cream, enjoyed the holidays, stopped exercising after successfully running a 5K in January (lost motivation because my goal was accomplished and I didn't set a new one). Don't have anything to wear (which is also a win) and no clothes budget right now. Can't foresee affording any lifts or tucks in the next 18 months. Seems like my fills are super tight for 2 weeks and then immediately open up like a black hole. I have injured my back and can't exercise right now... heck, I can barely walk.


Don't have anything to wear! (I have to remind myself that this is a good thing!)

Was a size 22/24 a year ago. I bought some size 18 jean shorts from OldNavy.com and had to return them for a 16. 16 arrived and they are really too loose! I think I could do a 14 but I didn't keep the receipt b/c I could never imagine being smaller than a 16. Haven't seen a 14 since high school.

I think my body shape is changing even though the scale has been slow to move lately. I don't fear putting clothes in the dryer and I'm often surprised by how loose my clothes, rings, shoes, etc. are.

I think I can shop in a regular store...maybe in the women's section, but I've always restricted myself to Lane Bryant & Avenue. I'm ready to try some Kohl's, Dillards, etc. (soon as we sell this house and I feel better about the clothes budget!)

I weigh LESS than the day I got married (12 years ago).

My husband is awesome and supportive. Puts up with my obsessing over the evil scale, loves me just the way I am, and compliments my efforts to be a better, slimmer me.

Imagine what a world of hurt I would be in if I threw my back out AND I still weighed 60 pounds more. How on earth would I pull myself up out of the bed?!?!?!

The band really works. When I say I can eat like a black-hole, it is all relative. I ate most of a slice of pizza the other day.. and was so full, I'm lucky I didn't slime. That felt like a ton of solid, unhealthy food. Gotta remember THREE slices of pizza used to be typical, plus wings AND ice cream!

I feel "normal." Yes, I'm still significantly over-weight. But I feel like I fit in with American society instead of drawing negative attention / looks.

I feel confident. I've joined a women's networking group and I've been attending luncheons and coffees to meet people (instead of avoiding people for fear that they will notice how fat I am!)

People who know me are blown away by how much I've lost and make positive comments often.


So -- here's my plan. More protein! More water! (Less ice cream!) Rest my back and don't get depressed about the lack of exercise. Take photos again to get a realistic visual of how far I've come and enjoy the success.

Any more tips on how to make the best of the next 2 months of my first year???

You are an inspiration to all of us who have put off doing something about our obesity and I truly appreciate your honesty. Just think , a year ago you were a totally different person. How about doing something different for exercise like a dance class suggest Zumba its aerobics combined w/ latin dance moves really fun. Not hard on your back at all.

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I don't have any specific advise, but I just wanted to say GREAT JOB! I appreciate your outlook and your attitude. Very encouraging. Thanks! :D

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Good job on the weight loss!

As for clothes, I echo the Kohl's sentiment. I work for Kohl's actually and a lot of stuff is 90% off, and you may luck out and find some summer stuff from last year still hanging around... I also am a BIG Goodwill shopper. My weight has stabilized, but I am still dropping sizes, so I am still finding some time to go once a month to Goodwill... I've found some GREAT clothes with tags still on for dirt cheap. You just have to take YOUR TIME while looking there. Budget at least an hour to really pick through stuff. You will be amazed at what you can find... And TRY THINGS ON. Don't just 'think' you might be able to wear a size. Don't be afraid to grab different sizes. Different cuts=different size options. I've been wearing a 6 for awhile in things and was at Kohl's the other day and found some Dockers for $4... but they were in a size 4. I was going into the fitting room anyways, so I took them to see how tight they'd be. They fit. I am still a six... but certain lines are a 4. And some Levi's are an 8, but some are a 6. It is really weird. Don't think you can't possibly do it, cause you might surprise yourself.

Ice cream is a downfall of mine as well. Substitute 1 oz of DARK chocolate (70% or more). I like the Lindt 86% Extreme Dark. One small square kicks the sweet craving and there is a LOT of science that SUPER DARK chocolate is GOOD for you, helps you eat less, and makes your blood flow better. As long as you keep it to a small piece per day, you'll be fine. and for me, it REALLY kicks the sweet craving. I just suck on it until it is competely melted... DIVINE.

I hope your back feels better soon! You're doing GREAT!

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THANK YOU, Everyone!

I can't wait to check out Kohl's, Goodwill, and some dark chocolate!

The wins keep coming... even after a rough day at work yesterday (we had to lay off several people at work), one of my remaining co-workers came up to me and said, "I know this is a tough day and probably not appropriate timing, but I just have to tell you that you are looking great!" Made me feel good to stand in front of my co-workers and talk about the issues and not worry about if they are thinking I'm too fat to be talking about anything.

Anyway, my back is feeling so much better. I'm going to keep taking it easy for a few days and maybe do some light walking for exercise this weekend to test it out.

Take care!

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