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bodybugg - review

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I finally decided to buy the bodybugg and since I have been using it for a couple of weeks I thought I would share my thougths.

For those who don't know what it is, a bodybugg is essentially a really high tech pedometer. Instead of just measuring your steps it also measures your temperature changes and galvanic skin changes (sweat etc) to accurately (up to 90%) measure how many calories you burn throughout the day. It works in conjunction with their website where you upload information from the bodybugg and log the food you consume each day. If a food doesn't already exist in their data base you just need to enter the nutritional information once and it automatically remembers it for the next time. Their website also has a questionnaire about your food preferences and builds a meal plan for you but I haven't really been using that.

So here is a breakdown of using the bodybugg

- It's comfortable to wear, I don't even notice it most times. I have had people comment on it when it is visible if I am wearing sleeveless tops but that doesn't bother me

- uploading information is really easy

- inputting my food log was slightly difficult at first but once I got used to their program it became simple and quick

-creating my program was really easy. I set up my goal weight, the number of pounds I'd like to loose per week, edited my target for calories (required due to the lapband as 1600 is just too much) and it gives a target for the number of calories to burn to get the calorie deficit I need to meet my goal.

Information you can see at a glance once all your data is uploaded

- total calories burned so far that day (use the mouse to get the estimate of total calories burned if you are sedentary for the rest of the day)

-total calories consumed (once you enter the info)

- current calorie deficit

- a break down of number of calories burned per minute for periods throughout the day (you can see the increase when you worked out or were active

A click of the mouse shows the following

- nutritional breakdown for calories consumed (calculates total protein etc.)

- Number of steps(this works slightly different than a standard pedometer and apparently isn't always as accurate on exercise equipment but it was very accurate for me on the elliptical trainer) - you can set a target but the default is 10000

- amount of physical activity in a day in minutes (defualt target of 30 minutes) -

You can easily show this information for today, a specific day for different reporting periods.

What I like best about this

- I am a total geek and I love information so this is perfect for me

- The accountability each day or what and how much I have eaten and how much I have moved

This probably isn't for everyone but it is a cool toy.... I mean tool. If you want more info the website is www.bodybugg.com.

BTW I was at Northwest Fill Management yesterday for an unfil (yeah I can drink water again) and they mentioned that they are organizing a bulk purchase to help out their clients that might be interested so give them a call/email if you are interested.


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I finally decided to buy the bodybugg and since I have been using it for a couple of weeks I thought I would share my thougths.

For those who don't know what it is, a bodybugg is essentially a really high tech pedometer. Instead of just measuring your steps it also measures your temperature changes and galvanic skin changes (sweat etc) to accurately (up to 90%) measure how many calories you burn throughout the day. It works in conjunction with their website where you upload information from the bodybugg and log the food you consume each day. If a food doesn't already exist in their data base you just need to enter the nutritional information once and it automatically remembers it for the next time. Their website also has a questionnaire about your food preferences and builds a meal plan for you but I haven't really been using that.

So here is a breakdown of using the bodybugg

- It's comfortable to wear, I don't even notice it most times. I have had people comment on it when it is visible if I am wearing sleeveless tops but that doesn't bother me

- uploading information is really easy

- inputting my food log was slightly difficult at first but once I got used to their program it became simple and quick

-creating my program was really easy. I set up my goal weight, the number of pounds I'd like to loose per week, edited my target for calories (required due to the lapband as 1600 is just too much) and it gives a target for the number of calories to burn to get the calorie deficit I need to meet my goal.

Information you can see at a glance once all your data is uploaded

- total calories burned so far that day (use the mouse to get the estimate of total calories burned if you are sedentary for the rest of the day)

-total calories consumed (once you enter the info)

- current calorie deficit

- a break down of number of calories burned per minute for periods throughout the day (you can see the increase when you worked out or were active

A click of the mouse shows the following

- nutritional breakdown for calories consumed (calculates total protein etc.)

- Number of steps(this works slightly different than a standard pedometer and apparently isn't always as accurate on exercise equipment but it was very accurate for me on the elliptical trainer) - you can set a target but the default is 10000

- amount of physical activity in a day in minutes (defualt target of 30 minutes) -

You can easily show this information for today, a specific day for different reporting periods.

What I like best about this

- I am a total geek and I love information so this is perfect for me

- The accountability each day or what and how much I have eaten and how much I have moved

This probably isn't for everyone but it is a cool toy.... I mean tool. If you want more info the website is www.bodybugg.com.

BTW I was at Northwest Fill Management yesterday for an unfil (yeah I can drink water again) and they mentioned that they are organizing a bulk purchase to help out their clients that might be interested so give them a call/email if you are interested.


Great review. I have one as well and love it. I'm not wearing at the time due to having surgery last week but will start again when i start eating solids.

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Hi Louise--

Which one did you get--digital display or no digital display? (Thanks for the info--this looks really cool!)

It's really only one model but you can get a additional digital display. I didn't bother with the display. You wear it on your wrist like a watch and I hate wearing a watch. Plus it costs extra (I think $50). I'm not even really sue what the display shows, if it is total calories burned so far, or calories per minute or what but it didn't seem worth the extra money for me.


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Got you--I let my hubby go deep sea fishing on our boat on Mother's Day (since I had gotten a fill the day before, we couldn't go out to eat as planned), so he owes me big! I think I found just the right thing for him to get me!! (haha)

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Got you--I let my hubby go deep sea fishing on our boat on Mother's Day (since I had gotten a fill the day before, we couldn't go out to eat as planned), so he owes me big! I think I found just the right thing for him to get me!! (haha)

Yeah for you. Since you are too far for NWFM you should look at 24Hr fitness. They have a sale on now for $199.

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Thank you for the information of the reduced price at 24-hour Fitness. I ordered mine last night. Can't wait to get it. Thank you again for all of the good information!!

(For anyone else interested, a membership at 24-hour Fitness is not necessary to be able to order it from them.)

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Thank you for the information of the reduced price at 24-hour Fitness. I ordered mine last night. Can't wait to get it. Thank you again for all of the good information!!

(For anyone else interested, a membership at 24-hour Fitness is not necessary to be able to order it from them.)

Yay for you! You're right, you don't need a membership to buy one. I actually picked mine up when I drove down from Canada to get a fill. That was just before the ladies at NWFM decided to look into a bulk purchase so I didn't have any other options. Unfortunately I don't think that 24hour fitness ships to Canada. At least I couldn't figure it out on their website.

Have fun with your new toy

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It's really only one model but you can get a additional digital display. I didn't bother with the display. You wear it on your wrist like a watch and I hate wearing a watch. Plus it costs extra (I think $50). I'm not even really sue what the display shows, if it is total calories burned so far, or calories per minute or what but it didn't seem worth the extra money for me.


I chose not to get the digital display worn on the wrist too. I guess it could be a motivator to get moving and see the burned calories increase but didnt seem worth the extra $$ either.

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I used to have one of the older versions 2 years ago. I helped me lose 20lbs. I did get a little sick of logging my food though. If I get a new one I would def get the watch. It would be so helpful to know how close you are to your daily burn goal before the day is over. The only problem is that (at least with the old one) if I chose to ride a bike (or do a spinning class) the little bugger wouldn't calculate the appropriate calories burned.

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I received my bodybugg a couple of days ago, set it up (easy easy easy) and have been using it. WOW! This thing is so cool. Better at my food with it as well, since it is a food log also. Thanks so much Louise for telling us about it. I love it!

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I received my bodybugg a couple of days ago, set it up (easy easy easy) and have been using it. WOW! This thing is so cool. Better at my food with it as well, since it is a food log also. Thanks so much Louise for telling us about it. I love it!

So glad you're loving it. I've been in and out of town for the last week and a half, travelling to conferences so I haven't been able to use mine. Can't wait till tomorrow to get back into the swing of things. I thought about bringing it with me but I was too afraid of loosing it.

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