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I Need Advice And Guidance

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Ever since I was a young child I have had difficulties with my weight, but never to this extent. I am 20 years old and after giving birth to my beautiful now 10 month old daughter and gaining 100lbs, I now weigh a whopping 283lbs. Being this over weight has put me in such a depression that I don't even want to go out in public anymore. I feel like I'm trapped in someone else's body and because of my insecurities with my weight, trapped in my own house. After a long process of diet after diet and no lasting results I believe Lap Band is a perfect option for me and after deciding that I definitely want this more than anything, not only for my own personal happiness but for that of my family...I have realized that I am not in a financial situation that can handle the costs of the surgery and unfortunately don't have insurance for myself. Does anyone have any ideas of what I could do....is it possible to get insurance and right away file a claim for surgery? My BMI is 48.... I can't live like this anymore, my weight is putting a damper on my life and right now I'm missing out on memories with my daughter and fiancé because I’m too embarrassed to leave my house or even pose for a picture. I'm supposed to be at the prime of my life, I have an amazing family but at this time I’m not enjoying any of it because I’m not happy with myself. I need advice and I need guidance...

I have also recently just learned about Dr. Ortiz, is he a good bariatric surgeon? My fiancé is actually from Mexico and has told me that Tijuana is a very bad town, very dangerous and he doesn't believe that Dr. Ortiz could be as good of a surgeon like stated on the website.....I was wondering if anybody who has gone to him for surgery would be willing to share their story with me and give me some insight on his practice, mainly to get my fiancé on my side, but also to put myself at ease?

Whether I can get insurance and have it pay for me to have the surgery in the states or take out a loan and head to Mexico.... I am determined to have this surgery, right now I just need to talk to others for some kind of comfort....

I'm sorry I wrote so much....

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Hi Paula, first I want to say welcome, this is a great place to be as most of us have been exactly where you are. The second thing I want to say is that Dr. Ortiz and the OCC are AMAZING. Yes he is better than most U.S. docs and he trains alot of U.S. docs. I have met 3 doctors in CA alone who have trained with him either for the surgery or for fills. And they loved the OCC. So rest assured, you will be in the best hands. Most of the people on this board have been banded by the OCC. TJ sounds scary but they pick you up at the airport, drive you to the hotel and then to the clinic and back etc. Plus the Zona Rio part of TJ looks very much like my town in CA anyway. It's really not bad at all. Personally I wouldn't go wandering around alone but I know people do.

It sounds like you are mentally ready for the band. It is a very different way of life and for me I still am learning after 2.5 years. I too have small children (one of whom I had after my band) and I am almost at goal. It has made a huge impact on my life and my children's as I have more energy and more fun with them than I ever did.

Most of the people on here were self-pay at OCC. I don't know about the insurance stuff. But I wanted to say welcome and feel free to ask any questions that you have!


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Hi Paula, first I want to say welcome, this is a great place to be as most of us have been exactly where you are. The second thing I want to say is that Dr. Ortiz and the OCC are AMAZING. Yes he is better than most U.S. docs and he trains alot of U.S. docs. I have met 3 doctors in CA alone who have trained with him either for the surgery or for fills. And they loved the OCC. So rest assured, you will be in the best hands. Most of the people on this board have been banded by the OCC. TJ sounds scary but they pick you up at the airport, drive you to the hotel and then to the clinic and back etc. Plus the Zona Rio part of TJ looks very much like my town in CA anyway. It's really not bad at all. Personally I wouldn't go wandering around alone but I know people do.

It sounds like you are mentally ready for the band. It is a very different way of life and for me I still am learning after 2.5 years. I too have small children (one of whom I had after my band) and I am almost at goal. It has made a huge impact on my life and my children's as I have more energy and more fun with them than I ever did.

Most of the people on here were self-pay at OCC. I don't know about the insurance stuff. But I wanted to say welcome and feel free to ask any questions that you have!


Hi Karen,

Thanks for taking the time to read my post and get back to me. I have been reading a lot about Dr. Ortiz in this forum, and I'm glad to have really not found anything negative at all on here, which is exciting. I think Dr. Ortiz would be perfect in aiding my weight loss with the lap band, I’ve only read amazing things about him and his staff and you're reply has only made my decision more clear... I'm going to go through with this! I need this! Now the only thing is the money... My goal is to get the money together so I can have the surgery before September. Thank you again for replying, it's good to know that there is someone out there that cares enough to give insight and encourage change.


Oh and congratulations on your weight loss!

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Hi Karen,

Thanks for taking the time to read my post and get back to me. I have been reading a lot about Dr. Ortiz in this forum, and I'm glad to have really not found anything negative at all on here, which is exciting. I think Dr. Ortiz would be perfect in aiding my weight loss with the lap band, I’ve only read amazing things about him and his staff and you're reply has only made my decision more clear... I'm going to go through with this! I need this! Now the only thing is the money... My goal is to get the money together so I can have the surgery before September. Thank you again for replying, it's good to know that there is someone out there that cares enough to give insight and encourage change.


Oh and congratulations on your weight loss!

Hi Paula!

I was just banded on the 14th by Dr. Ortiz, and my experience was top notch! There was never a time when a question I had went unanswered or I felt uncomfortable. I plan on recommending the OCC to anyone who is thinking about the surgery. My best friend had her surgery by Dr. Ortiz last October, and she had the same experience. My husband and I stayed at the Marriott, and had a pleasant stay there. Service was at the 5-star level. I have no regrets with my decision to get the band in Mexico. If anything, I wish I did this a few years ago! Feel free to contact me if you have any other questions.

Thanks & Good Luck!

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I was banded by Dr. Ortiz Nov. 19, 2008. My husband was so impressed with him and the OCC he let Dr. Ortiz band him April 6, 2009.

My husband borrowed the money for my surgery from his 401K.

We used a low interest credit card to pay for his surgery.

I hate being in debt, but I can assure you, those are two payments that I don't mind making every month. Our happiness and health are worth every penny.

I have lost a total of 73lbs. My husband has lost 70lbs. I weighed in this morning at 179lbs. I didn't think I would ever see the 170's again, but thanks to the band I made it.

You can make it happen. Good luck with getting the $$$$.

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I have to agree with everyone, Dr. Ortiz and OCC was great. I too was very nervous about traveling to TJ for surgery. The OCC meet me at the airport, they were waiting for me in the baggage claim area. I was greeted and taken care of from the airport on. I traveled with my mother and we picked up another couple on the way. We all loaded into the van and drove to the border. Crossing was a piece of cake, no problem. The driver re-assured us that everything would be fine and the OCC was in a better part of town, minutes from the border and across the street from the police station. We were then taken to the OCC for labs and then taken to the Marriott. Everything was very well planned out and smooth traveling. I was very impressed with the OCC, doctors, and nurses. They made you feel very welcome and at home. One of the doctors came in and explained everything to us, the proceedure, aftercare, asked if we had any questions or concerns. They were very caring and personable. The nurses after surgery treated me like I was a queen. If you are considering having surgery then I wouldn't hesitate about going to OCC.

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Ever since I was a young child I have had difficulties with my weight, but never to this extent. I am 20 years old and after giving birth to my beautiful now 10 month old daughter and gaining 100lbs, I now weigh a whopping 283lbs. Being this over weight has put me in such a depression that I don't even want to go out in public anymore. I feel like I'm trapped in someone else's body and because of my insecurities with my weight, trapped in my own house. After a long process of diet after diet and no lasting results I believe Lap Band is a perfect option for me and after deciding that I definitely want this more than anything, not only for my own personal happiness but for that of my family...I have realized that I am not in a financial situation that can handle the costs of the surgery and unfortunately don't have insurance for myself. Does anyone have any ideas of what I could do....is it possible to get insurance and right away file a claim for surgery? My BMI is 48.... I can't live like this anymore, my weight is putting a damper on my life and right now I'm missing out on memories with my daughter and fiancé because I’m too embarrassed to leave my house or even pose for a picture. I'm supposed to be at the prime of my life, I have an amazing family but at this time I’m not enjoying any of it because I’m not happy with myself. I need advice and I need guidance...

I have also recently just learned about Dr. Ortiz, is he a good bariatric surgeon? My fiancé is actually from Mexico and has told me that Tijuana is a very bad town, very dangerous and he doesn't believe that Dr. Ortiz could be as good of a surgeon like stated on the website.....I was wondering if anybody who has gone to him for surgery would be willing to share their story with me and give me some insight on his practice, mainly to get my fiancé on my side, but also to put myself at ease?

Whether I can get insurance and have it pay for me to have the surgery in the states or take out a loan and head to Mexico.... I am determined to have this surgery, right now I just need to talk to others for some kind of comfort....

I'm sorry I wrote so much....


Hugs to you. I feel as if I could have written your post just six months ago. My highest weight was 294. I am going to be banded this week by doctor Ortiz. I'll be honest, I had a surgeon in San Francisco when my journey first started. To make a long story short, after I paid my doctor I found this board and soon enough, I decided to switch doctors. I am very glad I did. (I got "almost" a full refund from my old doctor.)

There is a wealth of information and experience on these boards. You came to the right place.

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Hi Paula

I can relate to where you are as I was around the same weight when I started this journey. I am concerned that you are letting the weight interfere beyond the physical aspects. In my opinion it is really important to accept yourself no matter what your weight is. Something that is much easier said than done ;o)

Keep in mind that the lapband is not a quick and easy solution, it's just a tool that we use to help us with our struggle.

If it really isn't an option for you right now financially (I don't know anything about insurance etc.) I can recommend a book that my fill Dr recommended to me. It's called "The Beck Diet Solution", written by Dr Judith Beck who is a psychologist. The book is intended for use with any diet or health regime and is based on Cognitive Behavior Therapy. It can help you battle the reasons why you are over eating, not eating healthy and not exercising (like so many of us struggling with weight). My fill Dr recommended it in conjunction with the band but it is meant to be used in conjunction with any HEALTHY weight loss plan.

I'd also recommend a Bodybugg if you are at all technically savvy and can afford the $200. It allows you to accurately track your exercise and food intake. I love it, but it isn't for everyone.

Good luck


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Hi Paula

I can relate to where you are as I was around the same weight when I started this journey. I am concerned that you are letting the weight interfere beyond the physical aspects. In my opinion it is really important to accept yourself no matter what your weight is. Something that is much easier said than done ;o)

Keep in mind that the lapband is not a quick and easy solution, it's just a tool that we use to help us with our struggle.

If it really isn't an option for you right now financially (I don't know anything about insurance etc.) I can recommend a book that my fill Dr recommended to me. It's called "The Beck Diet Solution", written by Dr Judith Beck who is a psychologist. The book is intended for use with any diet or health regime and is based on Cognitive Behavior Therapy. It can help you battle the reasons why you are over eating, not eating healthy and not exercising (like so many of us struggling with weight). My fill Dr recommended it in conjunction with the band but it is meant to be used in conjunction with any HEALTHY weight loss plan.

I'd also recommend a Bodybugg if you are at all technically savvy and can afford the $200. It allows you to accurately track your exercise and food intake. I love it, but it isn't for everyone.

Good luck


Thanks for the reply.....

The problem with me is not that I don't exercise, it is quite the opposite. I run on my elliptical machine everyday at least 1.5 miles, and sometimes maxing out at 4.5 miles. It's just my intake of calories that is holding me back. I understand the lap band is not a quick fix, but it's not like I sit on my a#@ all day long and don't put forth any effort in trying to make a change. So I know the lap band will be just what I need to start up my weight loss. I'm sure if you worked out as hard as I do and received no results at all, you'd feel just as stressed and frustrated with the situation. Honestly $7,000.00 is a lot of money and I wouldn't be spending it if I thought that this is something just exercise could fix. Honestly I’m kind of offended by your reply. I don't mean to be but I’m tired of people saying that I just need to exercise more or that I don't exercise at all.... "It can help you battle the reasons why you are over eating, not eating healthy and not exercising." Your reply almost sounded like something my fiancé would say..... he is totally against this surgery and just constantly nags and pushes me to work out harder, which in return.... I do. Exercise is just a tough subject for me.

Yes, I do let the weight interfere with me.... I’m sure most people do! Going from a size where I was comfortable to a size where I’m insecure in less than a year is hard to deal with. I was 178lbs., I loved how I looked, I partied, dated and was just living my life like every other 20 year old. I became pregnant, had a beautiful daughter....but now I am stuck in a rut still "eating for two." That is why I want the lap band to restrict my intake, to use in aiding my weight loss along with my already strenuous workouts. I’m sorry coming off so strong but this is such a sensitive subject for me....I work out everyday and see no results....it affects me, I know. It has put a major damper on my relationship with my fiancé and I’m missing out on all of my daughters "firsts." I went from wearing a medium shirt to a 2xl, from a size 12 pants to a size 22... It's hard for me. It's upsetting, embarrassing and hurtful....

Thanks again for your reply, even though I disagree with certain comments made, I'm sure it was meant with only best intentions... but like I said... I'm am just very sensitive about the situation.

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Thanks for the reply.....

The problem with me is not that I don't exercise, it is quite the opposite. I run on my elliptical machine everyday at least 1.5 miles, and sometimes maxing out at 4.5 miles. It's just my intake of calories that is holding me back. I understand the lap band is not a quick fix, but it's not like I sit on my a#@ all day long and don't put forth any effort in trying to make a change. So I know the lap band will be just what I need to start up my weight loss. I'm sure if you worked out as hard as I do and received no results at all, you'd feel just as stressed and frustrated with the situation. Honestly $7,000.00 is a lot of money and I wouldn't be spending it if I thought that this is something just exercise could fix. Honestly I’m kind of offended by your reply. I don't mean to be but I’m tired of people saying that I just need to exercise more or that I don't exercise at all.... "It can help you battle the reasons why you are over eating, not eating healthy and not exercising." Your reply almost sounded like something my fiancé would say..... he is totally against this surgery and just constantly nags and pushes me to work out harder, which in return.... I do. Exercise is just a tough subject for me.

Yes, I do let the weight interfere with me.... I’m sure most people do! Going from a size where I was comfortable to a size where I’m insecure in less than a year is hard to deal with. I was 178lbs., I loved how I looked, I partied, dated and was just living my life like every other 20 year old. I became pregnant, had a beautiful daughter....but now I am stuck in a rut still "eating for two." That is why I want the lap band to restrict my intake, to use in aiding my weight loss along with my already strenuous workouts. I’m sorry coming off so strong but this is such a sensitive subject for me....I work out everyday and see no results....it affects me, I know. It has put a major damper on my relationship with my fiancé and I’m missing out on all of my daughters "firsts." I went from wearing a medium shirt to a 2xl, from a size 12 pants to a size 22... It's hard for me. It's upsetting, embarrassing and hurtful....

Thanks again for your reply, even though I disagree with certain comments made, I'm sure it was meant with only best intentions... but like I said... I'm am just very sensitive about the situation.

Hi Paula,

I'm sorry that I offended you. It wasn't my intent. My comments were in general terms and not assuming that it is exactly the same for you. In general, people (specifically me) eat too much, eat the wrong things, and don't exercise enough which is how they become over weight and maintain the weight.

I'm not against the surgery obviously as I have had it, but it isn't easy and things can still get in the way of loosing weight and get you down (personal experience speaking). I wish I had known about some of the other tools that I suggested in advance of my surgery as I think it would have made the journey easier. If you make poor food choices before you have the band it is still possible afterwards, something that has delayed my weight loss in addition to some medical issues I've faced since my surgery in December.

Having the band can be an emotional roller coaster, and my suggestions were only to provide alternatives that have assisted me if you financially can't swing the band. The book in particular focuses on making good food choices, not so much on exercise. The reason I like the bodybugg is it makes you accountable for what you eat during the day. Neither are the end all and be all, but if $$ is an issue they are a tiny fraction of the cost of surgery and might help you out while you save up or arrange financing. Like I said, I wish I had them before my surgery.

All the best


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Hi Paula,

I had the band last August and I still struggle with the head hunger, but it has helped me immensely with my binge eating. I used to eat my emotions whether I was angry, happy, sad, celebrating, etc and I used to think about food constantly. I'd plan what I was going to eat, when, where, etc. You get the picture. Now sometimes it's a chore to eat and I probably eat 1/2 or sometimes 1/3 of what I used to eat. Though I haven't lost as fast as some, I am happy with the results because it helps limit the amount of food I can eat. I excercise 4x a week which I didn't do before, so that's probably helped and I've gone from a tight size 20 pant to a regular 16 (not 16W) and a 3x top to a regular xl. I know I've still got another 40 pounds or so to take off, but if you can swing it or find a way, I wouldn't trade this band in for anything.

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I have been overweight all of my life. I too felt like I was trapped. I decided, just like you are to do something about it. My insurance would not cover the surgery. I made a choice that I was going to change my life for ME. I started saving the money and search the internet as well. I came across the OCC website and then this forum. After reading and research there was no qustion in my mind that this was the place that I was going to go. My family almost had heart failure when I told them that I was going to Mexico and then did have heart failure when I told them Tijuana. I talked my sister into going with me for the surgery. I was a person hated exercise, honestly I was lazy. It was easier not to do anything than to do something, so I really commend you on your currect exercise routine. I did have my surgery 6 months ago last Thursday and it has truley changed my life and my families life as well. I will say it has not been an easy road. I had it in my mind, band= weight loss, no problem. I WAS WRONG. ..........Band +healthy eating+exercise+determination +faith+never giving up+stress+hating scales+on and on...I have NEVER worked so hard in my life but TRULEY 100% worth it. I eat heathier, everyone in my house does, Exercise is a part of my daily rountine, just better life in Gerneal. I encourage you if you dont have the money, SAVE, even if you dont thing it will help, SAVE until you can get it.

Good Luck!


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