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Very Excited

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Hello all,

Well, I went to the Doctor yesterday to get my stitches removed and I have GREAT news.

I have officially lost 26 pounds since April 24, 2009.


I was all smiles after the nurse checked me in and the doc was very happy.

Gone forever and thrilled about it... :)

Hugs to all,


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That is so awesome! This is going to be a silly question, but I didn't schedule an appointment to have my stiches removed. Yikes.

Who was your doctor?

How are you feeling now that you're on solid foods?

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Congrats that's awesome! It's a great way to kick off the rest of your weight loss journey....

I also didn't have stitches removed. Do you mean the dressing or bandages? Mine came off when I showered..


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Hello all,

Well, I went to the Doctor yesterday to get my stitches removed and I have GREAT news.

I have officially lost 26 pounds since April 24, 2009.


I was all smiles after the nurse checked me in and the doc was very happy.

Gone forever and thrilled about it... :)

Hugs to all,


What a GREAT start Kristi! That is just fantastic! Now that you have a good start going, keep the focus and don't look back. Yes, those 26 lbs are gone forever. Just remember you are still in the healing stage and to rest as much as possible and when your 3 months 'are up', you are start those exercises and get some more results for you.

(OK...like the others, I am curious of those stitches you have taken out too?)

Keep us posted on your journey! Jazzy!!

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Well to answer the stitches questions, here goes... I have very very sensitive skin. I am allergic to adhesives among other things.

But I found out through years that I am allergic to monocril dissolvable stitches. They cannot attempt to use any dissolvable stitches since there is a huge possibility that I will get and infection from them. So they have to use the regular ugly nylon ones and remove them.

It is kinda odd, and frustrating for me. but that is life. :D



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