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husband just bought us a wii fit...

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Does anybody have one and have any tips? I HATE HATE HATE exercize more than anyone I have ever met...so what hurts the least? Are there any "exercize for dummies" programs it comes with? I'd like to start slow.


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Hi ValleyGirl!

My hubby bought us a WiiFit for Christmas and I love it! The hula hooping is fun (at first) but can be strenuous on your knees -- hurts to walk the next day if you aren't used to it. Try the step challenges and after you have unlocked the Free Step you can set it to go for a while and change the channel to watch TV!

I do some of the easier yoga moves and was really surprised how quickly I improved at them (having never done yoga before and falling off the WiiFit board on my first trys!)

I got to where I liked the boxing, too! It's one that will get you real sweaty and you feel like you are really working out.

The balance games are fun, too but I don't know that they are much of a work out.

Enjoy! Let us know how you like it!


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Hey Sabrina,

I have the Wii Fit though right now I don't have much time to use it. I really liked the yoga and the balance games. I did some of the exercises too and they were OK. I also have the game Rayman Raving Rabbids TV party which is hilarious and you can play with your kids. It doesn't seem like exercise while you are doing it but your heart rate does go up and your arms can be sore the next day. It works with the regular controllers and the balance board.

Also if you are looking into different gyms in the area I joined She's Fit and I love it. It's cheap, women only and they have a TON of cardio equipment all with individual TVs. I did 50 minutes on the eliptical trainer watching What not to wear and didn't even notice the time going by!!!!


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Hugs to you. I heard from Dr. Miranda (I think) that if you're not into exercise you can buy a pedometer and make sure you hit 10,000 steps each day.

Easy peasy.


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Hey Valley Girl,

My husband bought me the Wii Active a week ago and I love it. I hate to exercise too and I didn't think I would enjoy yet another exercise video. The box comes with a video, leg strap and resistant band. You personalize a program that fits your needs and also provides a 30 day challenge and shows your progress along the way. The first 3 times I tried it, I was so sore I could barely walk up my stairs. Today was my 5th workout and I am no longer sore and am more motivated than ever to do my next set of exercises. Visit this website to learn more about it.. It retails for $60 and is also compatible with your wii balance board.


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I got the Wii Active this week and I love it.. I had lost most of my weight with the Wii Fit and was very excited ton hear the Active was out as I was getting bored with the Fit. The Active is really cool and not that costly either,, you don't have to own the Wii Fit to work out with the Active. I think if you have a Game Stop in your area you can get it for free with three used games as trade. At Target I paid $60 for it thogh.. Get it!! It is fun!! XO Lisa :rolleyes:

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