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Since my third fill, my restriction has waxed and waned, with some days being tighter than others. But for the most part I can eat when I take things slowly, chew well, etc.. However, this past weekend, I've been going out a lot, and I've noticed a pattern where I eat a couple of bitefuls and it can take a long time for those first few bites to go down. Once they go down, I'm ok to eat the rest of my meal, though I have to take my time.

Yesterday, my family treated me to a birthday lunch at a nice waterfront restaurant downtown, and I was so tight that my initial bites of food did NOT go down and remained stuck in the pouch for the entire duration of lunch! I finally had to go to the bathroom and vomit it out because the saliva kept excreting down and the whole contents of the pouch kept rising like a stopped drain that has water being fed continuously into it (I use the clogged drain analogy to describe how the band works to other people). It was rather embarrassing to have to do that in a fancy restaurant (and unfortunately I was not alone in the bathroom, so I'm sure I was heard).

At least I know this is finally working (six months later!) but man is it socially awkward! I dread going out to eat with people who don't know I'm banded because I don't know how to explain myself when all I can eat initally are a few bites of food and I'm staring at my plate for the next 15 minutes while everyone chomps down their lunch.

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I am going through something very similar, I had a fill 1 week ago today. I was swollen for the first 3 days and then I was good until yesterday. I had trouble with water at times and the only thing solid that I got down yesterday was 2 slices of cheese. Totally weird.... Today I can still tell that I am tight but I can drink water with no problem, I'm going to try cottage cheese for lunch today.... Sure hope it works or I might be looking for an un-fill soon. I want to loose weight but I don't want to hurt myself or my lovely band.

Good luck.


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hey sharon, i totally relate to the whole socially awkward stuff. i'm able to eat right away, but my odd eating habits and not drinking with a meal are getting noticed more and more. i also have a lousy tendency to eat my first few bites really fast and inevitably i hit a log jam and end up hoping to god i don't start sliming. its hard not to follow along with others and eat mindlessly - especially when the food is tasty and the conversation is flowing. i'm still getting used to bandster eating, and i'm realising how little patience i have with this process.

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Hi Sharon

I'm still in the same boat. It was really hard travelling while this tight, I lived on lattes and clam chowder for a couple of days. I've learned to eat incredibly slow and things are a lot better. Plus I've lost 13lbs in the last month so I am trying to tough it out for now. Part of the 'problem" now is that I am almost never hungry. Not really a bad problem to have though.


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It's been really tough for me in social situations. I live in a society where the social life revolves around food. Some of my close friends know but not too many others. When I do go out to eat, I sip slowly on my iced tea ( I know no drinks before meals but that keeps my mouth occupied) and then will order soup of something while the others have their buffalo wings or nachos. I eat my soup so so so slowly and am enjoying conversation the whole time. I do order a main meal but most of the time I'll just try it and then say "oh the soup was really filling I can't eat any more" and then have them bag the rest of my food. It usually ends up being my lunch and dinner for the next day. So far no one's noticed as I don't just sit and stare at their plates. I try to keep my mouth busy by either sipping something or talking (I'm pretty good at both. LOL)...

oh but the worst is with my Kuwaiti in laws. They like serve a buffet of food for dinner at weekends and dinner's usually at 10:00pm or 11:00pm (I know bizzarr). My excuse... "Dr. Oz says we shouldn't eat 3 hrs before bedtime so I stopped eating at 8:00". works everytime.


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I have given up on restaurants....I rarely get stuck at home but the minute I order an expensive meal at a restaurant I am cursed!!! I'm trying to think of other ways to "celebrate" other than going out to eat....it's what I have always done to celebrate everything from graduations to birthdays to relatives coming to town. Now we will have to celebrate in other ways.


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I am in the same boat as all of you...When it comes to restaurants I no longer order anything, just a plate and I have a few bites of this and a few bites of that and I am done. Why order food that will take me 3 days to eat, when I can still be social and eat slowly...Now of course this is with my family. I guess if I went out with folks that didn't know I had the band I would have to order something. I haven't ran into that yet.

Good luck everyone...

Kim :D

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