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considering lap band surgery

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I spoke to mr Dr. briefly today about lapband, she says to write out a timeline on my tries at weightloss and how the weight affects me. I have diabetes type 2, crohns and when I sit for long periods my stomach cuts off circulation in my left leg. I am about 260 and want to be around 140 to 150. Any suggestions on what else I should put in this document?



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I spoke to mr Dr. briefly today about lapband, she says to write out a timeline on my tries at weightloss and how the weight affects me. I have diabetes type 2, crohns and when I sit for long periods my stomach cuts off circulation in my left leg. I am about 260 and want to be around 140 to 150. Any suggestions on what else I should put in this document?



Lori, not to dissuade you but I have had some problems with an inflammatory disease since being banded and while doing research on the manufacturers website I found it says that it isn't recommended for people with inflammatory bowel disease. I would still look into it, but make sure you discuss the implications for Crohns disease with a specialist before you go too far.

PS I would list the times you've tried losing weight, what you did, and how long you kept the weight off. Also indicate if you gained back more than you lost.



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Be as specific as you can. Here are some of the things I would put into the letter.

Weight when you started the program, type/name of program, how long you followed the program, weight at the end of the program, how long the weight stayed off, how fast it went back on, issues you had with being on the program, etc.

Put in personal mental thoughts about yourself and anything that friends, family or strangers have said to you.

Do you have a family, what would life be like for them and you if you didn't have this weight.

Has the weight limited you in participating in anything such as amusement park rides or sitting comfortably in an airplane?

Do you get short of breath going up stairs or trying to keep up with your children at the park?

If something were to happen and you needed to get to your children or chase them down for their safety (they get loose and ran thru a parking lot), could you run and catch up with them?

How has your life changed since you put on weight? Did you used to be an outgoing person but no longer have the courage to be out in public or meet new people?

Do you have any kind of skin issues such as yeast infections or raw spots between the rolls of fat? Skin on skin rubbing and raw spots are not fun to admit, but they are an issue.

Use spell check and have at least one other person read the letter to make sure that it makes sense. Grammar and typo's are not acceptable in a letter such as this (hope I don't have any in this post).

Well, that is about the extent of the thoughts my brain cells can produce at the moment.

Good luck and let us know the results!

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