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So, when I was at the OCC today, the fill doc told me that I should raise my goal weight. That anything under 170 would be "too skinny" (I didn't know there was such a thing as too skinny in America). I am 5'9 but all those BMI charts and such say I should weigh around 160.

Any thoughts on this? Thanks!

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The BMI charts are bollocks. They call NFL linebackers morbidly obese. As you get older, your ideal BMI goes up so it is not a one size fits all situation. Also if you've been heavy your entire life, your bone structure has adjusted for that and bulked itself up a bit. More accurate than BMI is body fat percentage. Since it's more difficult to calculate the flawed BMI model is often used for on the fly weight assessment. I forget exactly what percentage of fat is ideal but when I had a body fat test done I was told 170 was my ideal weight.

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So, when I was at the OCC today, the fill doc told me that I should raise my goal weight. That anything under 170 would be "too skinny" (I didn't know there was such a thing as too skinny in America). I am 5'9 but all those BMI charts and such say I should weigh around 160.

Any thoughts on this? Thanks!

I remember reading an article about a study on BMI and mortality. I've been trying to find it but I can't seem to locate it. Going by memory, the article said that to live the longest, the ideal BMI was 22-24. What this ment was if your BMI was lower or higher than 22-24, the mortality curve went up. So,, if your BMI is lower or higher, AKA, too skinny or too fat, you weren't going to live as long as those who kept their BMI in the 22-24 range. I will continue to look for the article and when I find it I'll post the link.

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I don't personally follow the BMI because it says I should be between 119 and 123 and there is no way! I am aiming for 140, but have never been that low before so we shall see. You just need to keep working at it and do the right things and once you are at a point where you feel comfortable stick with that and try to maintain.

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The BMI charts (tables, index) should give you a range of weights to look at.

A BMI between 19 and 24 is considered "normal." My range at 67 inches is between 121 to 153 pounds.

The chart I was looking at had a range of 128 to 162 for 69 inches.

As for saying that we would be "too skinny" at lower weights, I think they are just being more realistic about what is obtainable for previously overweight individuals because we generally are NOT realistic in our weight goals (especially women). So, they give us the higher end of the weight spectrum as a place to start, more like a "let's get to this point first" before we worry about getting to a lower weight. Working for a weight that seems reasonable is a good place to start.

And, although I've never seen any scientific studies supporting this, I have read that our bones could be heavier/denser and that we may have more muscle from carrying higher weight for an extended period of time which may be another reason why we are given initial starting goal weights at the high end of the BMI range.

I'm working toward the high end of the BMI spectrum right now. I will decide if I want to work toward a lower weight when and if I ever get to that first goal.


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