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Snack Foods


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Hello Everyone!

I just had my first fill on 8/6/09 and it seems that I have great restriction. My food intake is about 1/3 of my pre-fill level. I think this is just fantastic- no guilty feelings of overeating or embarassing hunger after an already big meal.

My only issue at this point is to-go foods. I am taking a class for my Law School Admissions Exam and its 4.5 hours several days a week (from 5pm to 10pm- not including drive time). When it is time to leave for class, I am not hungry for dinner and when I come back, it is way too late for a meal.

Do you suggest any low calorie snacks that are easy to pack and do not turn gross if they are not cold? Do granola bars work? I just know that some of those have alot of carbs, taste like diet bars, or are too caloric for what they are.

After this class, my schedule ony gets more hectic between Law School and coaching, so I wanted to learn early about healthful snacking that goes a long way!

Thank you!


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Here are a few things I do. Some folks can handle these and some can't just depends.

- Quaker mini delights 90 calorie snack packs. I love the mint chocolate and the peanut butter ones.

- Raisins

- Individual packs of beef jerky

- Chex Mix or mixed nuts

I also will take cheese sticks, but I don't like them unless they are still cold so I only take those if i'm gonna eat them within about 1/2 hour or so.

Hope those help!


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  • 2 weeks later...

They have tons of the 100 calorie snacks in just about anything now, I also bring a protein shake with me and some veggies or dried fruit. I have granola bars in my purse just in case I get hungry. Just anything to avoid stopping somewhere and picking something up that isn't healthy.

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Snickers makes some really good protein bars that are located in the store where all of the diet drinks (slim fast, atkins) are. Some of them have really high protein and fiber in them. The calorie count is around 140 - 240 depending on the bar.


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Hi Shelby

You look fantastic!

You are my hero!

I often read your comments because you know how to be a success!

Its so good to hear from the mouths of those that walk the talk, so I too want to be a success story like you.

I have to lose about the same amount as you have, my hero!

I have lost about 13 pounds in 2.5 months. Its good and if I continue this way I will reach my goal and it does not matter if its that slow. I am in menopause afterall and boy, that sure hit me like a brick. My metabolism slowed to a crawl and I finally accepted thats the way it is, so just learn to enjoy it with less food!

OK, so I have a question though about the "sweet spot" of being full.

I find alot of the info confusing, I read a few books and did research on this lap band. The literature refers to "eat about a third of a cup of food" and then stop, you should be full. Well how to do fit protein, veggies/fruit and some whole grains into a third of a cup of anything? What, is it a third after you have chewed it to bits and then swallow it? A full cup of brocolli likely converts to 1/3 cup of mush. Maybe I am over analyzing.

About the first week and a half after the surgery and same after my first fill on Aug 4, I feel full very fast and I am not hungry much. This is perrrrrr fect. Such a great feeling not to be the slave to food. When I get hungry I eat good stuff, sometimes not that great like a handful of pretzels, but mostly eating good stuff and probably around 1200 calories a day total including a glass of wine or 2. Thats alot less than the 2-3000 calories I was having.

Then into the 2nd week or so, the restriction goes away, and I find I can eat alot more and thats dangerous with me as I find myself testing the pouch and next thing I know ate 10 potatoe wedgies and there was no protein and they were deep fried. I ate them very slowly enjoying every morsel, and waited for the full sensation or the first hiccup, as thats when I know its time to stop eating. This fullness or hiccup does not come...why not? This makes me mad, where is the lapband, its supposed to come to my rescue!

Its been about 3 weeks from my first fill and yesterday I had that accident with the potatoes. And today I screwed up again. I ate a large slice of pizza, not on purpose, just because I was hungry and running late. Pizza has always been my fav food and I have been on enough diets to know its ok to have some of your fav food in moderation. Its not good to give them up entirely. I figure I should be able to eat 1/2 a slice and anyway, the hiccups will come and I will know thats enough. And I will be happy. But I end up eating the entire big slice, no restrictions. How can this be, where's the lap band? It seems the restriction is gone. Now I am upset with myself.

Should I run to the nearest fill centre and go get a shot!!! Or do I just relax and say that was a bad day (or 2) and learn from it. Its ok to eat a slice once a month, or if I have a slice, no glass of wine tonight?

Many people or the books refer to the sweet spot. Having the full sensation very soon after eating so you cannot possibly eat too much. Is this really something that can be sustained without a new fill every 3 weeks?

I feel I need that full sensation to keep me on track and keep me good. Otherwise I could lose the weight without it.

What do you think?

Karin G

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I agree with alot that has been said. I like the South Beach Replacment meal bars. The peanut butter chocolate is my FAV. They give me my sweet kick. They are 180 calories with 12 grams of protien. Maybe try some fruits as well. I cant seem to find a 100 calorie snack pack that I dont want to eat more than one of...lol. They seem to go straight through my band, so I do stay away from them. I think its important that you do find something that you can eat, you dont want to have your body to go into hibernation mode and start storing!

Good Luck to you!


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