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A bit of a ramble and alot of my opinions....

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Hey everyone! I am copying and pasting a reply I made to a members email. It had some info in it I thought would be nice to share with ya'al. Now, I have to say this is all a ramble and you know how I love to ramble. I am short on time so I had to cut it short....hee hee seriously....I did cut it short, so for anyone who has something to add, jump on in. We are all here to learn from each other and share our thoughts. smile.gif

I know exactly how you are feeling! Worth mentioning, a fill can take a few weeks to settle in.....why...I have no idea. My first, second, and third fill vanished with in 1-2 weeks of getting them. What I am saying is my body adjusted to the fill. Plus fat loss around the band can take a toll on a fill too. It also may very well be that I have a super sensitivity. If you look at my siggy...all my fills have been smaller. The largest being .7 cc's. Don't skip over the decimal point. *I have a 4cc band* At anyrate, you are building a good base. It does suck some money, but trust me when I say restriction is worth every penny!!!! Letting the process play out is tough.....We are a drive thru society and we want it now dang it! Now...Now...Now... Over all I would rather go to a set down establishment and enjoy good quality any day of the week over a dollar burger... so why would that change in my lab band fills and quality.....

We don't always get what we want and for good reason. There are some people who had/have restriction ASAP right after surgery. Take DoLittle for instance. He has shared that is was a struggle for him in the beginning. Which he made it through! You always value more what you don't have. In his case, I believe in my heart he will tell you, creeping up on the level of restriction is a GOOD THING. (I say that because he has wrote it on this board before... hee hee.)

If you are still working your body remember you are toning building and burning. If you are not seeing the scale move, take a good long look at your naked body in the mirror, girl you are bound to see some changes. I am telling you what my body is a shape shifting machine!!!! Which to me is just if not more exciting than what that darn scale can tell me. So remember that. Not sure if you took measurements or not, but if you did, stay on top of the updates. That will show you the results too. Google what a lbs of fat looks like. Then a lb of muscle....you will be amazed at how big a lb a fat is!!! Shelby posted a picture on here once of a huge hunk of fat....It was massive and a real eye opener.

I am sure you are happy as all get out you are coming closer and closer to RESTRICTION!!! Ya baby! It took me 4 fills to feel it and not have it vanish, and 5 to sinch that zip tie up a bit.

Now, when I am having my period, my band gets snug to the point I have to take smaller drinks of water, not a few swallows at a time....if you don't know what I am talking about you will. Also I know it is super hard to be patient with a fill and all that, but and I repeat but...take it from the 5 fills girl. Creeping up on the level of restriction is a GOOD THING!

Why....okay let me tell ya.

1. With each fill you get better at chewing and learning your soft stop signals. Listen to your body. Don't take that "one more bite" if you do, you will regret it. It will not be a satisfing feeling. It will make you regret it. Did I mention you will regret it....hee hee hee! If you don't productive burb, which we all need to try like the dickens not to, you will feel pressure, maybe discomfort, you may slime, or start to sweat....ect. This is the time to really dial into your body. Listen and adjust...

(suggestion....buy a bottle of chewable Papaya Enzymes learned this from Pam) I bought a bottle last week after forgetting for ever about it. If you feel stuck or a problem chew a few of those...they aid in digestion and will help eat/break up the food. It will not hurt your band or esophagus.)

2. You/me/we are building good healthy habits. Some of us for the first time EVER!! Getting use to foods you may not have been wanting before. I was NOT a living la vita low carb gal before. Now, some of my meals have nothing but protein. (Really....no bread, rice, mash taters, scallop pots, ect) My foods have changed so much and it has been interesting finding new foods that I would have not choose before....like greek yogurt, black bean burgers, ect...

3. You band is scarring into place. That is what holds your band if and when your sutures go away. IMHO if you filler up right away and have issues adjusting....stuck issues or PB's this will take it's toll on the band being solid on your stomach. When Dr. Ortiz talks about not following the rules in the beginning with show up later.....tada! That is what he is talking about. A good solid base will go a long way.

4. For me, each fill has taken me time to MENTALLY get my head wrapped around. What I am sharing with you is this. Up until my last fill, I had adjusted wonderfully. I mentally accepted the smaller portions and felt happy with less food intake. With this last fill, I am finding myself not metally satisfied with my new portions size. Hmm.. this creates openings for all sorts of BAD HABITS to creep in. I am talking about eating around the band.... to me is snacking is eating around the band. Rember these are my opinions....not everyone will agree...

Well, I better stop here, but you know me...I could go on for a long time...

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Hey everyone! I am copying and pasting a reply I made to a members email. It had some info in it I thought would be nice to share with ya'al. Now, I have to say this is all a ramble and you know how I love to ramble. I am short on time so I had to cut it short....hee hee seriously....I did cut it short, so for anyone who has something to add, jump on in. We are all here to learn from each other and share our thoughts. smile.gif

I know exactly how you are feeling! Worth mentioning, a fill can take a few weeks to settle in.....why...I have no idea. My first, second, and third fill vanished with in 1-2 weeks of getting them. What I am saying is my body adjusted to the fill. Plus fat loss around the band can take a toll on a fill too. It also may very well be that I have a super sensitivity. If you look at my siggy...all my fills have been smaller. The largest being .7 cc's. Don't skip over the decimal point. *I have a 4cc band* At anyrate, you are building a good base. It does suck some money, but trust me when I say restriction is worth every penny!!!! Letting the process play out is tough.....We are a drive thru society and we want it now dang it! Now...Now...Now... Over all I would rather go to a set down establishment and enjoy good quality any day of the week over a dollar burger... so why would that change in my lab band fills and quality.....

We don't always get what we want and for good reason. There are some people who had/have restriction ASAP right after surgery. Take DoLittle for instance. He has shared that is was a struggle for him in the beginning. Which he made it through! You always value more what you don't have. In his case, I believe in my heart he will tell you, creeping up on the level of restriction is a GOOD THING. (I say that because he has wrote it on this board before... hee hee.)

If you are still working your body remember you are toning building and burning. If you are not seeing the scale move, take a good long look at your naked body in the mirror, girl you are bound to see some changes. I am telling you what my body is a shape shifting machine!!!! Which to me is just if not more exciting than what that darn scale can tell me. So remember that. Not sure if you took measurements or not, but if you did, stay on top of the updates. That will show you the results too. Google what a lbs of fat looks like. Then a lb of muscle....you will be amazed at how big a lb a fat is!!! Shelby posted a picture on here once of a huge hunk of fat....It was massive and a real eye opener.

I am sure you are happy as all get out you are coming closer and closer to RESTRICTION!!! Ya baby! It took me 4 fills to feel it and not have it vanish, and 5 to sinch that zip tie up a bit.

Now, when I am having my period, my band gets snug to the point I have to take smaller drinks of water, not a few swallows at a time....if you don't know what I am talking about you will. Also I know it is super hard to be patient with a fill and all that, but and I repeat but...take it from the 5 fills girl. Creeping up on the level of restriction is a GOOD THING!

Why....okay let me tell ya.

1. With each fill you get better at chewing and learning your soft stop signals. Listen to your body. Don't take that "one more bite" if you do, you will regret it. It will not be a satisfing feeling. It will make you regret it. Did I mention you will regret it....hee hee hee! If you don't productive burb, which we all need to try like the dickens not to, you will feel pressure, maybe discomfort, you may slime, or start to sweat....ect. This is the time to really dial into your body. Listen and adjust...

(suggestion....buy a bottle of chewable Papaya Enzymes learned this from Pam) I bought a bottle last week after forgetting for ever about it. If you feel stuck or a problem chew a few of those...they aid in digestion and will help eat/break up the food. It will not hurt your band or esophagus.)

2. You/me/we are building good healthy habits. Some of us for the first time EVER!! Getting use to foods you may not have been wanting before. I was NOT a living la vita low carb gal before. Now, some of my meals have nothing but protein. (Really....no bread, rice, mash taters, scallop pots, ect) My foods have changed so much and it has been interesting finding new foods that I would have not choose before....like greek yogurt, black bean burgers, ect...

3. You band is scarring into place. That is what holds your band if and when your sutures go away. IMHO if you filler up right away and have issues adjusting....stuck issues or PB's this will take it's toll on the band being solid on your stomach. When Dr. Ortiz talks about not following the rules in the beginning with show up later.....tada! That is what he is talking about. A good solid base will go a long way.

4. For me, each fill has taken me time to MENTALLY get my head wrapped around. What I am sharing with you is this. Up until my last fill, I had adjusted wonderfully. I mentally accepted the smaller portions and felt happy with less food intake. With this last fill, I am finding myself not metally satisfied with my new portions size. Hmm.. this creates openings for all sorts of BAD HABITS to creep in. I am talking about eating around the band.... to me is snacking is eating around the band. Rember these are my opinions....not everyone will agree...

Well, I better stop here, but you know me...I could go on for a long time...

This is very good info--thank you, Angie! I'm especially taking note of the papaya enzyme tablets. I'm not to the eating stage yet (1 more week!), but once I get there and start having fills, I'm sure these will come in handy.

Your point #3 is also helpful--I'm on week 3 of liquids and I swear, I'm craving food so bad it's awful! I'm starting that internal talking that is so bad for you, i.e. what's a bite of something going to do--you only have 7 more days, your stomach won't know the difference, and a bite of anything can't stretch out a pouch, yada, yada, yada. I can tell this week is going to be a struggle and your post helped--thanks!

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Angie, thanks so much for sharing! What great points! I will also make note of the papaya enzyme tablets!

Also I can so relate to the snacking issue.. it would be so easy to wait for some of the food to go down and eat around the band. I am seriously having a portion issue.. I had a pretty good first fill (3.8ccs).. I am figuring out that I am at the 1/4 to 1/2 cup range for food. That is so hard.. we are so used to eating a larger amount and want to eat all of it! I think this is a mental issue that we have to beat.. we just have to reset our brains to understand that we dont need to eat that much food! Just need to slow down and enjoy the little we do eat and actually taste and savour it. It is the biggest learning experience so far.

Thanks again for sharing!!

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Angie, thanks so much for sharing! What great points! I will also make note of the papaya enzyme tablets!

Also I can so relate to the snacking issue.. it would be so easy to wait for some of the food to go down and eat around the band. I am seriously having a portion issue.. I had a pretty good first fill (3.8ccs).. I am figuring out that I am at the 1/4 to 1/2 cup range for food. That is so hard.. we are so used to eating a larger amount and want to eat all of it! I think this is a mental issue that we have to beat.. we just have to reset our brains to understand that we dont need to eat that much food! Just need to slow down and enjoy the little we do eat and actually taste and savour it. It is the biggest learning experience so far.

Thanks again for sharing!!

Bingo! You are spot on! That is what I am talking about. I am at the 3/4 cup portion and it is very hard for me. If I don't get back on track, I am afraid I will have to go in for a slight unfill. Who wants to pay for that!!!??? Not me, but if my mind is not ready then I don't have much choice but to back off. Which totally sucks!

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Thanks for the post! I learn something new on here everyday. Being a newbie to bandland, I have a tenancy to be focused on one step at a time. I'm still in liquidland, but I'm already focusing on the next stage....eating and fills. I love the fact that everyone here is honest and not only post their ups but also their struggles. You guys have made this adventure much easier by letting the rest of us know what to expect in the next stage.

The head games have always been my struggle. I know through the years when I've tried to lose the weight if my head was not in it, it was not going to work. I know those struggles do not disappear when you get the band, but my new found weapon is...this forum and all of you. Just knowing what to expect is a great advantage in my book. The though of only eating a cup or less of food is definitely a new concept that I am trying to get my head around now.

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Angie, you are a real blessing on here! A kind and good, friendly, funny blessing!! smile.gif

*wraps my arms around skinny Diana and hugs you tight*

thanks.....I know I talk/type alot, but I am a gal many words....

I love being a member here! Thanks for saying those kind words.

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