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My PS Experience With Dr. Jamie Campos Leon


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Hi everyone. As some of you know, I had plastic surgery yesterday in Mexico with Dr. Jamie Campos Leon. Everything went very well to say the least. He and his staff are very amazing and wanted the very best for me. I arrived a little before 8am, filled out paper work and then had another consultation with him. During that time, we went over a few other areas he and I had concerns about and decided to also get liposuction on them. He didn't even charge me for these extra areas. I ended up having my upper and lower back, inner arms, inner thighs, waste, hips and lower abdomen liposuction-ed. The price was very reasonable. I had the choice of what kind of anesthesia I wanted and decided to just be sedated. it seemed like what took for ever to be sedated. I guess my spine was just not being easy for them. I was awake in and out of surgery, felt a little bit of it, but there was no pain involved. He first started on the top of my body by inserting some liquid, then did the normal liposuction and finally finished with laser liposuction which tightens up the skin. All in all my surgery took about 3 to 31/2 hours. I did not feel any pain but I bled so much. I am still bleeding a lot, but the doctor stressed that this would be normal. It is not all blood that I am losing, but the liquid he also injected into me. He prescribed pain medicine, antibiotics and iron because of my blood loss. It has been 24 hours since I arrived back home (I live less than 45 minutes away from Mexico) and I am very swollen around my waste. I went from having a close to flat tummy to looking like I have an inner-tube around my belly and bottom. I forgot to add that the Dr. did some fat grafting and add 700ccs to my booty lol. I am unable to sit on my bottom and must lay on my side or stomach so the shape does not change on my bottom. Dr. Campos Leon said that he removed about 7000 ccs which equals about 14 lbs off of my body. This 14 lbs will not show up right away because it also includes water weight. He said that I should lose all of the weight within 3 months. I have to wear a girdle that goes under my breasts and is above my knees. I also wear another one which is like a short tight cardigan that goes over my upper back and arms. Dr. says that I must wear these for a month and am able to start exercising in 2 weeks. So far, even with the bleeding, swelling and bruises, this has been a fantastic experience. Today is day 2 and I do not even have an appetite, I had tomato soup and cheese its last night and the same today so far along with a lot of crystal light. Please don't hesitate to ask me any questions. I took before pics that I first sent to the Dr. and I will take some in about 2 weeks as well. I am going for my one week check up next Tuesday and will keep you all posted. Thanks for listening!!

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Glad to hear that you are doing great! I cant wait to see your results. I am SO jealous, I would have LOVEd to get some put in my butt!!!! This is one area that I might have to make a trip back for!

Again congrats and keep us posted!

Wishing you all the best!


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  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone. As some of you know, I had plastic surgery yesterday in Mexico with Dr. Jamie Campos Leon. Everything went very well to say the least. He and his staff are very amazing and wanted the very best for me. I arrived a little before 8am, filled out paper work and then had another consultation with him. During that time, we went over a few other areas he and I had concerns about and decided to also get liposuction on them. He didn't even charge me for these extra areas. I ended up having my upper and lower back, inner arms, inner thighs, waste, hips and lower abdomen liposuction-ed. The price was very reasonable. I had the choice of what kind of anesthesia I wanted and decided to just be sedated. it seemed like what took for ever to be sedated. I guess my spine was just not being easy for them. I was awake in and out of surgery, felt a little bit of it, but there was no pain involved. He first started on the top of my body by inserting some liquid, then did the normal liposuction and finally finished with laser liposuction which tightens up the skin. All in all my surgery took about 3 to 31/2 hours. I did not feel any pain but I bled so much. I am still bleeding a lot, but the doctor stressed that this would be normal. It is not all blood that I am losing, but the liquid he also injected into me. He prescribed pain medicine, antibiotics and iron because of my blood loss. It has been 24 hours since I arrived back home (I live less than 45 minutes away from Mexico) and I am very swollen around my waste. I went from having a close to flat tummy to looking like I have an inner-tube around my belly and bottom. I forgot to add that the Dr. did some fat grafting and add 700ccs to my booty lol. I am unable to sit on my bottom and must lay on my side or stomach so the shape does not change on my bottom. Dr. Campos Leon said that he removed about 7000 ccs which equals about 14 lbs off of my body. This 14 lbs will not show up right away because it also includes water weight. He said that I should lose all of the weight within 3 months. I have to wear a girdle that goes under my breasts and is above my knees. I also wear another one which is like a short tight cardigan that goes over my upper back and arms. Dr. says that I must wear these for a month and am able to start exercising in 2 weeks. So far, even with the bleeding, swelling and bruises, this has been a fantastic experience. Today is day 2 and I do not even have an appetite, I had tomato soup and cheese its last night and the same today so far along with a lot of crystal light. Please don't hesitate to ask me any questions. I took before pics that I first sent to the Dr. and I will take some in about 2 weeks as well. I am going for my one week check up next Tuesday and will keep you all posted. Thanks for listening!!

I am so glad You loved Dr. Campos. I love the work He did on me also. It does a world of difference dont you think....

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Thanks so much for posting this. I have a ways to go before I reach the point of PS, but I am thinking for sure a tummy tuck and I guess I will have to see what I am left with after WL. I look forward to reading more from you.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I want to thank everyone for posting their experiences. I am a bit away from having to consider PS but I have always said that I will have anything I need done. Why spend all of the money on surgery and then not look your best (unless of course you did it for medical reasons like for diabetes or such). My best friend has been thin all of her life but we are both around the 50 year mark. WShe will come with me. We have decided that when it is time we will have our stuff LIFTED, SHIFTED, TIGHTENED, WHITENED, AND BRIGHTENED!!!!

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