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Feeling no restriction, feeling down

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I had my lap band surgery about a month ago. I did pretty good during the post-op liquid phase. I felt great, more and more energy each day. I was hungry but I felt completely in control of my hunger and easily told myself that I wasn't going to eat. I try to drink water whenever I feel hungry since I know that being dehydrated will make you think you're hungry but actually you need the water.

So since I've been off of the liquid phase I had a couple of days of feeling restriction when I ate. I could only eat 1/4 of a bowl of oatmeal. I had a corn tortilla soft taco and couldn't finish it at all. I thought that was pretty cool. But, as time went on I wasn't feeling any restriction at all. I've been on vacation for the past several days and have not always been making the best choices.

I just need a little encouragement and support that I can get through all of this. My first fill is scheduled for June 2nd so I don't have long to go until that is done. I am just not feeling the energy and satisfaction of being on top of my game at the moment.

I really hope that once I get my first fill that I will feel some restriction and that will truly motivate me to keep on keeping on. I know this will not be easy and its only a tool to help us with the overall process.

Thanks for listening and I look forward to hearing from any of you about your experiences. It really helps to read about other's journeys and how things went for them.


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I had my lap band surgery about a month ago. I did pretty good during the post-op liquid phase. I felt great, more and more energy each day. I was hungry but I felt completely in control of my hunger and easily told myself that I wasn't going to eat. I try to drink water whenever I feel hungry since I know that being dehydrated will make you think you're hungry but actually you need the water.

So since I've been off of the liquid phase I had a couple of days of feeling restriction when I ate. I could only eat 1/4 of a bowl of oatmeal. I had a corn tortilla soft taco and couldn't finish it at all. I thought that was pretty cool. But, as time went on I wasn't feeling any restriction at all. I've been on vacation for the past several days and have not always been making the best choices.

I just need a little encouragement and support that I can get through all of this. My first fill is scheduled for June 2nd so I don't have long to go until that is done. I am just not feeling the energy and satisfaction of being on top of my game at the moment.

I really hope that once I get my first fill that I will feel some restriction and that will truly motivate me to keep on keeping on. I know this will not be easy and its only a tool to help us with the overall process.

Thanks for listening and I look forward to hearing from any of you about your experiences. It really helps to read about other's journeys and how things went for them.


Hi DebbieB,

On May 18th, I had my first fill. I was wondering about how much restriction I should feel before going for the first fill. When I was there actually receiving the fill, the Doctor showed me the feeling you get with different amounts. That is why I decided on 4cc's. Some people go for more but I was content with 4cc's.

There were days before my first fill when I could feel restriction but then other days I did not have much restriction at all. Now, I have plenty for restriction. The doctor told me that the "usual" successful fill is usually between 5 and 8cc's or something close to that. He then added that there have been patients that went for over a year with no fills and lost weight very well. I guess it is just how and what your body wants and needs.

If you become discouraged, and believe me, so many of us have been in the same boat...just get online and vent. There are so many nice people on here to make suggestions, share ideas and just be there to listen.

Well, hope my note helps some. If you have any questions...just ask. I am still so glad I did this surgery...and after the first fill, I am even more determined to get this weight off for good. Hang in there DebbieB....it does get better.

Best of Luck,


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(((((((((((((((Hugs Debbie)))))))))))))))))

Congrats for getting through the post-op liquid phase with your sanity. It's not easy. You are right, your body can't distinquish between thirst and hunger, so as another bandster like to say "sip sip sip".

You are doing great. The concerns you feel are completely normal, and if you gain a pound or two waiting for your first fill, it's not uncommon. I may be wrong about this, so I welcome other ideas, I think the biggest losses follow the fills. In other words, because some doctors say have liquids for up to a week following a fill that is when the losses are the biggest because we're only consuming 400 to 600 calories a day (respectively), depending on the doctor. What the band does, is once we transition back to solid foods, without the band, after a big drop of weight, the minute we ate "normally" again, the weight would come back on 3 fold because of the change in our metabolism on the super low calorie days. But with the band, it takes some time after a fill (just as it did for you after the surgery) to be able to eat a normal amount again, and by the time that rolls around it's time for another fill so the majority of the weight lost during the liquid phase doesn't have time to come back on before the fill.

Does that make sense?

At least that is my theory. I could be totally wrong, it was just how I find myself making sense of it. I was banded a year ago yesterday and I think it's time for me to get back to basics, which is what has me back on the boards.


I had my lap band surgery about a month ago. I did pretty good during the post-op liquid phase. I felt great, more and more energy each day. I was hungry but I felt completely in control of my hunger and easily told myself that I wasn't going to eat. I try to drink water whenever I feel hungry since I know that being dehydrated will make you think you're hungry but actually you need the water.

So since I've been off of the liquid phase I had a couple of days of feeling restriction when I ate. I could only eat 1/4 of a bowl of oatmeal. I had a corn tortilla soft taco and couldn't finish it at all. I thought that was pretty cool. But, as time went on I wasn't feeling any restriction at all. I've been on vacation for the past several days and have not always been making the best choices.

I just need a little encouragement and support that I can get through all of this. My first fill is scheduled for June 2nd so I don't have long to go until that is done. I am just not feeling the energy and satisfaction of being on top of my game at the moment.

I really hope that once I get my first fill that I will feel some restriction and that will truly motivate me to keep on keeping on. I know this will not be easy and its only a tool to help us with the overall process.

Thanks for listening and I look forward to hearing from any of you about your experiences. It really helps to read about other's journeys and how things went for them.


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The fact that you have even had restriction prior to having a fill is pretty amazing. It took me a few months before I ever had restriction, I just had to mentally make sure that I limited myself to one cup of food at each meal. Just remember that the weight did not go on overnight and it won't come off overnight. Follow the rules and as long as the scales are not going up, you are doing great!

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Debbie - You are lucky to be feeling restriction, so far I have felt little unless I eat too big a bite, don't chew thoroughly or eat too fast - then it kicks in, but otherwise I can eat whatever and as much as I want. I have had one fill and am getting ready to schedule a second. So much of the difference (for me, and it's different for everyone) is that although I don't necessarily feel FULL after a much smaller meal, between the band and the slower eating I am able to quit eating when I should - I still have to watch what I eat, exercise - so the band is the tool it is meant to be. I am hoping that I find that wonderful 'sweet spot' and the restriction that folks talk about, but until the miracle happens I am using the tool. As you read through the forum you'll pick up all sorts of tips and advice - cobble it all together into something that works for YOU!! Good luck!

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(((((((((((((((Hugs Debbie)))))))))))))))))

Congrats for getting through the post-op liquid phase with your sanity. It's not easy. You are right, your body can't distinquish between thirst and hunger, so as another bandster like to say "sip sip sip".

You are doing great. The concerns you feel are completely normal, and if you gain a pound or two waiting for your first fill, it's not uncommon. I may be wrong about this, so I welcome other ideas, I think the biggest losses follow the fills. In other words, because some doctors say have liquids for up to a week following a fill that is when the losses are the biggest because we're only consuming 400 to 600 calories a day (respectively), depending on the doctor. What the band does, is once we transition back to solid foods, without the band, after a big drop of weight, the minute we ate "normally" again, the weight would come back on 3 fold because of the change in our metabolism on the super low calorie days. But with the band, it takes some time after a fill (just as it did for you after the surgery) to be able to eat a normal amount again, and by the time that rolls around it's time for another fill so the majority of the weight lost during the liquid phase doesn't have time to come back on before the fill.

Does that make sense?

At least that is my theory. I could be totally wrong, it was just how I find myself making sense of it. I was banded a year ago yesterday and I think it's time for me to get back to basics, which is what has me back on the boards.


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Thanks SO much for the responses. It really helps to personally hear from others about how things go. I think I am just SO ready to get rid of all the weight that I don't sit back and think about all the things that happened for me to get to that point. It came on over many years and it's not going to drop off overnight, although I would really like that!

I go in for my first fill on June 2nd at the OCC so I am really looking forward to it. I am also going to Maui in July and I think in my mind I wanted to have lost so much more by the time I go. I need to realize that losing the weight will be great and very healthy but I can be confident as a person at whatever point I am at in this journey.

Thanks again everyone!


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