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Hi all, just a quick note. I leave in a half an hour to go back for my first fill. I will be staying at the Lucerna again. I think I'm more nervous this time than when I got my band. TC ALL Kevin

Kevin!!!! Awesome! I have been thinking about you. I hope you are doing well in your weight loss. Have you noticed it slowing or has it been steady eddie?

Let us know what you think of your first fill! Give us an update!


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Hi all, just a quick note. I leave in a half an hour to go back for my first fill. I will be staying at the Lucerna again. I think I'm more nervous this time than when I got my band. TC ALL Kevin

oh don't be nervous!! it's just a HUUUGE needle.

LOL just kidding.. once you get past the first pinch it's no sweat... well the only annoying part was sitting there in front of two guys (my bf and Dr. SO) with my shirt pulled up exposing my worst physical attribute (my gut)... other than that.... it was great! lol

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Hi Kevin - the fill is pretty easy. Its cool knowing 1) you DO have a band and can see it and 2) its working fine! i would suggest letting dr so know you have already had a few PBs, just so he can take that into consideration when administering your CCs. Let us know how it went!

ps) hahaha erica it doesnt help that dr so is a cutie, does it? someone else at the occ called dr so the 'pillsbury dough boy' and im like, what! if that guy is fat, then what the hell am i? besides.. i kinda like a chubby guy. im a chubby chaser!! hahaha

(and thank the Lord there are guys out there that are chubby chasers too or else id never get any love!!!)

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Hi Kevin,

I was nervous my first fill because I just didn't want the band to be off...the fill itself was easy (as you must know by now). I'm heading down with my daughter in two weeks for my second fill...Now that one I'm nervous about because that is where you should be heading in the "restriction" phase..I have some restriction now but not 3/4 meal worth...hope all is well..

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Hi Kevin - the fill is pretty easy. Its cool knowing 1) you DO have a band and can see it and 2) its working fine! i would suggest letting dr so know you have already had a few PBs, just so he can take that into consideration when administering your CCs. Let us know how it went!

ps) hahaha erica it doesnt help that dr so is a cutie, does it? someone else at the occ called dr so the 'pillsbury dough boy' and im like, what! if that guy is fat, then what the hell am i? besides.. i kinda like a chubby guy. im a chubby chaser!! hahaha

(and thank the Lord there are guys out there that are chubby chasers too or else id never get any love!!!)

HE IS A CUTIE!! i didnt think he was chubby at all! well at least not by my standards.. my bf is chubby.. and i love it,lol... chubby chaser..LMAO

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Hope it all went well i'm sure it did. I know I was nervous for my first fill, but it was a piece of cake! Good luck!

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Hi all, Thanx for the replies. It was a piece of cake. I got to the OCC about 12:30pm and got in at 1:30pm and saw Dr. So. I never understand why they say just a pinch before they stick you. They should keep it real and say this is going to feel like a needle. For some reason they put me up at the Marriott. I went down Revolution Ave and got 5 hand rolled Cuban cigars. I am now at the San Diego airport waiting to go home. Family reunion starts when I get home at 7:00pm. TC All Kevin

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Glad things are going so well for you!

Just curious, do they put you on any sort of dietary restrictions after the first fill? (liquids or anything?) I am going to be heading from OCC straight to Vegas (need to combine those West Coast trips!) and was wondering what I would be dealing with.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kevin - glad ur fill went well, and Im with you, lets all be honest here folks, that damn needle hurt! :)

BT- Dr So advised me to be on liquids the day of the fill, and the next two days, so think about that when ur planning Vegas. Margaritas and Bloody Marys are liquids though!! yahooooooooo

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