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Banded on Friday & have few questions

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:rolleyes: I just returned last night from TJ and was banded on Friday. I have to say that everyone was so on target regarding the service and accomodations during the surgery. It was one of the best experiences ever. My mom was also impressed, especially with Dr. Ortiz (Can you say Hottie) I felt great after the operation and was up and walking with in 1 hour. I went shopping in TJ on Saturday and am back at work today. It is an amazing process.

Question #1 I can use some advice and encouragement right now. I'm missing food a lot and think about it all the time. My cravings are monsterous. I had some great broths in Mexico that were satisfying but they also made me bloated. I never really have the full feeling just bloated and uncomfortable. Water and Gatorade also make me feel bloated. Will this go away soon?

Question #2 I have this large lump under my port incision. It gets bigger after I eat. The only way I can explain it is when I was pregnant and my daughter would put her foot through my side and I could feel it and hold it. It doesn't hurt but it feels wierd. Every once in a while, I have a sharp pain in that area like a pin prick but not often. Any ideas? I left a message for Dr. Ortiz but no responce yet.

Question #3 I'm still having some difficulty with my breathing. I have to conciously fill up my lungs and take deep breaths every once in awhile. I also feel like I have to burp but can't.

I know I have so many more questions but this is a good start. Thanks for any support you can give. I have gone on Lapbandtalks.com but I feel more at home here.


192 and 5'1" size 16

Goal is 140 size 8

It is better to love a short person than not to love atall!
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Hi Windy,

First let me say Congratulations to you on your new band. Im so happy to hear everything went so well. Let me try to answer your questions in my opinions

Question #1 I can use some advice and encouragement right now. I'm missing food a lot and think about it all the time. My cravings are monsterous. I had some great broths in Mexico that were satisfying but they also made me bloated. I never really have the full feeling just bloated and uncomfortable. Water and Gatorade also make me feel bloated. Will this go away soon?

I do not think it is the water, gatorade or broth that is making you feel bloated, it is a combination of the swelling from surgery, all of the gas that is still in your stomach and the liquids all combined and YES it does get better each day as the gas is relieved and the swelling goes down. It is also normal the first week or so to mourn the loss of food, some of it is emotional and mental with the cravings, also coming off the anasthesia can make you weepy a few days to a week post op

Question #2 I have this large lump under my port incision. It gets bigger after I eat. The only way I can explain it is when I was pregnant and my daughter would put her foot through my side and I could feel it and hold it. It doesn't hurt but it feels wierd. Every once in a while, I have a sharp pain in that area like a pin prick but not often. Any ideas? I left a message for Dr. Ortiz but no responce yet.

Call Dr. Martinez he is great about answering his cell phone here is his cell number 619-227-4435, it also could be from swelling from surgery or it could be your port, my port is located right below my port incision not right on top of it.

Question #3 I'm still having some difficulty with my breathing. I have to conciously fill up my lungs and take deep breaths every once in awhile. I also feel like I have to burp but can't.

The feeling like you have to burp but cant is normal, it is fropm trapped gas and swelling in your diaphram, I had the exact same thing, this took about 3 weeks to totally go away, you are normal, the swelling in that area will also make it feel like you are having difficulty taking in a deep breath. I had all of these things post op..

I hope this helps you a bit, hang in there it does get better and it is all worth in the big pictures of things.

Welcome to a new, happier, healthier you! :)

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Hi Windy,

I had my surgery on Friday May 13, I am missing food a lot also, all I think about is what I am going to eat for the first time after these three weeks are over. If it helps any the first week went fast. I was also bloated but it did go away within the first week, my port area was also swollen and I thought to myself I hope my port is not going to stick out this much forever but i'm into the second week now and its flat. I'm sure Dr. ortiz will call you back, you can also call Dr. Martinez's cell phone, I have called him a few times with my questions. I call Rene's cell phone to reach Dr. Maranda for any of my nutritional questions. They have all been great. Good luck Windy.

Thank You Shell for your input on different things, it sure helps me and answers my questions also. TracyW

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Yep yep, mourning food is totally normal. Second guessing your decision and saying "is it worth it" is normal. Being starved and then eating a cracker and feeling stuffed, totally normal.

I too have the hardness around my port and bulge a little. I went for my fill 2 weeks ago and Dr. martinez said it was totally normal and healing great. It is the scar tissue forming around the port.

Yep to everything Michelle said... ditto.

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Thank you everyone for your advice and encouragement. I called Dr. Martinez and he was wonderful as usual and aswered a lot of my questions. He suggested I take advil for the bloating and breathing difficulty and it worked with in 1 hour. Whew!!! I am feeling much better.

As for food, we are having an unusaully hot Memorial weekend and the thought of eating broth is not the funnest idea. I've been eating a lot of jello, juice and popcycles but I just don't feel like I am getting enough nutrition. My body is starving even with suppliments. I start on protien shakes tomarrow so hopefully that will help. Any suggestions for powder or a good tasteing meal replacement drink. I'll probably mix with juice and fruit.

My port is already healing and the swelling is going down. I guess the secret is being patient. My feelings in my body are just so new and different that I question everything. It is a brand new me and it will take time to get to know myself.

As for being stuffed after 1 cracker..... I can't wait for that feeling. All I know right now is hunger and stomach rumbles.

Thanks again, Windy

:D I have lost 5 lbs already. Wooo Hoooo!

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Hi Windy,

I bought Costco (Kirkland) brand Chocolate weight loss shakes and slim fast strawberry shakes these are working well for me, I tried Carnation instant breakfast but it gave me stomach problems, I think because of the milk that I mixed with it. I hope this helps. :):D

Good Luck! TracyW

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I take tylenol, it is just not worth taking the risk to do any damage to my band or my pouch. Some doctors wil ltell youNSAID's can cause erosion and others will tell you it doesnt. I used to be an advil junkie pre band, now it is strictly tylenol

below is a post I found on another site so I cut and pasted it for all of you to read



















Darvon compounds





























ALL "NSAIDS" (*see below for the Cox 2 Inhibitors)








Triaminics (All)

Tylenol (cold products)

Tylenol Ex Strength



Imodium Ad



Fleet Enema


Milk of Magnesia


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I have to tell you guys that Dr. Martinez definately recommends Advil Liquigels, or liquid Advil (childrens, in adult doses) or chewable. He does not want us on it for long periods, but a day or two is fine. When my daughter's throat hurt a lot, something about the mask they use for anestesia, he definately said Advil was the best choice & she could take 2 every 6 hours. It worked.

He said the same thing to me when I was banded in Dec., and sometimes it was the only thing that relieved my shoulder/port pain. I take it once or twice a month for menstrual pain, and he says that's fine too.

He says the main issue with it is people who take it every day to manage chronic pain.

Hope this helps.

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