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anybody getting banded on Jan 18th?

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:unsure: I am so scared!!! Is anybody getting banded on the 18th? I am going by myself and am totally scared!!! LOL! I am scared of flying- my first time since I was 5 and scared of surgery- especially alone! I am so ready to be back to the normal me though. I have changed so much in three years- I cant wait to see the old me- the real me! I may never be back to normal (I was 30 lbs UNDERWEIGHT!!) but at least I will be able to recognize myself! ><' Let me know if there is anyone else totally freaked out about the 18th too! lol.
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:unsure: I am so scared!!! Is anybody getting banded on the 18th? I am going by myself and am totally scared!!! LOL! I am scared of flying- my first time since I was 5 and scared of surgery- especially alone! I am so ready to be back to the normal me though. I have changed so much in three years- I cant wait to see the old me- the real me! I may never be back to normal (I was 30 lbs UNDERWEIGHT!!) but at least I will be able to recognize myself! ><' Let me know if there is anyone else totally freaked out about the 18th too! lol.

Hey, don't worry. It will be fine. I didn't go completely by myself, my husband wouldn't let me. So I went met his cousin (who I had met once) in San Diego. So it was very similar, and I had to leave on the plane by myself. It was terrifying. I never fly. So I was nervous about flying, nervous about the cousin I had never met, nervous about leaving my family, nervous about finding my ride to the hotel, and very nervous about the surgery. But it was all fine. Everything will happen just like it supposed to. And you will make good friends during the pre-op and surgery days. I had plenty of people to talk to and had two "liquid" meals with the people who had been banded the same day. I will be there the 16th getting a fill, wish the days would have matched better. But don't worry. It will all be over soon, and it will be fine, and probably even fun!!! Just relax and enjoy the experience.

If you get nervous or have any questions...I know I did the night before, email me.


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:unsure: I am so scared!!! Is anybody getting banded on the 18th? I am going by myself and am totally scared!!! LOL! I am scared of flying- my first time since I was 5 and scared of surgery- especially alone! I am so ready to be back to the normal me though. I have changed so much in three years- I cant wait to see the old me- the real me! I may never be back to normal (I was 30 lbs UNDERWEIGHT!!) but at least I will be able to recognize myself! ><' Let me know if there is anyone else totally freaked out about the 18th too! lol.

Hello -

I am coming there on the 18th and being banded on the 19th. SO, maybe we will meet. Are you going on the Jan. 17th?

You can e-mail me directly and we can plan to meet up. I know - I am also getting a bit nervous or excited, I'm not sure which. There is another person I met coming in on the 18th. And 2 people are coming for fills.

Try not to worry. From everything I have read, everyone seems to have a safe and good time.

Write soon,


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Hey Diane!! Ncie to meet you. I am getting banded on the 18th but I am flying in at 6 in the morning that same day. I too am excited, scared, nervous, and kind of worried about how to handle this change in life- you know- the whole food not being the basis of your day and going out not being about food- I guess this is a good way to get to know yourself better huh? lol! What time are you flying in on the 18th? I leave here at 6 and I am supposed to be down there by 9 so maybe we can meet up????? Either way- I wish you the best of luck- how is your pre-op weight loss going? mine has been up and down- it is really hard with my bad thyroid (they have me on the wrong dose of meds- it is too low). I dont know how to reply to you outside of this so I hope you see this soon! lol! Take care sweetie.

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Hey Diane!! Ncie to meet you. I am getting banded on the 18th but I am flying in at 6 in the morning that same day. I too am excited, scared, nervous, and kind of worried about how to handle this change in life- you know- the whole food not being the basis of your day and going out not being about food- I guess this is a good way to get to know yourself better huh? lol! What time are you flying in on the 18th? I leave here at 6 and I am supposed to be down there by 9 so maybe we can meet up????? Either way- I wish you the best of luck- how is your pre-op weight loss going? mine has been up and down- it is really hard with my bad thyroid (they have me on the wrong dose of meds- it is too low). I dont know how to reply to you outside of this so I hope you see this soon! lol! Take care sweetie.

:-h Hi -

I am coming there on Thursday evening, so you will probably already have your new band - Yeah for you. I will ask about you. What is your name? I am having all my stuff done on Friday. Maybe I will meet you at the hospital the day I come over there. What day do you leave for home? Then you can tell me what a Breeze it was and not to worry. My Pre-op diet is going good. Are you getting excited - we leave the day after tomorrow. I wish it was tomorrow. I don't like waiting.

Best of Luck and try not to worry.


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