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One Thing You Wished You Knew...

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As my surgery dates quickly approaches, I have read everything I can find and I'm very confident I have most of the facts. However, I just wanted to pose a question. For those of you that have surgery behind you, what is the one thing that you wished you had known or been told before your had your surgery. Thanks for sharing.

For me, like you, I researched constantly, and find myself still learning and still researching. What I have become aware of in the past week is: I thought the surgery would do the majority of the diet. Little did I know, (even after reading all of the posts), the band will HELP you with your diet. You still have to eat healthy meals, along with following the rules. You just cannot eat whatever you want, whenever. I totally talked myself into thinking I could eat whatever I wanted. But with me, it was to much freedom with food choices when I was able to eat solids. Just like a friend, dont take it for granted. Learn to respect it, and you will be on your way to a healthy happy new bod. :D

PS, Everyone has different experiences with the band as you know, so this is just what I wished I would have known before I had the surgery. (I would have lost a lot more weight by now.) But, I am ok with that, it just took me longer to figure that one out. ;):rolleyes:

All the best to you with your surgery.


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I completely agree with what Teri said. Maybe I need another fill, but I refuse to eat so little I can't support my new exercises. So I eat a cup or cup and a half. But I could definitely gain wait only eating that, if I was not careful. I felt free to eat terrible, since I was eating so much less, but it still doesn't really help me be healthier. However, I can now be satisfied with normal portions of healthy foods, instead of still being hungry all the time. So I am now eating very healthy and exercising, and the weight is melting away. It is terrific.


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I totally agree with the others. You really do have to watch the "easy" foods. Things that are processed, like chips, cookies, chocolate, snack foods --- you know, stuff that is totally addictive as it is? Well, turns out that stuff goes down easy. I can fill up so fast on chicken and veggies. But then I feel like a bottomless pit with junk food. Ok, well, maybe not a bottomless pit. But once you're banded, eating a pre-band amount feels like a lot. And I do mean FEELS like a lot!

Overall though, I love the band! I find I can eat pretty much like a 'normal' person outside of needing to keep an eye on my sweet tooth and the processed junk.

I think I did know this was an issue before I was banded. But I swore I would not fall into that and I would be so dedicated to losing weight that I would never cheat or break the rules. But reality does set in. You learn you can, indeed, overdo it and not PB or have some terrible consequence. So you have to turn to will-power. It is still easier with the band!

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I have to go right along with the others that have replied here. I thought I would get full on just a small amount of food, no matter what the food was. I knew I wanted to try to eat healthier, but figured that on occasion, I could eat a little bit of regular foods such as enchiladas or lasagna, just not large portions. Well, I found that those things don't seem to fill me up and if I let myself, I could easily eat way too much of them. Also, things like crackers, rice chips, popcorn, and cookies (although I haven't let myself go there yet), even fruits seem to go down so easily I don't even feel as though I've been banded. Unfortunately, the thing we're suppose to eat the most of...protein...has been the hardest for me to get down, so I'm struggling with that some. I've noticed many people resort to drinking protein drinks to do that, but they say we're suppose to eat solid foods to feel full, so I'm trying to limit these. Like most of us on here, I have days where it's easier, and days where I struggle. Night nibbling is still an old habit that I'm fighting, but I think I'm slowly winning that battle. All in all, in 10 weeks, I've lost 27 lbs. so I'm pleased with that and will continue to work towards living my life as a healthier person.

Best of luck to you!


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the one thing i wish i would have been prepared for is the time it takes to get good restriction. although i did months of research, i wasn't fully prepared for all the waiting between fills. i guess i expected more of an instant change after surgery; i expected to feel full automatically. the truth is, i felt full just after surgery and for the next week or so because my body was adjusting. after that, with no saline in my band, i had to wait weeks before getting my first fill and during this time i was very hungry. i found myself disappointed and feeling the need to explain to everyone that asked why i wasn't losing weight more quickly. as with most people, the first fill didn't provide the restriction i needed or wanted and i continued to feel hungry after eating small amounts. it allowed me more room to make poor food choices and overeat.

it's been almost 3 months and i have had a second fill. this second fill has provided restriction (i now have 3ccs in my 4cc band!) but it sure was a waiting game to get here.

my advice--just BE PATIENT. use the time in between fills to really work on changing your lifestyle and making good food choices. i wish someone had told me before i was banded that the band is merely a TOOL...and not nearly as "instant" as people think. i wish i had told family and friends not to expect changes for the first few months. hope this helps. good luck! ><'

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i wish i knew that there would be days you can eat anything and everything and then the next day nothing but liquids and soft foods. the band is so fickle it is hard to know for certain if you have good restriction or not on a daily basis. patience is probably the most important thing to develope with the band - you have to have patience..

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