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Don't Do What I Did...

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It's amazing the mental games I play with myself. My head is a dangerous place to be. I was banded last Wednesday, and in spite of the off-and-on (gas) shoulder pain, I have been feeling fairly positive with the experience, and outright excited by the transformation of my face and body. I have been fasting, (liquids only) for over a week now. The puffiness in my face has dissipated some, and my clothes are fitting better. Hip Hip Hooray! This is great...

The problem is: I thought that I deserved a reward, and talked myself into going for a soft-serve fat-free yogurt,(like ice cream). I stood in line at the outdoor Ice cream stand for what seemed like an eternity, in other words I had plenty of time to think this through, but I didn't stop myself. Eee Gawd... What was I thinking? After all I just paid $8500.00 to assist myself in achieving control over my poor eating habits/impulses.

The yogurt went down surprisingly well, I was momentarily pleased, and greedily kept eating. And then, I was stricken with the worst belly ache ever.... I can not adequately describe the pain I was in; it was horrid, and probably dangerous. I was afraid. I wanted to throw-up, but I couldn't, just kept dry heaving. I think I must have damaged my tender healing stomach because I experienced deep discomfort. To add to the complications... I could not sleep, my shoulder was screaming at me with sharp pain, and my stomach was hollering at me not to lie flat! My intestines protested at 3:00 AM with the runs...

WTF!! The Lap-Band acted like Anabuse would to a relapsing alcoholic.

I get it now. I will never do that again.

Today was a good day

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