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Help put my mind at ease..

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I have so many people screaming at me to NOT go to Mexico. I have researched this so much and I cannot get people to understand that I am not going to some crazy Dr. that is gonna take my organs out and sell them. LOL

Anyway, I guess I am just scared. I know in my heart that this is what's right.

People have also told me that US Doctors "will not touch you" if you have complications and were banded in Mexico. I have a Dr lined up to do fills, but am worried about if something goes wrong, then what will I do?

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I am getting the same crap. The best I can say is have them look at the website for themselves.

What I ended up doing, is telling my family I decided not to do it. Then, when it is all over, I can tell them I went after all. I want to bring a video camera with me to have my husband tape everything to show the family back home that it all went fine. Especially the hand washing part. My mother thinks they don't wash their hands down there. They act like it's a 3rd world country or something for cying out loud. My mom said you can buy any drug you want right in the stores without a prescription. She thinks thats outrageous. I don't think I quite believe that, although I don't really know. My mom, neice and sister wanted to come along just to see for themeselves, but I decided my husband was enough and I don't need to hear their crap while I am nervous enough. So, that is why I told them I canceled it. I hate to be the cause of my family's nervous breakdown or heart attack. Also, if you have an emergency, the hospital cannot turn you away no matter what. But for minor things, I am not sure. I actually decided to come back to the Center for my first fill too. I am going to make it like a mini vacation so it's no big deal.

Bottom line - you researched this (just like I did) and it is your body, so just ignore them. You/me will be fine.

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Me and my 13 year old daughter are both getting the lapband on Thursday (2/28/08). Not only have we not told a multitude that I am doing it, but I couldnt bear what I might run up against if we included her in the discussion. Funny, we made the plans before the appearance of Cassie on the Oprah show, and after all of the positives that came out of that I feel some sort of affirmation that I/we are doing the right thing. Dr Ortiz personally called my daughter (with Lori's help) to discuss with her the lapband and the changes she will have to make. So you go girls! Let them tell you how much of a mistake you made while your prancing around in a bikini next year!!

Blessings, Diana

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i think we all understand where you are coming from. I have told my mom, my husband, and my best friend that I am actually going to mexico. the other people that know think its in san diego. not that i CARE what other people think, but its extremely aggravating hearing OMG are you crazy-- MEXICO? My best friend thinks its a big hoax and that no1 will be there to pick me up! Good luck to you, dont mind those other people, just polietly tell them that this is a decision that you are happy with and you hope they can respect that. Good luck!


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I have so many people screaming at me to NOT go to Mexico. I have researched this so much and I cannot get people to understand that I am not going to some crazy Dr. that is gonna take my organs out and sell them. LOL

Anyway, I guess I am just scared. I know in my heart that this is what's right.

People have also told me that US Doctors "will not touch you" if you have complications and were banded in Mexico. I have a Dr lined up to do fills, but am worried about if something goes wrong, then what will I do?

This is actually the first time I have replied to this site but decided, since it was raining and I can't go outside with my horses!, that I would come on the computer and play a bit. I was banded on August 3rd of 2006, my 36th birthday. I was 277 pounds on the day of the surgery. I was always very active and the weight kind of crept up on me until one day I realized that I was very ill. Today, I am 152 pounds and wear a size 9, 11 in jeans. The facility is amazing, they are no nonsense people, get you in get you out, with a smile on their faces. Not one thing went wrong the day of the surgery, or the day after and I left for home a day early and competed in a horse show the next weekend.

In December of 2006, after eating a piece of pizza, which you will learn that bread is your enemy!, my band slipped. It was painful to eat or drink and I immediately drove back to Mexico after a few unsuccessful attempts to be seen in the states. Dr. Ortiz scheduled to fix it within that week, put me back together and I have had no problems since then. I can now say that this was the best decision that I made and I have no regrets.

I have read that people are concerned about finding doctors to assist you in the states and that is a valid concern. When my band slipped, I called my Kaiser doctor and he immediately scheduled me for an emergency surgery ' to get that thing out of you!'. I have found that it has nothing to do with having the surgery in Mexico, but the fact that doctors are just not knowledgeable about what the lap band is. Two doctors at the Kaiser emergency room said " a lap band? What is that?" These were emergency doctors, not nurses, who were attending to me. Most hospitals here will assume that you want the band removed instead of checked. If possible, have all follow up care with Dr. Ortiz or with one of his facilities in the states, or a fill facility that knows what the lap band is.

I hope that that helped some of you. Enjoy your new life, I am!

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Congrats on your weight loss!! Do you mind me asking how much Dr. Ortiz charged you when your band slipped? I am really concerned I am gonna get myself in a pickle moneywise if something happens to mine. I have been saving for a long time for this surgery. Thank you!

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Been there done that! Here is the secret.....ready. Resolve in yourself that what your doing is right and YOUR comfortable with it. :-h I found out that you can not tell people your business. I just got banded on 2/21/08. Single mom. living in Vegas, no family and no support! I got the look, folk wanted to pray for me, people wanted to give me a "Word" it got it reallllllllly bad. But, check this out ....you are struggling with your weight right, unhealthy and unhappy? :( Well this is what really matters.......they have nothing to do with THAT. At the end of the day....its you and YOUR BODY! ;)

I went to Mexico and had my surgery and...... BAMMM...IT WAS ALL GOOD. =D> I HAD NO PROBLEMS, THE SERVICE WAS OUTSTANDING . GOT TREATED LIKE THE QUEEN THAT I AM. I WOULD HAVE went NO other PLACE TO GET THE SURGERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Here is Dr. Ortiz's stats:

5-8 surgeries a day!

Over 5, 000 surgeries performed

Dr. Ortiz lives in San Deigo,CA and NOT in Mexico...now run tell them that! :o

Anyway, you will do just fine ...just stop talking and do it !


God be with you ><'

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Been there done that! Here is the secret.....ready. Resolve in yourself that what your doing is right and YOUR comfortable with it. :-h I found out that you can not tell people your business. I just got banded on 2/21/08. Single mom. living in Vegas, no family and no support! I got the look, folk wanted to pray for me, people wanted to give me a "Word" it got it reallllllllly bad. But, check this out ....you are struggling with your weight right, unhealthy and unhappy? :( Well this is what really matters.......they have nothing to do with THAT. At the end of the day....its you and YOUR BODY! ;)

I went to Mexico and had my surgery and...... BAMMM...IT WAS ALL GOOD. =D> I HAD NO PROBLEMS, THE SERVICE WAS OUTSTANDING . GOT TREATED LIKE THE QUEEN THAT I AM. I WOULD HAVE went NO other PLACE TO GET THE SURGERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Here is Dr. Ortiz's stats:

5-8 surgeries a day!

Over 5, 000 surgeries performed

Dr. Ortiz lives in San Deigo,CA and NOT in Mexico...now run tell them that! :o

Anyway, you will do just fine ...just stop talking and do it !


God be with you ><'

Amen to that sister! I banded on 2/18 and let me tell you, the hospital here in the states gave me too many pain meds after knee surgery 5 1/2 years ago and I respiratory arrested and went into ICU! At OCC, Dr. Ortiz's staff made sure I was comfortable and here I am! alive, well and sooooooooo very happy! I agree, if you were going to have heart bypass would you go to someone that did 1 or 2 month or 6-8 a day! Well, you picked the surgeon who does 6-8 a day! He has it down to a science and it was wonderful! Woo Hoo! Have a ball and enjoy the attention! =D>

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Me and my 13 year old daughter are both getting the lapband on Thursday (2/28/08). Not only have we not told a multitude that I am doing it, but I couldnt bear what I might run up against if we included her in the discussion. Funny, we made the plans before the appearance of Cassie on the Oprah show, and after all of the positives that came out of that I feel some sort of affirmation that I/we are doing the right thing. Dr Ortiz personally called my daughter (with Lori's help) to discuss with her the lapband and the changes she will have to make. So you go girls! Let them tell you how much of a mistake you made while your prancing around in a bikini next year!!

Blessings, Diana

I wish my mom had helped me out with my weight when I was 13 instead of telling me to stop eating! Go for it girls!

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I have had the same issues with some of my family. My mom (bless her skinny heart) even offered to pay for weight watchers and a personal trainer..Wish she would offer to pay for this!!!! :rolleyes:

But I have made a choice...I am going to be the healthiest me I Can be. I have three babies and a wonderful hubby I want to live a healthy life not a sad fat one...full of diabetes and high blood pressure. I have gotten a lot of YOu are crazy, YOU are NOT THAT FAT>>>>i hate this....I have a BMI of 36.9..I have PCOS am insulin resistant and feel I don't have to justify this to anyone. someone in a prior post said they don't have to live in your body...AMEN to that...I am sorry if others don't think I am FAT ENOUGH>...what is that supposed to mean anyway.

I feel great about dr ortiz...feel he is the best choice in the country ...or out of the country...Keep your chin up! my surgery date is the 11th of March and We are flying out the 10th from chicago!

I am really excited and cannot wait to get this done!

I am ready for the rest of my life!

GOod luck to all of you


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I have had the same issues with some of my family. My mom (bless her skinny heart) even offered to pay for weight watchers and a personal trainer..Wish she would offer to pay for this!!!! :rolleyes:

But I have made a choice...I am going to be the healthiest me I Can be. I have three babies and a wonderful hubby I want to live a healthy life not a sad fat one...full of diabetes and high blood pressure. I have gotten a lot of YOu are crazy, YOU are NOT THAT FAT>>>>i hate this....I have a BMI of 36.9..I have PCOS am insulin resistant and feel I don't have to justify this to anyone. someone in a prior post said they don't have to live in your body...AMEN to that...I am sorry if others don't think I am FAT ENOUGH>...what is that supposed to mean anyway.

I feel great about dr ortiz...feel he is the best choice in the country ...or out of the country...Keep your chin up! my surgery date is the 11th of March and We are flying out the 10th from chicago!

I am really excited and cannot wait to get this done!

I am ready for the rest of my life!

GOod luck to all of you


It will be wonderful! Have a great time, relax and enjoy! You are ready for the rest of a fun filled life! I already feel better and I was just banded on 2/18!

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