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I have been doing so good on my dieting and I totally blew it today! :angry: Oh well...I gotta jump right back on it tomorrow.

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I am with you, I gave in to my (almost) 6 year old shoving a cupcake in my mouth at a BBQ birthday party this afternoon... I took a tiny bite then stood up and discreetly spit it out into a napkin. Like someone else said I used to be my child's garbage disposal- if he left half a hamburger I would always finish the rest even if I had just eaten one of my own! I need to make him understand that he can't offer me food like that (my husband is getting better about not automatically asking if I want something to eat every time he fixes something for himself or goes out to get something to eat) but that's hard for a younger child to understand. Maybe I will play the germ angle- tell him that sharing food can spread germs since his Kindergarten teacher has made their whole class afraid of germs.. lol

Honestly cheating pre-op isn't a big deal, I cheated a few times on my pre-op diet (as did many other bandsters) and for me some of those memories are helping me not want some of my trigger foods as badly now because when I had them that "last time" I told myself that this food/restaurant/meal was no longer going to be part of my new life which helped my post-op cravings a lot.

Tomorrow is a new day, so get back on the wagon girlfriend- I know you can do it!!

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Thanks so much Michelle!

We took the kids to see Playhouse Disney Live on Tour and we ate at Chick-Fil-A..My absolute fave fast food. Later we went to Starbucks and I had a Caramel Frappuccino. Those are two of my worst weaknesses so maybe in my own way I was saying goodbye to them. My surgery is just a little over two weeks away so I have to stay on this pre-op diet.

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Oh Chick Fil A... brings a tear to my eye lol.

My husband and I are originally from Dallas and we ate chick fil a every few days, when we moved to Las Vegas (where there is no chick fil a) I thought I would easily drop 10-15 lbs but I ended up just replacing it with a different fast food place.

There have been 3 occasions where we have driven to the nearest chick fil a to us, which is 2.5hrs each way in California - how bad is that? Again just a reminder of my sad relationship with food (and a shining example of how much my husband loves me since he was willing to make that drive with me) lol

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No worries Kim, I think that we all fall of the wagon at some point. If we didn't we wouldn't be in this position in the first place.

I was horrible yesterday too...and gained 1.5lbs for it. Went to an fundraiser dinner with good intentions, needless to say, didn't stick to them.

Oh well....right back on the wagon I go (helps that I am hungover). Which I have to admit is better that I have done in a long time. Normally once I failed I would binge until the "next miracle date" for my new diet.

**Side note, have to change my ticker....everyone has the treasure**

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When I did my pre op diet there were a few times that I fell off the wagon. It was a good friends birthday and where did he want to go? Hooters..my favorite greasy/totally bad for you place. we had fried pickles, wings, fries.... since there is NOTHING healthy on that menu I just went for it! I didnt weigh myself for a few days, went right back to the diet and lost a pound still. So dont worry! I still lost 10lbs preop - no one is perfect!

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Amanda..I love your ticker..I don't think anyone else has it. :-?

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