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heart burn

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I was banded last May. I have been so happy with my band. To date, I have lost 110 pounds. I have had only one fill and am happy with the restriction.

This past two weeks, I am having trouble with heart burn. Seems like one bit of food can give me terrible heart burn... During the night I wake up and have a terrible burning in my throat.. Any ideas what it might be...

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I've only had the one fill and yes, I went to TJ for it. I hate to have it unfilled because I have been so happy with the restriction...I can eat about anything if I take my time and eat a little bit...The only thing I have trouble with is fruit. Can't eat applesauce or really any kind of fruit very well. It kind of weird because I have to problem eatting meat...

I'll give it a few more days and see if the acid reflex works itself out....

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Try going on a dose of Prilosec OTC. Your stomach may be irritated which is causing the heartburn which is causing more irritation. . . etc etc.

Mylanta liquid also helps. Stay away from the original flavor, it is enough to make you gag. Also, elevate your head, and avoid eating within 4 hours of lying down.

If it persists for more than a couple weeks, you really should think about an unfill. It is harmful for your band to be too tight and can lead to much more severe complications. Also, reflux is harmful to your esophagus and over time can lead to pre-cancerous conditions as the stomach acid causes unhealthy changes in esophageal cells.

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I am new to this forum but I was banded Sept 07 & have been doing great & have lost 48lbs as of todays date. Everything was going fine until a week in half ago I started getting severe reflux when I have never had it before. Went back to Dr. & he said I probably am to tight. I don't understand how I could of been fine for 2 1/2 months since my fill & now all of a sudden I am to tight. Can anyone explain??? I am very scared that something is wrong with my band?? I am not throwing up but I eat just a little 3oz or so & I am full & it causes terrible reflux all night & day long. I am on Prevacid x2 daily & it is not helping a whole lot.

2nd problem: He went to take some saline out of band & can't access port properly, this is the 2nd time this has happened. He wants to revise my port in the office & bring it up to the surface more. Anyone ever had this done?? I just feel like nothing can go right in my life. If anyone can give me any insite that would be great!! Thank you :rolleyes:


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Maybe the band changed over time and got tighter because of your body changes. Maybe just a slight unfill would do the trick but still keep you restricted. Sounds odd to me because from everything I have heard, acid problems are suppoosed to go away with banding.

That port flipping is weird. How do they fix that without going inside?

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Hi Shorty,

Did the doctor who filled you, band you? If the banding doctor is different, give him a call to see what he says. Otherwise, if they are one and the same, I would be inclined to listen to him, but try to call other doctors' offices for a second opinion also. The more knowledge from a doctor, the better decision you will make.

Keep us informed.

Helen ><'

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Just a minute Shorty. You said "I just feel like nothing can go right in my life." YOU JUST LOST 48 LBS SINCE SEPT 07.. GIVE YOURSELF A HUGE PAT ON THE BACK!!!! =D> Congratulations!! You are doing awesome. I don't have any comment on the band as I haven't been banded yet, but sounds like you're gotten alot of responses from experienced bandster's. I do suffer from Heartburn right now as I have a Hiatus Hernia (which I understand Dr. Ortiz will repair for me when I get banded, and I can't wait. I found the best thing that works for me is NEXIUM. Good luck and stay positive!!

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I went to get a fill on Wednesday with Northwest Fill Management and they gave me an exercise to help bring the port up so it is easier to access. It is just laying flat on the bed or floor and lift my Left leg and my head up at the same time and I can feel the port rise up to the surface. I do the left because that is the side my port is on. I don't know if this will help, but I thought it was good info. to share.


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