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banded 3/3 and feeling like crap!

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Ok...so it has only been a week since i have been banded. I have horrific gas, very bloated and every time i eat (or should say drink!) i can hear it gurgle and moan and groan through my intestines for up to an hour, seems to be worse at night

Here is what i have been drinking:


yogurt drinks

creamy soup - just started today

apple juice


is this just part of the healing process or should i drink something different? is there anything i can do to expedite getting rid of being so bloated? gas-x strips help some with the gas but man it can reallllllllyyyyy be bad at times! My kids are totally bewildered as to why mom has the toots so much!

i haven't been walking much because honestly i have felt like hell, would that help these crappy symptoms?

i've only had one bm since surgery and then diarrhea two days ago, could that be a problem?

hope this isn't TMI

thanks - SJ

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Are you supposed to have slim fast shakes one week after surgery? I'm a newbie and have no information. But I thought the first week was liquids .....clear broth, juices, etc. I think I need to go look at the post op diet :)

I hope you start to feeling better!!!!!!!

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Ok Ok, I read the postop diet and it does say you can have slimfast after the first week.

Gosh this is a lot of information :)

I do hope you get to feeling better very soon.

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Remember, you DID just have surgery. Your tummy has been through some physical trauma and is still healing. I would call OCC to put your mind at ease (and because I don't have any sort of medical degree ;) ) but what you describe sounds pretty normal. I had diarrhea for several days after surgery then stopped up until I was able to start eating things with roughage again. And the gas - BEST thing to do is walk, walk, walk! Thankfully I work from home because I was pooting like a mad woman for a couple of weeks. I'd go to the grocery and RUN away from where I was standing so no one would know it was me, lol!!

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The best advice I can give you is walk walk walk. It'll get your digestive system moving to work out the gas and get your blood and lungs moving to expedite healing. I'm not saying you have to walk miles and miles but try to get at least 10 minutes in a couple times a day. Also, work hard on getting enough protein so your body gets enough energy.

Isn't it funny how things have changed? We used to think bed rest was the best cure for illness. I have a friend who had breathing problems as a child and she told me how her mother propped mattresses against her bedroom windows to keep the unhealthy outside air outside, and the healthy inside air inside. Now we realize that was probably one of the worst things they could have done for her.

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Hey jetdeck,

It was good sharing a cab with you back to the airport. Sorry about the gas, I can relate though. The firts day home was a killer for me as between leaving the hotel and driving home it was a 14 hour day, slugging luggage to the car stunk, even though I had packed light, I was tired and a bit sore.

I would see if you could find a better protien suppliment than slimfast, one of the main ingredients is high fructose corn syrup which is killer, the body can't process it proper and it doesn't allow for feelings of saiety (fullness). Check it out on Google.

I am afraid I do know a lot about nutrition and should not have got overweight to begin with but here I am, working at changing my results. One of the protiens my naturapath has me on, long before I started this process is Medi-Clear by Thorne...It tastes like crushed up vitamins but is filling and is full of nutrients. I believe this one is even on the approved list supplied by the center.

I was hoping to see some kind of results since I started this process, only 14 days ago, but agree that the weight won't come off overnight.

Best wishes to all!

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The best thing you can do for yourself is walk, walk, walk, even if you don't want to. That will help with the gas and make you feel better in the long run. My stomach gurgles a lot too, but it is not used to being so empty! Sounds like you might need a laxative to "help" you move a little, LOL! We can all relate....been there, done that! We called them "barking spiders"! :lol:

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Sorry you feel like crap, I get to March 22nd woohooo!!! But I feel like crap right now with my back pain, my stomach resting on my lap and I do believe I'm the gas queen and I have'nt even had surgery yet:) ( I'm sure it will get better:)

You could be alergic to dairy, and the regular slim fast is desighned to keep us craving carbs the sugar content is a killer. I have been eating & drinking protien shakes and food for a while now and the best ones I have had is called Protidiet I love the Instant Oatmeal maple & brown sugar (no its not real oatmeal its protien oatmeal) 90cal a serving 15g protien & 6g carbs also the Proti Max chocolate shakes or you can make it as a pudding, 100cal per serving 15g protien and 6g carb. You can get them on the internet.

I lost 60lbs on this low calerie protien diet but then I crave or just want everything els, I know protien shakes get real old, then I tend to gorge on real food. I just want to have a day where I can have a normal balanced meal and not worry that I had a carb.

My thoughts and Prayers are with all strugguling. Tammy:)

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Ok, here we go! :-?

Your first week still should be clear broth! :-?

Yogurt this early will cause gas and bloating! #-o

creamy soups are for your second week! :-?

Milk products with the band this early is not a good combo! #-o


Try suppositories...read the post CONSTIPATED ANYONE! =D>

Also, you really need to read the posts, you will not believe all of YOUR issues have been address already! =D>

Sound harsh uh? :rolleyes: ......Not....... you just had surgery and this is HEALING TIME........ENJOY THE GAS....CAUSE MORE OF IT IS COMING.....ADJUSTMENTS & COMPLIMENTS OF THE BAND!

Last but not least, we all have been there....this will pass just watch what is going in! ><'

Keep your chin up!

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Thanks for all your post

I think I need to get up and walk!!!! And I need a good bathroom break!!!!

And no more slimfast, i just bought it because it was on the list and had no desire to shop around the other day. I bought EAS plus 17g proteinyesterday and it taste way better, I will try some of the other suggestions also.

Upnorth glad to hear from you and that you are well


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Dr. Miranda said you can have yogurt or shakes in 3 day, If you have loose BM, lay off the apple juice. That's prob causing it. Give ourself time. I had heartburn bad for 2 weeks, it seems to be gone. This too will pass... Best of luck to you my dear..

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Gas....What also helps are menthol capsules from the health food store, in a pinch peppermint candies will also do. Sounds simple right? It does work.

While walking is the best and will help eliminate gas, if you are really feeling poorly lying on your side (left side is best for eliminating gas), or hands and knees and moving your legs will also help. I am not sure how good this will be immediately post op but could be something once our abs feel better.

Take care all.

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Great! I Have the same instructions..........never had sooooooooooooooooooo much trouble! I figured out early on that milk products may irritate the new stomach, at this phase! But you do what you have to. You will figure it out......I'm sure. After all the band is there to stay! Your food friend for life!

Hope you feel better :rolleyes:

Blessings ><'

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for some reason i feel 100% better when i woke up today!

today stopped yogurt drinks and apple juice, had EAS carb control protein drink (NO sugar compared to 13g in slimfast and taste way better!) and had no gurgling or gas, just had soup so i'll see how that goes, got in a good walk this morning and will again this afternoon

going to work on bathroom issues, try some of Monet's glycerin suppos (fun, fun!)

thanks again everybody, it is a huge trial and error process that i can see will easily take months to figure out


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Ok, here we go! :-?

Your first week still should be clear broth! :-?

Yogurt this early will cause gas and bloating! #-o

creamy soups are for your second week! :-?

Milk products with the band this early is not a good combo! #-o


Try suppositories...read the post CONSTIPATED ANYONE! =D>

Also, you really need to read the posts, you will not believe all of YOUR issues have been address already! =D>

Sound harsh uh? :rolleyes: ......Not....... you just had surgery and this is HEALING TIME........ENJOY THE GAS....CAUSE MORE OF IT IS COMING.....ADJUSTMENTS & COMPLIMENTS OF THE BAND!

Last but not least, we all have been there....this will pass just watch what is going in! ><'

Keep your chin up!

This will pass!! laffing my behind off!


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