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Leaving tomorrow Morning

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Like I said before, it will be me, my bestfriend Lance, My Aunt Susan, and a girl Lance works with. We are so nervous!

The worst part for me is leaving my kids. I have never been away from them. My Mom is keeping them though so I am thankful. I will be taking my laptop so ya'll will be hearing from me alot while I am there. Wish us luck!! :unsure:

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Also...way to go on pre-op diet!


How wonderful that your mom is keeping your kids; they are in great hands.. relax and ENJOY yourself!

I hope your trip will be as stress free as mine was. Alas, however.. I didn't worry about my kids at all while I was gone.. mmm, wait... they are 23 and 28 years old.. they worried about ME instead.. the circle of life, as it were. Enjoy these brief days away from them.. they will be that much sweeter when you return.

Not worried about you and surgery.. you will do FANTASTIC.


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Like I said before, it will be me, my bestfriend Lance, My Aunt Susan, and a girl Lance works with. We are so nervous!

The worst part for me is leaving my kids. I have never been away from them. My Mom is keeping them though so I am thankful. I will be taking my laptop so ya'll will be hearing from me alot while I am there. Wish us luck!! :unsure:


I will pray for your kids to be well taken care of and that your mind will be put to ease in that regards.... I know how you feel because I had to leave my little ones with my husband and they actually made a vacation out of it by doing and going places. I got home and all was a mess but you know what? My prayers were answered and they were just fine. You will be blessed and have a wonderful time! Yay... surgery finally!!

Hanna :)

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Best of luck sweet Kimmie-

You have been a great source of help for so many others and I have enjoyed reading your posts thus far... Can't wait to hear about your experience at the OCC, I know it will be as wonderful as what you've read from all of us other veterans, lol! Soon you will be one too...

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Ya'll are all sooo sweet! Thanks for all the words of encouragement! I am getting so excited. I will never sleep a wink tonight! :lol:

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I am here at the Lucerna! The flight was great, our driver was timely to pick us up, and the hotel is lovely! We are watching the crazy traffic from our room right now! Ha! I have met a few other bandsters and everyone is so nice! We have pre-ops tomorrow morning. I will give another update tomorrow!

Evette~That's okay!! I wish I could have met you too!

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You will have a fabulous experience, as I did, I can't wait to see you on the "other side"

I will be writing about my journey tomorrow. I've been spending lots of snuggle time with my honey since I got home... uh.. well sometimes I make him leave and do something because this gas can be FIERCE!! hahahaha

:unsure: (who me??)

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