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I read in an old post that they don't use the venitlator during surgery. But in a recent post, someone posted pics right before surgery and she is intubated. I think I'm going to email Lori or Caroline to find out, but do any of you know?

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I am pretty sure I was intubated. Actually, they scratched my throat all the way down with the tube. It is just now starting to heal. I am sure that is rare though, and was an accident.

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Hey GaGirl77, I am pretty sure most people are not intubated. I am sure there are exceptions. They usually just use sedation. I know I was not intubated. I did wear an oxygen mask throughout the surgery -well at least I had it on when they told me I was through. Anyway, that was one of the questions I asked Lori myself and she said that they do not intubate.

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I read in an old post that they don't use the venitlator during surgery. But in a recent post, someone posted pics right before surgery and she is intubated. I think I'm going to email Lori or Caroline to find out, but do any of you know?

In my experience, if you are under general anesthetic you are intibated, it's for oxygen during surgery. I have had 5 previous surgeries and in all cases was intibated including laproscopic surgery. They remove the tube before you wake up and your throat will be really try and sore. Drink water and suck on ice cubes and it passes in no time.

Best of luck Cathy

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I asked and they told me it is a tube but only goes down to the back of your throat, not all the way down.

Hey ladies...

I wrote to Caroline and wanted to give ya'll an update. This was her response...

"We do not intubate any patient. It is IV sedation and no catheter either. The surgery with Dr. Ortiz takes @ 10-15 minutes, that's it. "


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