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Using Lapband to control diabetes

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My husband is seriously considering getting a lapband. While he is overweight, his BMI is 36, the primary reason he is getting the band is to control his diabetes. We have a friend who had the band with Dr Ortiz and 3 days after his surgery his blood sugar was down in the normal range. Is this just a fluke? Has anybody else had positive results with their blood sugar? We saw on 60 Minutes that the blood sugar comes down slowly with the gradual weight loss.

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I personally have not had an encounter with diabetes, but my aunt was banded a year ago and to date her diabetes is completely under control. I can't tell you the specifics as to why or how but as she lost weight the less and less medication she was on and the better and better she felt. She has lost over 100 lbs and looks and feels great. I would seriously consider this avenue if diabetes is a concern of your husbands, I have yet to hear of a diabetic it didn't help. Good luck!!

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As you reduce your weight and food intake your body will "heal" itself. I am looking forward to the day when my Dr. says that I can go off my Diabetes medications (I am hoping this is very soon). My fasting sugar levels have been around 120's consistently and now they average around 90! These are well within the normal range. Plus being able to finally exercise without killing myself is also helping. My goal is to be able to stop all my medications eventually. I also have Hypertension, Diabetes, GERD (already stopped this), plus my Cholestrol is normal now and was able to stop that medication.

Whoooopppppeeeee! The band is wonderful, I love my band and have no regrets, ever, whatsoever!

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It's great to hear how everyone is doing so well with their pre-surgery illnesses, now that they have the lap band. I take Nexium for acid reflux but haven't had even the slightest problem since I got my band 12 days ago. I'm wondering though it anyone has had any success with lack of water retention following weight loss. I seriously have a issue with fluid retention. If I don't take my meds I bloat up quickly. I'm hoping that when I get my weight down I won't need to continue using my water pills. Has anyone experienced this?



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My husband is seriously considering getting a lapband. While he is overweight, his BMI is 36, the primary reason he is getting the band is to control his diabetes. We have a friend who had the band with Dr Ortiz and 3 days after his surgery his blood sugar was down in the normal range. Is this just a fluke? Has anybody else had positive results with their blood sugar? We saw on 60 Minutes that the blood sugar comes down slowly with the gradual weight loss.

this is not just a fluke- it is one of the many blessings that the band brings! Luckily- I did not get diabetes or high BP while being morbidly obese...however there are MANY articles on the interenet reguarding this issue. I hope that your husband makes the right choice and makes an appt. with dr. ortiz- he has nothing to lose!

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