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The Border

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Did you tell the border guards going and coming the purpose of your trip?

If any of you bought Perscription Meds did they give you greif about that?

Anything else that would help speed the crossing?

Going into Mexico the driver didn't stop at all, they just waved us through. [Guess they don't care who comes INTO Mexico.] I had my meds in my carry on bag and I put it through the xray machine and no one said a word, I just kept walking through. No one asked me why I was in Mexico when I was leaving, they just asked for my picture ID and my birth certificate. Just have your ID ready, I went through in less than one minute. You go through, back outside and walk a short distance and the driver meets you at a pay-parking lot and off you go. The longest part of it all is waiting [in the van] in line. I passed the time chatting with Francisco, he's really nice and speaks very good English. Hope that helped.... anything else, we'd be glad to help!! :-h :lb11: Darlene

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I have also been concerned about this border crossing thing. I am glad that the OCC has things so wonderfully coordinated so that we don't have to worry about getting across on our own. I have my passport - I couldn't believe it, I went to the post office to get it not even 2 weeks ago, and I received it via USPS this past Tuesday or something. It arrived in less than 2 weeks! I was shocked! So I have that just in case, even though we aren't supposed to need it until June 208. I will bring it just to be safe.

I can't believe my surgery is A MONTH AWAY!!!!!!! HOLY CRAP! =D> I AM SOOOOOO EXCITED. I cannot wait to start my new life. I think that in about 2 weeks I will begin my pre-op diet so that just in case I fall off the wagon, I will be able to get back on with no problems. Does Dr. Miranda email us about the pre op diet or do we just start it on out own? Cause I have read on here where some other people didn't have to do the pre-op diet due to having fairly low BMI already. Is that true? My BMI is 32-33 I think. Thanks everyone!


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Cassie and I just went over there like many times before. Your fabulous driver Fransico (Tell him Jenn & Cassie Said Hi from the Oprah Show) and he will take great care of you. The van is fabulous, the driver speaks very good english, and dresses nice. They will pull up to the border crossing area for vans and you will be instructed to hop out with your lugguage (remember small bag you can't lift heavy things) then you will proceed to the Agents who are really nice. They will check your passport or drivers licence, birth certificate and then ask you about your visit in Mexico, you just tell them about your medical trip and your bag will go through a scanner and out the door you go. Let me tell you, this is a simple and easy process and the agents are great. You will be just fine , not too worry. After you proceed out you will walk towards the end of the block and the driver will be there. Remember to listen to where the driver will tell you too meet. If he is not there, he will be there he may take a bit longer then you on getting through the line.


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Did you tell the border guards going and coming the purpose of your trip?

If any of you bought Perscription Meds did they give you greif about that?

Anything else that would help speed the crossing?

Just in case, be sure to take your meds in the bottle you received from the pharmacy. I take about 12 different meds, so it is a pain, so I ask the pharmacist to print labels for smaller bottles so my whole bag isn't full of them. I have never had them checked, not even on my trip to Italy five years ago, but it never hurts to be safe when meds are involved.

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I was wondering if we could get Tylenol 3 without a prescription in TJ. If we can, how much can we bring back? I don't want to bring back a suitcase full, just maybe 3 bottles.

I can get them when I go to France, but I haven't been in a couple of years. It would be nice to have some.


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I had some old pill bottles that I brought with me and while in TJ I bought some Z-packs (they clear up colds) I just put them in the old pill bottles, after 2 trips to TJ my luggage has never been scanned or searched nor was I asked what I bought there so you should be ok!!

Don't know about the Tylenol 3 (never heard of it) but when Lisa and I did our pharmacy shopping we took our list and went into 3 or 4 places and got the price for each thing on our list from each store... Then we went back to whichever place was cheapest for each item, meaning one store had a better price on RetinA another store had a better price on Maderma so we shopped around to save even more!

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