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I need some advise, my husband had the surgery one year ago and has done great with his wieght loss. I am very proud of him. But one thing that I have notice is a huge increase in how irritable he is. At first I did not think much of it but it has increased to an intolerable state. I am wondering if it is a chemical imbalance which is cause from not getting the right or enough nutrients. I don't know if I am way off base or what. If someone has any ideas or suggestion please feel free to share.

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I need some advise, my husband had the surgery one year ago and has done great with his wieght loss. I am very proud of him. But one thing that I have notice is a huge increase in how irritable he is. At first I did not think much of it but it has increased to an intolerable state. I am wondering if it is a chemical imbalance which is cause from not getting the right or enough nutrients. I don't know if I am way off base or what. If someone has any ideas or suggestion please feel free to share.

I know for my self if I don't get enough protien I can get irritable. So I make sure I get at least 42 grams of protien a day. What does he eat?


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I know I get really moody and irritable when I am hungry, but since it has been a whole year, I would think that he would be used to it now. I will be interested to see if anyone else has noticed this too. Maybe he should check with his physician, could be something else is bothering him.

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My husband would say that I have the same thing - and its not that its a chemical imbalance for me - (it may be for your husband - I don't know) I'm eating better now, I keep up with my physicals and since I've had a couple of "additional" surgeries I’ve had to have blood work done and everything comes out great in my tests.

Here’s what it is for me, when I was obese I would put up with more – I was insecure and unsure of myself. Loosing weight has given me more confidence and I will not put up with the same things I would have put up with before. And I love my husband to pieces, we’ve been married over 27 years but truthfully I am going to call on something if I don’t like it – and he may have to eat at the restaurant I want to eat at and I’m going to dress how I like and buy the car that I want. (Sorry if you don’t like it too bad). Now is this a good thing or a bad thing? Good for me in my view – sometimes bad for him – but he loves me and understands and he is becoming more patient and has learned not to fight it.

Oh, and it’s the same at work – however in the work environment I’ve moved up the ladder quit a bit. Great for work, can cause issues in the home environment.

You may want to sit down with him and ask him, my husband did this to me – and I have calmed things down a bit. Let him know that you’re feeling a change in him and ask what is causing it – he may not even know he’s doing it. (I did though….)

Good luck!


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Makes a lot of sense. Something that I haven't pondered yet. Thanks for the insight.

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I may be off base but just an Idea, Alot of us use food to cope. My Dr. said I'll be in full stress mode and use food is what I use to calm down!! Maybe he needs to find other outlets taking a walk, working out. I'm get grumpy and pissy when I'm tired, stressed out, and eating the wrong foods!! Hope this helps!!


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