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HOLA from Lucerna!

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Arrived this morning 9:20 am... was met at airport at 10:00 am (parking was full), and got to OCC around 11:00. Did pre-op and was done and at Lucerna around 12:30. Have already met up with Dave & Cathy, Amber, and a couple of people not on Forum.... Steve and Natalie. Natalie is staying here but Steve is staying at the Camino Real with Dave & Cathy. I've heard that the Camino is basically considered a "shoebox". Not as nice as the Lucerna, but Dave is going to be reporting back to OCC on his opinion, and observations.

Lied around the pool for a few hours today (pool water is very ccccccold!). Had the best dinner here. Filet Mignon, covered in a red wine dark gravy sauce with mushrooms (OMG.. it was so juicy, and mouth watering), with a baked potato, loaded with a sour cream/ranch topping. It was to die for! The best last meal I could have eaten! Wanted so bad to have a glass of wine with it, but didn't dare. I highly recommend it. Have it in the main restaurant, not the italian one.

Just finished watching American Idol, my sister has crashed, and of course, I drank the last of the "diet coke" I could, so I am now officially "high on caffeine" :wacko: , so I don't think I'll be going to sleep anytime soon.

Was hoping to meet Mrs. Ortiz tomorrow morning, but Ernesto (OCC driver), said he'd be here at 7:30 am, so maybe we won't get to meet her? I am going to request coming back to the hotel tomorrow, instead of staying at the OCC. Shouldn't be a problem, I don't think.

Well.. not much else to tell right now. I'm looking forward to meeting all of you coming down here in the next couple of days. It's like we already know each other, just have never physically met. Looking forward to hearing all your do's and don't's of being a bandster.

Will update tomorrow after the surgery from the OCC.

Until then,

Anita ><'

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Good luck with your surgery Anita [not that you'll need it! :D] Isn't the Lucerna a beautiful hotel??!! The OCC is the cleanest medical clinic I've ever seen! Relax and enjoy your trip [sounds like you already are! ;)] Keep us updated!! Darlene

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You made it to Tijuana and the OCC safely :) Glad you got your Diet Coke fix.

By the time I am writing this, you're probably just waking up and getting ready for your bandday!

Congrats again!

See you tomorrow!

Arrived this morning 9:20 am... was met at airport at 10:00 am (parking was full), and got to OCC around 11:00. Did pre-op and was done and at Lucerna around 12:30. Have already met up with Dave & Cathy, Amber, and a couple of people not on Forum.... Steve and Natalie. Natalie is staying here but Steve is staying at the Camino Real with Dave & Cathy. I've heard that the Camino is basically considered a "shoebox". Not as nice as the Lucerna, but Dave is going to be reporting back to OCC on his opinion, and observations.

Lied around the pool for a few hours today (pool water is very ccccccold!). Had the best dinner here. Filet Mignon, covered in a red wine dark gravy sauce with mushrooms (OMG.. it was so juicy, and mouth watering), with a baked potato, loaded with a sour cream/ranch topping. It was to die for! The best last meal I could have eaten! Wanted so bad to have a glass of wine with it, but didn't dare. I highly recommend it. Have it in the main restaurant, not the italian one.

Just finished watching American Idol, my sister has crashed, and of course, I drank the last of the "diet coke" I could, so I am now officially "high on caffeine" :wacko: , so I don't think I'll be going to sleep anytime soon.

Was hoping to meet Mrs. Ortiz tomorrow morning, but Ernesto (OCC driver), said he'd be here at 7:30 am, so maybe we won't get to meet her? I am going to request coming back to the hotel tomorrow, instead of staying at the OCC. Shouldn't be a problem, I don't think.

Well.. not much else to tell right now. I'm looking forward to meeting all of you coming down here in the next couple of days. It's like we already know each other, just have never physically met. Looking forward to hearing all your do's and don't's of being a bandster.

Will update tomorrow after the surgery from the OCC.

Until then,

Anita ><'

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Hey girl,

glad to hear you guys made it fine. I'll bet you do get to meet mama ortiz. I know your banding will go great. Can't wait to meet the new you Fri. night! I am glad ya'll are stay at the Lucerna too. That meal is sounds great, I'll keep that in mind...


Reneej :rolleyes:

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Good luck you will do well I am sure of it!

I came back to the hotel after my surgery also and it was so nice to just relax in the room and walk around the pool.

Have a great time and enjoy every minute of it!!

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