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I was hoping someone could help rest some of my fears. Does the lap band really work? I mean for those of us who have tried to lose the weight only for it to come back, and then some! I just worried that for some reason it won't work for me. Has anyone else had these same fears and worries?

Please let me know what you think! :lb12:

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I did befor I came to this web site. All you have to do is spend a little time reading what people have to say about their surgery and how great it went for them. I really have not come across any bad coments yet..

I'm going in June and can't wait. I really did not know much befor I came here.


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I have only had my band for 2 months but I have lost 28lbs. I had the same fears that you are having. What if it doesn't work? What if I stretch my pouch out? What if...what if...what if? It does work. And I guess you could stretch your pouch out but if you overeat you throw up and the food gets stuck in the part of your esophagus that passes through your chest and it is really painful. So you would have to be really greedy to go through that. Maybe some of those veteran bandsters can also give you some reassurance! Good luck. This is the best thing I have ever done for myself. Any regrets? Sure, not having it done sooner.

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I can understand your fears, I am feeling the same way. I still can't believe that I am actually going to do this?!

My surgery is June 10th and I am one week away from my pre-op diet...my stomach flips everytime I think about it and say to my "what the heck am I doing?"

But I can't not do it...I have tried everthing else and I do lose weight, but it comes back on...I need a permanent solution and a wake up call to a healthier life.

I wish you luck, you will do amazing....just look and listen to all of the wonderful ladies on this forum who have done it and are losing weight and changing their lives...it's a huge incentive!!

Take care Cathy

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I can totally relate to how you are feeling. I was (still am sometimes) feeling the same thing when I first scheduled my surgery. I just thought to myself 'what the hell are you doing? this is going to be a total waste of money - its going to be just like every other diet i have tried...' the list of bad thoughts goes on and on. I have the same fears as you - mostly about losing then gaining back PLUS SOME. I can generally lose weight up to a certain point (i.e. the lowest weight I have gotten down to is 180 and from there I tend to not be able to lose anymore, and then I get angry and sabotage my efforts by stuffing my face) and then I just gain it all back plus more. SO... I guess my biggest fear is that the same thing will happen - I will be able to get to like 180 and then not lose anymore, which will lead me to sabotage myself and gain everything back.

I guess what you have to keep in mind with the band is that (as long as you keep up with fills) your food intake should be restricted and it will not be a pleasant experience to eat stuff you shouldn't, or to eat too much. So it should be much more difficult to gain the weight back, I guess. As long as you are following what the Dr.'s tell you and don't stretch your pouch out, the band will work. Here's to hoping.

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Hi Dianna and :lb9:

I am only 3 weeks post op, had the same fears you have, but after loosing 23 lbs. in 5 weeks (pre op and post op) shows me that it does work.

Of course you have to change your eating habits and you can cheat around the band. It is a committment! But if you do your part, the band will do the same and will help you to shed off the pounds. It is a great feeling :D I wished I would have done it sooner ;-)


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My surgery is June 6 and I have the same fears that you are having. I keep telling my self that I'm justing going to wast my money and this will be just another diet I have failed. But I can't think like that. I alway read the forum and get stronger from what I read. I will suceed and I will be able to go to an amusment park and ride the rides with my son. That my goal. Good luck and my prayers are with you. :rolleyes:

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i had the same worries,so i asked Dr Ortiz before my surgery why there are people who fail the lapband.

The people who fail drink shakes eat ice cream and consume high calorie drinks. the lap band only holds solids not liquids.

Thats why they say dont have a drink with your meal.

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