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yeh, got my first fill

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Hey to all,

got my first fill yesterday about 1:00. I am a little freaked about needles so I asked Dr. romero to not show me the needle, so he asked how I was doing and I told him, "I can eat anything I want , as much as I want." his response was, "not anymore!" He then turned on the fluroscopy and low and behold, there it was. Wow, how cool was that, everything was just fine. I told him to fill'r up!. He was also so kind to show me my underwire in my bra :rolleyes: Looked like 2 big ole smiley faces. And about that time he pinched up a small amount of skin and boink! the needle was in and the fluro indicated it was a bullseye! It was so fast it did not hurt at all, did you hear me, not at all. Then I was asked to drink a sip of water, then the yummo barium and it was so cool you could see it shoot write through there. So at that point he put in 1.8 cc into my 4cc band. Down went a little more barium and it was amazing how slow it went through my new tummy. And it must go through or you would be too tight. Now I am back on 3 days of liquids. I asked dr. r if that meant margaritas? He politely said yes it did. WooHoo, margaritas for lunch. I hope this restriction continues to be more and more as the days go by so I truely won't eat much.

So get your fill at OCC and stay at the Lucerna, they have an awesome cream of spinach soup that tastes like spinach dip! I am not much on plain broths.

And I so enjoyed being back with my banded buddy, Lynna and seeing and meeting others there.

I dedicate this post to my loving Hubby, who has been waiting for me to post something...Love you D. :wub:


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=D> Wtg Reneej

Glad to hear that it didnt hurt i'm such a chicken when it comes to needles. But go figure i'm a tattoo freak, well not a freak but I have 5 of them. Somehow those dont hurt me. Glad to hear everything went well with you. Keep us posted on youre restriction.


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Sounds like you got an awesome fill... fingers crossed for good restriction!! :) Thanks for posting your story, I go for my first fill on the 29th and am a little nervous. :unsure: I know that I'm in great hands though!

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Hello Reenej! Hello D also!

I had my first fill today also, and my experience was very similar. I watched the needle though. I wont tell you it was VERY long. I take allergy shots, and the allergy shots are worse. I barely felt the entry.

I began prone, on my back until the needle was inserted... I had to laugh when she uprighted the bed, and i began to go from lying down to standing up, with this partially inserted syringe just sitting there!

For my 10cc band, my first fill was 5 cc, and just like you, R, I watched EVERY bit on the fluoroscope.

I want to share with you an experience another patient shared with me today.

This lady was very sweet, and was banded by Dr. Ortiz a couple of years ago. She and her best friend were banded together. Back home in Ohio, she had a local doctor agree to do her fills, but didn't use a fluoroscope. After about 7 or 8 months, her best friend had lost 70 pounds, while she had lost 11 pounds. After some investigation, it was determined that she had issues with her port, and had to have a port replacement. It seems all of her fills while with this local doc had no effect on the band, and ended up seeping out into her abdomen. She went back to TJ, and now she is losing weight because the band is working properly. She had one word of advice... never have a fill without the fluoroscope. The fluoroscope gives visual evidence that your fill is too much, not enough, or just right. My person would not let me off the table until she was absolutely comfortable with what she saw. Knowing the Tijuana crew, I'm sure Dr. Romero is the same way. After hearing her story, I will ALWAYS have the scope.

Good luck LynnA and Reenej.... be safe on your journey back!

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Thanks for the advice, will keep that in mind, I was trying to make up my mind about using the fill center in Alburqueque NM but they dont do it with the fluoro, But I will make sure I get my first fill in TJ and then use the center in Colorado they use the fluoro


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Thanks for the advice, will keep that in mind, I was trying to make up my mind about using the fill center in Alburqueque NM but they dont do it with the fluoro, But I will make sure I get my first fill in TJ and then use the center in Colorado they use the fluoro



Which center in Colorado? I am in Colorado and looking for alternative to having to go back to TJ every time?

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thanks everyone, I just had a mango margarita and a bowl of some type of beefy, spicy soup. Pure liquids. =D> I could not even eat my whole bowl of soup, yeh! of course that was after the margarita, which was delish! I hope this continues. and I hope others will post there progress as well.

nighty night,


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