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August Surgery Date

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Several years of looking "into" weight loss surgery... I have a date.... I have insurance and they say they cover WLS.. Ha... I started the hoop jumping last year and I am at hoop 3. I was very nervous about the whole mexico thing. However after talking to Carol I was put at ease... I am so excited about having an honest to goodness chance at beating this 'Beast" called obisity... I still have alot of questions , reading the Been there done that post, i am gettig alot answered. Anyone else getting banded around August 10th? If so Love to hear from you....God Bless to everyone and happy lossing..... Tawnya

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Several years of looking "into" weight loss surgery... I have a date.... I have insurance and they say they cover WLS.. Ha... I started the hoop jumping last year and I am at hoop 3. I was very nervous about the whole mexico thing. However after talking to Carol I was put at ease... I am so excited about having an honest to goodness chance at beating this 'Beast" called obisity... I still have alot of questions , reading the Been there done that post, i am gettig alot answered. Anyone else getting banded around August 10th? If so Love to hear from you....God Bless to everyone and happy lossing..... Tawnya

Nope, I'm July but I wanted to wish you all the best and congrats on your decision!

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