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Please don't cheat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guest cedartown

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Guest cedartown

Nothing lost in several days,but nothing gained.I've lost another inch in waist size,so i know i'm shrinking.

Sleeping so much better than i was pre-band.

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Have you not cheated even once cedartown?

Are you now saying that it wasn't you that I spotted at the all-you-can-eat buffet in Roswell???????

Please don't cheat the band. Don't turn the band into another failed diet in the first 21 days.
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Guest cedartown

I spent around 11k total with plane tickets etc. for my band.There was no way in hell i was gonna cheat in the first 21 days.

I've ate 2 bites of dessert since being on solid food.Sugar free apple pie.It wasn't even good.

I went from drinking 50-100 beers a week to zero.So no,i don't feel like i have cheated the band.

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I spent around 11k total with plane tickets etc. for my band.There was no way in hell i was gonna cheat in the first 21 days.

I've ate 2 bites of dessert since being on solid food.Sugar free apple pie.It wasn't even good.

I went from drinking 50-100 beers a week to zero.So no,i don't feel like i have cheated the band.

WOW Cedar!! Congrats in a GIANT way!! =D> You should be very, very proud of yourself! [i'm not being a smarta$$ either, I truely mean that!!] ><' I have to admitt, I'm one of the cheaters. No sense in hiding [no where TO hide, LOL] This was a big change for me, for all of us, and I'm doing much better now. Live and learn and I've learned to work WITH my band instead of against it. Again, CONGRATS!! :yes: Darlene

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I spent around 11k total with plane tickets etc. for my band.There was no way in hell i was gonna cheat in the first 21 days.

I've ate 2 bites of dessert since being on solid food.Sugar free apple pie.It wasn't even good.

I went from drinking 50-100 beers a week to zero.So no,i don't feel like i have cheated the band.

That's incredible! Good for you!

I totally agree with you, I spent 15K to have surgery done here in Ontario CA, and there is no way I am going to let a french fry or burger ruin all that, it's just not worth it. I will admit I did have two potato chips on the weekend, crunched them up into a paste and swallowed and I was satisfied with that. It's all in moderation. I calculate everything I buy or put into my mouth now...becoming anal about calories, fat grams, everything...if the calories are too high per serving, I don't buy it. I am hoping my family will start to get healthy too as a result of buying healthier food choices.

Congrats Cedartown!!!


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Wow , way to go CedarTown ....... Kudos...... you of course know that if you do fall off the wagon for even 32 seconds that you better keep it a secret, right? Cuz we're watching you :P

I spent around 11k total with plane tickets etc. for my band.There was no way in hell i was gonna cheat in the first 21 days.

I've ate 2 bites of dessert since being on solid food.Sugar free apple pie.It wasn't even good.

I went from drinking 50-100 beers a week to zero.So no,i don't feel like i have cheated the band.

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Just so I have this right do y'all not ever plan on eatting burgers or fries? Or what ever you consider CHEAT foods? Be aware if you deprive yourself you will fall off the wagon in a big way.What we need is to have commonsense. We have all done weight watchers or something like it. We know what is okay and not. We can have a burger and fries but not everyday. Instead of getting a whopper w/cheese supper size ...get a kids meal. It's all about choices and making better choices most of the time. I knew how to loose weight before the band and just did not have the will power after about 20 pounds. The band is our tool belt to help us. I am in hopes it gives me that will power I did not have on my own. I got the band over bypass because I wanted to have a normal life and eat like a normal person. If I want cake at my sons birthday I will have a small piece without the dumping syndrome. And when I say eat like a normal person ...I do not mean like a normal overweight person. You do not see your skinny friend eatting at Burgerking everyday. I plan to eat like weight watchers tells us to. That gives you room to feel normal but not go crazy.

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Guest cedartown

I have ate a burger already.Well part of one & a few french fries.No,i don't consider that cheating as i had less than 300 calories.

To me,cheating the band is not following Dr's orders in the first 21 days.

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Congrats on quitting drinking! That's a huge accomplishment in itself!

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WTG cedar, Im still on the 21 day, still not feeling hungry, Im so glad about that. I've lost 20lbs I'm very proud of my self. Temptation was there this weekend I made beef and shrimp fajitas for my mother and son who visited, and I made chiles rellenos for my husband. Well I was tempted to chew the hell out of a piece of beef fajita and then spit it out, but I was the stronger of the two. I didnt and was happy about it, now I know that I can beat this. Also my first day of solids is July 1st two days before my birthday, I think I'm going to wait and have my first meal on the 3rd of July. and Im going to make fajitas and shrimp fajitas to celebrate.

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Just so I have this right do y'all not ever plan on eatting burgers or fries? Or what ever you consider CHEAT foods? Be aware if you deprive yourself you will fall off the wagon in a big way.What we need is to have commonsense. We have all done weight watchers or something like it. We know what is okay and not. We can have a burger and fries but not everyday. Instead of getting a whopper w/cheese supper size ...get a kids meal. It's all about choices and making better choices most of the time. I knew how to loose weight before the band and just did not have the will power after about 20 pounds. The band is our tool belt to help us. I am in hopes it gives me that will power I did not have on my own. I got the band over bypass because I wanted to have a normal life and eat like a normal person. If I want cake at my sons birthday I will have a small piece without the dumping syndrome. And when I say eat like a normal person ...I do not mean like a normal overweight person. You do not see your skinny friend eatting at Burgerking everyday. I plan to eat like weight watchers tells us to. That gives you room to feel normal but not go crazy.

Great advise. Our new journey is all about the right choices. Well said.

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Just so I have this right do y'all not ever plan on eatting burgers or fries? Or what ever you consider CHEAT foods? Be aware if you deprive yourself you will fall off the wagon in a big way.What we need is to have commonsense. We have all done weight watchers or something like it. We know what is okay and not. We can have a burger and fries but not everyday. Instead of getting a whopper w/cheese supper size ...get a kids meal. It's all about choices and making better choices most of the time. I knew how to loose weight before the band and just did not have the will power after about 20 pounds. The band is our tool belt to help us. I am in hopes it gives me that will power I did not have on my own. I got the band over bypass because I wanted to have a normal life and eat like a normal person. If I want cake at my sons birthday I will have a small piece without the dumping syndrome. And when I say eat like a normal person ...I do not mean like a normal overweight person. You do not see your skinny friend eatting at Burgerking everyday. I plan to eat like weight watchers tells us to. That gives you room to feel normal but not go crazy.

No it's not cheating, it's all in moderation. I certainly intend to have a burger and fries when I can eat solid food, and will follow your advice and order a kids meal. I have alot of weight to lose and cannot do that living on burgers and fries, but for a treat in moderation is okay. I do hear you, deprivation is my bigger problem with losing weight, if I deprive myself of the things I love, I will fail and binge...and I don't want to do that!


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I have been wanting a Happy Meal for forever now. The combination of meat and bread just won't go down though no matter how much I chew. It makes me PB like crazy. I guess I have learned to live without it now. I also can't eat french fries or anything else fried for that matter. It makes me sick as a dog. Oh and do ya'll know how much I love french fries?? LOL

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I have been wanting a Happy Meal for forever now. The combination of meat and bread just won't go down though no matter how much I chew. It makes me PB like crazy. I guess I have learned to live without it now. I also can't eat french fries or anything else fried for that matter. It makes me sick as a dog. Oh and do ya'll know how much I love french fries?? LOL

I know this may sound weird, but I hope that happens to me! Burgers and fries are my biggest downfall..and if I can't have them, it would be a blessing.

Take care Kim,


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Congratulations, Cedar! You have lots to be proud of yourself about, and I am certainly proud for you!

As a former WW leader, I know that statistically, by depriving yourself of foods, you run a greater risk of falling off any wagon that you happen to be riding on at the time. (I do feel that I wasn't even successful as a WW member, let alone leader, as I regained the weight over a year and a half, but not because I didn't know what I was supposed to be doing.) Realistically, there is no way to predict that one would never eat certain foods again. While I am not an expert in the lapband, (not by any means,) I do think that there is cheating and there are real life expectations.

1. Cheating is not following your doctor's instructions for the pre-surgery diet or the 21 days post operative. These are really non-negotiable for a safer surgery and band health.

2. After the 21 days, what you eat is your own business, but not cheating. Directions for success are given by Dr. Miranda, but the true purpose of the band is to reduce your food intake to 1/3 of your former, (meaning before lapband,) amount of food. For example, as given to me by Dr. Miranda, if I was eating 3 enchiladas prior to surgery, the goal is for me to be eating one enchilada after the band. That doesn't make the enchilada cheating.. just achieving the band goal.

3. With only 1/3 of your former food intake, you have to be really careful about protein intake. With no liquid meals allowed after the initial 21 days, The divided salad size plate becomes an important reminder of the amount of protein and green vegetables you should be eating. Not enough protein will lead to hair loss and other problems. The goal is 2 to 3 oz of protein per meal.

4. Since you are supposed to have 2 calcium products a day, yogurt is both a good source of calcium and some protein. It is also considered a liquid, so it can be eaten between meals. (As per Dr. Miranda)

5. If you absolutely not a breakfast person, (like me,) Dr. Miranda told me to just eat a "leetle" something.. a half a banana, a little cereal and milk, little piece of toast, etc. I can manage the half banana.

6. You will lose weight on the divided plate example, no matter what you choose to put in the spaces, but you will lose FASTER by following the lower calorie choices. While anything not considered low calorie is not technically not cheating, it is not the wisest choice for weight loss.

7. Without arguement, drinking around the band will ruin your weight loss prospects. There is no exception to this.

8. Desserts will destroy your projected weight loss if they are not tightly restricted. They don't fit in any quarters of the salad plate. If you consume one, don't expect to lose any weight for a day or two.

9. It takes 4000+ calories to gain or lose a pound. How you handle those calories will control your weight loss.

10. Lori, herself, told me that she had hot wings and some bbq at a family outing. She just was limited by her band to the quantity she could consume.

11. Weighing every day is a pointless activity, since so many factors effect your weight loss every day. Food you eat today could take as long as tomorrow to digest and convert to energy or fat. Blundering today will not result in a noticable weight gain unless you eat 4000 extra calories the entire week. Factors that better impact your weight loss are medications, salt intake, failure to drink enough water, time of the month, etc. Put your scales in the closet and weigh only once a week.

One area that I am unsure about is soup with solids in it. Is it a liquid consumed with your solids? (Juice plus soup solids?) If you blend it it will become a liquid, so is it a liquid? Has anyone discussed this with Dr. Miranda?

All the above statements are solely my own understanding of the management of band weight loss.

In all, Cedar is right... why spend the amount of money that we have all spent and not work on the greatest weight loss during the shortest amount of time. I choose Cedar's way, even though I refuse to limit myself to only lowfat choices for a special occasion, such as Thanksgiving or Christmas. The band will impose the limits I need.

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In a way I am relieved too. McDonalds is the main reason I am overweight. It is too good and too easy. Now that I can't eat it I just get a bottled water when I pick my kids up a Happy Meal. It makes my inner fat girl a little insane, but I know that I can't eat it without getting sick and that makes all the difference in the world.

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WTG cedar, Im still on the 21 day, still not feeling hungry, Im so glad about that. I've lost 20lbs I'm very proud of my self. Temptation was there this weekend I made beef and shrimp fajitas for my mother and son who visited, and I made chiles rellenos for my husband. Well I was tempted to chew the hell out of a piece of beef fajita and then spit it out, but I was the stronger of the two. I didnt and was happy about it, now I know that I can beat this. Also my first day of solids is July 1st two days before my birthday, I think I'm going to wait and have my first meal on the 3rd of July. and Im going to make fajitas and shrimp fajitas to celebrate.

YAY for you, Denise! Way to go! Now, that's commitment!

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Congratulations, Cedar! You have lots to be proud of yourself about, and I am certainly proud for you!


In all, Cedar is right... why spend the amount of money that we have all spent and not work on the greatest weight loss during the shortest amount of time. I choose Cedar's way, even though I refuse to limit myself to only lowfat choices for a special occasion, such as Thanksgiving or Christmas. The band will impose the limits I need.


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As far as yogurt and soups...

It was my understanding that you should not consume a lot of liquid calories since the band is not made to restrict your liquid intake.

Also be careful with "slider" foods. If you chew chew chew on Potato Chips, it becomes really mushy like mashed potatoes, and slide right on through the band. Sour Cream, guacamole, salsa, etc. are slider foods as well. Solid protein and veggies will take more time to digest through the band, making you feel more full. So limit the intake because food that is coated in these empty calories will slide through faster. These are not Dr Mirandas "guidelines" but more of a cautionary note to maximizeyour weight loss, feel full after a meal, which will make you less hungry sooner.

I am not saying that I follow these rules indefintely. But I know that I will be able to eat more than usual if I eat really mushy food or use a lot of condiments because they will coat my solids.



LUV LUV LUV that new pic! You are stunning! WTG!

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It was not my intent to criticize cedar. I would never criticize anybody on this forum. We all fight the same battle everyday. We all deal with different food demons and life demons. My goal was for all of us to accept we are not going to be perfect everyday. Skinny people eat what we consider bad food...just not all the time. In the end it is up to you to figure out what is acceptable to you. I agree you should follow Doctor orders...for sure. I just do not want us to set us up for failure. Hats of to cedar for being so strong. I think I am strong too. Cedar is a captian in a food war. You are certainly a fighter for good choices. I wish you the best of success. However, some people are not as strong and need a little more support. Everybody is going to have a different jouney. All I can think to add to this is to remember your health first. I am going to start excercizing soon. Kinda looking forward to it. Do any of you remember how long you were suppose to wait. I have been walking. I have an eliptical machine I would like to start using but I do not know if it is to soon yet. I am starting each day planning for success. You have to plan that. It does not come easy...it is hard work. Today let's all plan for success. Dawn

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