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Fit Day

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Late last year I purchased the pc version of fitday. I think it was something like $20.

I never really got around to using it. I finally decided to crank it up to get a good picture of what I'm eating and why I keep stalling.

Well, let me tell you, I can see some adjustments that I need to make. First of all, I've been eating more calories than I realized. Not only that, I'm eating a lot more fat than I should be!

Now that I can see these things, I can make better choices.

I don't know if any of you have the pc version (as opposed to the free web version) but it is amazing. There is a place for you to journal every day, keep your measurements, your daily food intake, and your exercise and set goals. Then you get all of these graphs and charts that analyze everything.

I set a goal of 9 pounds lost by July 16 and it tells me how many calories I can eat each day to lose 9 pounds by that date. You are supposed to weigh every 4 days and it plots a graph for you to make your goal.

I have had to put many of my food items nutritional values in it because I want them to be exact. I forgot that the Special K20 water has 50 calories and if you have 2 or 3 a day, that's an extra 100-150 calories! It's such a good source of protein and fiber with no fat that I'll continue to drink them.

So, I'm going to start keeping track of everything and hopefully I'll meet my 9 pound loss by July 16. I'm going to meet my sister at Disney World for her professional convention that my friend Bill has dubbed "The Sugar Convention." Hee! My sister has a specialty Wedding Cake bakery.

anyone wanting to join me in using Fitday? Fitday.com online is free and I would love it if I had some "fitday buddies" There are some other similar programs out there and if you are using one of those, feel free to join!


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