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Last night I had one bite..yes one bite, of a Subway sandwich. Ya'll know I can't eat bread, but I have moments of insanity when I think I want to try. Pre-Band I lived on carbs and cheese. I am not much of a meat eater.

Anyway, how can you eat one bite and PB for like 30 mins? It takes forever to get it all up. I cannot stand that stuck feeling and I have to get it up or I feel like I am gonna die. Do ya'll get that same feeling?

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Kim don't tell me that.... :lb12:

I LOVE and LIVE off of Subway.... I am not kidding when I say this either... I eat subway at least once a day EVERYDAY......

Especially now since I am not cooking.... I pick up subway on my way home every day for dinner...

Waaaaaaaaaaaaa :((

No more subway for me after this week!

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Kim, did you have the problem with bread before your first fill? or only after.

Thanks Linda

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Since I started solids, I haven't been able to eat bread.

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Welcome to the club! I can't eat bread anymore. I sometimes will have a bite of something, but even then it isn't guaranteed to stay down. I usually get the sandwich and eat all the innards out of it and leave the bread. Pretty funny huh? Sometimes I can do crackers or toasted bread if I pick at it a little bit at a time and rest between bits. You eventually get used to it. French Fries are just like bread, can't tolerate those at all. Good thing though! LOL, think it's a blessing in disguise.

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Kim, I've also had that happen to me with bread, salad and pizza (my favorite things!!). Now I don't even try. I would KILL for a salad with big croutons and carrots etc.. but it's just not worth it.... When I get really stuck I do make myself throw it up to get unstuck. Otherwise it'll hurt for half a day. Luckily I know what will make this happen OR if I am just not paying attention and I take a big bite of something.....It's a learning process and I kind of think we never stop learning....


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I'm, sorry that's so painful!!! where you in public??

I can eat bread only if I take tiny, tiny bites.. I ate Chili the other night - 2 bites, and slimed and threw up for 3 hours... But I have been under alot of stress and heard that tightens you band??

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I have not had any trouble eating bread but I have trouble with tuna fish ( the kind you can get in the pouch) I guess it is to dry. But when you eat it and you PB does anything come up. When ever I have had that "stuck" feeling nothing never comes up it, my mouth just waters like crazy :wacko: And I love love love tuna fish but oh my gosh the pain is not worth it to me.

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Yes, I PB until everything comes up. I have t because I can't handle that stuck feeling.

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Try to go back to soups for a day or two to give your stomach a rest. This sometimes works for me. I have to carry baggies everywhere in case I get the urge to PB.....I never know what will trigger it, but I do think that stress is the factor in my episodes, either that or eating too fast. Some bad habits are really hard to break and I struggle with eating slow and chewing well, this gets me into trouble when I am really hungry and have to wait to eat something. It will be a lifelong battle though and I am prepared to fight it! One day I can eat something fine, the next day I can't keep it down. I guess I have a fickle band!

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Yes, I PB until everything comes up. I have t because I can't handle that stuck feeling.

I am, so not looking forward to that!!!!

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Me either...I am compiling my list of foods to avoid..bread, salad, tuna, steak, etc....the list is growing.

I am starting to get scared of solid food....I am not on solids until July 11th and I think I will start with something easy and smooth.

Does everyone PB?

Cathy :-?

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Hey Kim...heads up on the wraps from Subway. I thought they would be the answer to my bread craving, I was wrong. They are worse than bread. While the wraps are delicious, they are gummy and have more of a tendency to get stuck. Like an idiot I keep going back for more pain. This weekend I stopped at a Sonic with my neice and got a grilled chicken wrap. Instead of unwrapping it and just eating the chicken I bit into the whole thing and nearly lost my lunch in front of my neice. I panicked at first, but just stopped eating entirely until the feeling passed.

I've had only 1 episode of PBing. I was in a rush, stopping home for something and took a piece of BBQ rib out of the crock pot. I totally forgot about the band and shoveled the food in. I thought I was having a heart attack the pain in my chest was so awful. It took about 20 LONG minutes to feel any relief. I have had food get stuck 1 or 2 times since my fill.

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Ok Call me and Idiot in your head while reading this,, but what does PB stand for? <_< What is it exactly? Lisa?

PB stands for Productive Burp. When you body rejects the food you have eaten, you will slime and bring it back up...not something you or I want to do!


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Ok Call me and Idiot in your head while reading this,, but what does PB stand for? <_< What is it exactly? Lisa?

It stands for productive burping. When the food gets stuck, you burp and bring the food up with the burp.

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Kim... I have the exact, exact, same thing happen to me when I eat tuna.. get's stuck, hurts, mouth waters, etc... OMG... I've given up on it too... ) :

I have not had anything come up, just the "stuck" pain, and watering of the mouth. I don't think everyone pb's, but I'm sure at one point or anything we all will at least once.


I have not had any trouble eating bread but I have trouble with tuna fish ( the kind you can get in the pouch) I guess it is to dry. But when you eat it and you PB does anything come up. When ever I have had that "stuck" feeling nothing never comes up it, my mouth just waters like crazy :wacko: And I love love love tuna fish but oh my gosh the pain is not worth it to me.

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I find I have to have flaked tuna now not the solid kind, that helps but I can't have bread either so I never what to put it on. Sometimes I can have wraps but sometimes not. Last time I went to Subway I had them put my sweet onion teriyaki chicken on a salad, it was $2 extra I think but it was great! Hubby is trying to eat healthy too so he is keen for the Subway and so am I now I know about the salads.

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