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Haven't been here in a while.......

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Couldn't handle the drama of the board, plus my dear sister in law died that same day all the crap went on, and I needed to disappear for a while. Had an awful lot of things to do for the funeral. Her husband couldn't handle it, so we had to. Plus, her son had just left for Kuwait that morning and didn't get back to the states for a week. So I had my own drama at home and certainly didn't need to deal with it here.

We have begun another walking contest at work and since I won it last time (a few years back) I feel compelled to try and win again. We have pedometers to keep track of our steps. Yesterday was my best day so far and I walked 9 miles throughout the day. You'd think I would lose a lot of weight doing this, but even last time, I didn't. It goes on for 2 months and usually by the middle, I am up to 15 miles per day. Of course, I weigh about 40 pounds more this time than last, so I hope I can still win. Not to be negative or anything, but I kind of doubt it. Last time, I was in the lead each week the whole 2 months, but this time, I am 17th. There are 250 people walking and we are in teams of 4. So 17th isn't sooo bad, but I LIKE TO WIN!!! My legs and ankles don't seem to be cooperating too much though.

I am about an hour away from leaving for the airport to go back to the OCC for my second fill. Sure hope it works better this time around. Wish me luck!!!

See ya soon TRINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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We missed you Mona and are so glad you're back posting.

Sorry to hear about your sister-in-law's passing.

Wish you GOOD LUCK on your fill and your walking contest :) Walk some miles for me!!!

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So glad to see you back. I always liked reading what ya had to say. Tell us how your fill goes. I am sorry to hear about your sad news. I just learned the week after I got back from banding that my MOM has lung cancer. She has a biopsy this upcomimg wednesday. They would have done it sooner but they dropped the ball and forgot to tell her to stop taking her blood thinners. My MOM has been my MOM and DAD and best friend. This is awful to go thru. She never wanted to die of the C word. Her mother had a horrible cancer death and it scares her. So I understand and feel for your loss. I wish your family some peace. I hope all goes well at the OCC. Thanks for all your replies you have given me in the past. Dawn

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Welcome back, Trina

First of all, my most sincere condolences on the loss of your sister-in-law.

You walked 15 miles in one DAY? OMG, girl, you are a machine! What kind of job do you do?

You were missed.... enjoy your fill trip, and let us know how it was when you get home.

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Hi Mona! We have missed you around here. I hope you get a good fill this time!

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Glad you're back, we missed you!

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