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when do I stop eatting?

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I know this sounds stupid and I never thought I would be asking this question, but when do I stop eatting? I just started on solids the other day. I only eat enough to stop the hunger pains. I was trying to avoid pbing which I have not done. But last night I woke up with my tummy burning with hunger pains. I know burning does not seem like the right words, but it does. I do not know how much to eat or what full is suppose to feel like. I am even nervous of what things I eat. I just ate some oatmeal again for breakfast because I know that will not hurt. I only ate about 2/3 of a package. What does your full feel like. How will I know when to stop eatting so I do not PB or slime. Nobody goes into a meal saying I want to throw up today. I hate that feeling and I want to avoid it. Mean while I need to get my calorie intake up with the right kind of foods. Thanks for any replies. Dawn

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Your body will usually give you subtle signs before before you get to the point of PB'ing. They include hiccuping, backache, or a feeling of something sticking in your chest. They're different for everyone and you're going to have to learn what they are for you. Just eat slowly and chew thoroughly. While you should do what you can to avoid throwing up, thinking that you won't is probably unrealistic. It's just a part of life with the band, especially once you get some restriction since after a fill, the rules can change very quickly. Until you get your fill you're probably not going to have a problem.

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I feel a constant pressure which can vary to mild to severe right under my main incision site. I have felt that too many times so far so I am listening to what you are doing Dawn and want to stop BEFORE i feel that way. I do try to just take a few bites and then stop for a few minutes but I need to wait 10 minutes or so to allow my brain to catch up with my stomach. Don't starve yourself though and choose your calories carefully. My stomach does growl and my patients have gotten a good laugh at it at some of the worst/best times.

Kisses to ya sweetie and stay strong. Now you're really being tested to continue on this journey for yourself and all who love you. ;)

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I feel full and stop eating right away....lately I have developed a feeling of a lump in my throat and the nurse at my clinic said it's food waiting to go through the larger stomach, so try to stop eating before you feel the full feeling...yeh right!!

I feel full I stop...I am not even eating that much...still on creamy soups.

Listen to your body...and if it doesn't give you signals, set out reasonable portions (fist size) and try that. If you are still not satisfied...fill up on healthy food, veggies and fruit.

Good luck Cathy

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