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I get banded in three days!! EKKKK!!

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;) So you guys that have already been,, any advice? I think I have all my stuff together... I just can't wait to get there.. This time next week, I'll be banded and back home ;):D !! I am not scared at all,, just wished that my husband would chill out!! Oh well he loves me.. Thanks xo Lisa~
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;) So you guys that have already been,, any advice? I think I have all my stuff together... I just can't wait to get there.. This time next week, I'll be banded and back home ;):D !! I am not scared at all,, just wished that my husband would chill out!! Oh well he loves me.. Thanks xo Lisa~

just wanted wish you good luck i want to be banded to! havent yet i,m very scared tell me how your banding goes tell me what they do and if its scary i,m very weary of the surgery but i,ll do the banding becouse to lose the weight but i,m still scared good luck again ReallyShyGirl19 regards to you! B)

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Hi Lisa,

I just got banded on Tuesday. I was a bit nervous about it all, but it was just fine. They give you an ativan before surgery so that really helps relax you. And Dr. Ortiz came by and chatted a bit and completely put me at ease. (He's even more adorable in person).

Let's see what advice I can come up with...

- Definitely bring some gas-x strips

- Check out the arts and crafts market the day before or after - I thought it was much better than Revolucion ave.

- After surgery don't drink too much too fast - at the restaurant at the Lucerna they'll give you a big bowl of broth and a very large glass of apple juice - but I felt full and really uncomfortable after drinking that much

- I packed some juice boxes in my checked luggage which were nice to have after surgery

- remove any nailpolish from your fingernails before you go - toes are okay to be polished

- walk a lot after surgery to get that gas moving - my sister and I did laps around the block where the hotel is - so we wouldn't have to cross those crazy traffic circle streets!

- about the streets - the cars have to yield to you, so if you just start walking they'll stop and let you go - but it is a little stressful

That's all I can think of. I'm just 3 days out and feeling pretty darn good - just a little sore at the port site (hurts when I bend over and stuff, but not at all when I'm just standing or sitting) and a little uncomfortable inside (belly) but overall pretty good - and getting better each day.

Good luck! You'll do great!


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How excited are you Lisa? I know I was so happy as the days counted down. Thesuse gave a great list . I'll add my standard advice to her list.

1. Take bouillon cubes for convenience. The stuff at the hotel is $6 approx.

2. Have all your liquids in small 3 oz. or less containers and put them in 1 quart size ziplock bag. Have them easy to pull out of your bag if you are not checking luggage. Really no need to check luggage anyway as you should only take a very small amount of stuff you'll need for overnite. I used a wheeling backpack and it was overfilled. Could have taken less stuff.

3. Have birth certificate or passport easily accessible for the return trip across the border.

Anyone want to add to this list please do.

You'll be in great hands so just relax and enjoy. A relaxed patient is much easier to deal with than anxious ones. Also your body works better without extra adrenaline and stress hormones floating around the day of surgery.

Keep us posted and anymore questions just ask.

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