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Know what is really fun???

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Know what is really fun???? Not buying new clothes (in a smaller size of course, although this is a close second) Trying on old clothes and getting to wear them AGAIN!!! So thrilled that today I am wearing a size 12 skirt and size 10 jacket to work...Yay meeee. Still trying to remember why I bought the suit in 2 different sizes though, I think it had something to do with size availability.

Must admit though, they will fit better when another 5 lbs. are gone!

Hope your day is as happy as mine!


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Guest cedartown

My favorite shirt no longer fits because it's too big.I also had to retire a long time belt.

I knew i saved all my old (smaller)clothes for a reason.

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YAY!! That is a good feeling... Cant wait to get back in my "cute" "smaller" clothes again too! I am not shopping for ANY clothes until I cant fit into ANY of my old clothes anymore... Then I am going to have a garage sale and try to sale all my old clothes to go buy new ones!

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I have a favorite pair of Levi's that I can't wait to get back into.... hopefully by Fall!! :D

ALOT of my t-shirts are starting to fit me again [i'm a t-shirt and shorts- totally comfy kind of girl.] B)

It is an awesome feeling getting into a smaller size!! :yes:

Good for you Kimmie.... and shopping is sounding better to me all the time!

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I think this is one of the best parts of losing weight. I love clothes and also have a closet full, can't wait to go through them wear them a few times again as I go down and then GET rid of them once and for all and start all over with my new size!!

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Whew, you have no idea! I got back into a pair of khaki capris that I LOVE, but were starting to pinch a bit. Now they're loose on me! I wish I could have worn them for a little while again before they got to be too big, but I guess that's not something to complain about! I have a dress in my closet that I am DYING to wear. I think 20 more pounds less of me will make it happen!

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Way to go Kim!!! :D

My size 20's just fall to the ground and they used to be so tight! It is a miracle!

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Right before vacation I did a HUGE closet purge, I tried on everything is my closet and got rid of 5 trashbags of clothes that were too big or that I didn't like anymore. I was happy to find most of my tops fit and some old favorite pants I was able to squeeze back into!!

Oh happy day!

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It's funny I never knew how tight I wore my clothes!! It's just nice to fit into them without a big ole muffing top.

I always wore a hoodie to cover the muffin, but not now.

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I don't have any old small clothes, so I get to go out and buy brand new! What a thrill. I just cleaned my closet out and sold all of my old big clothes on Craigs List so I could buy some new stuff. I had a lot of really nice stuff, but I was willing to part with them since they are too baggy.

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